/ / Tips: How to Smoke Fish in a Smokehouse

Tips: how to smoke a fish in a smokehouse

Smoked foods are always welcome at the holiday andeveryday table. With the help of smoking, you can save the nutrients of the product, giving it a rich taste. Here are just products from the store is not always pleased with the level of quality. Much better to smoke fish in the smokehouse at home. For this there are many special recipes.

How to smoke a fish in a smokehouse
How to smoke a fish in a smokehouse

The first condition for quality results is good.smokehouse. Suitable stainless options designed to work on wood or coal. In such a smokehouse, it will be possible to cook not only fish, but also meat or chicken. So, how to smoke fish in a smokehouse? Choose fish for smoking. Well suited as a trout and sea bass. Before cooking, clean the fish from the viscera, cutting it from the gills to the tail. After cleaning, rinse it thoroughly and hold it a little in salted water to get rid of unpleasant odors. Sixty minutes before smoking, the fish should be placed in a pickle, which consists of two glasses of water, two tablespoons of salt and any fish seasoning to taste. For example, gourmets can use wine, pepper or even soy sauce. An hour later, remove the fish and dry it on a paper towel. To smoke, use pieces of oak, apple or alder and heat the device to 65 degrees. Only after that you can begin to smoke, putting the fish on the grill. Such a method, such as smoking fish in a smokehouse, involves processing at a low temperature for half an hour, after which the temperature should rise to one hundred degrees.

How to smoke fish in smokehouse
Medium-sized fish will be ready in an hour.This method can smoked any kind of fish. At the end of cooking it can be seasoned with garlic or lemon juice, however, the result will be excellent and without any additions.

Important rules for smoking

Smoke fish in smokehouse

Before cooking, you should understand in detail howsmoke fish in smokehouse. It is the understanding of the whole process that matters, and not just the knowledge of its stages. So, the smokehouse must be tightly closed. If air holes remain, food will simply boil over the smoke. In addition, the size of the device also affects how to smoke a fish in a smokehouse. Its depth should allow products to be located at a considerable distance from burning wood or coal. If the smokehouse has a small volume, the steam released by the fish will fill the entire smokehouse and the products will weld. It is not difficult to comply with such rules, it is enough just to cook carefully. The result of such efforts will certainly be justified, because home-smoked products compare favorably with the store ones and leave few people indifferent. In addition, they are much more beneficial for health, because they do not have any artificial preservatives, flavors or excessive amounts of salt and seasonings. Yes, and at the price of such a product will be much cheaper - store delicacies are always supplied with "biting" price tags, and for home cooking you need not so much. Those who are fond of fishing and fish themselves, and at all only need a smokehouse and a little sawdust.