/ / Juice of black chokeberry for the winter: recipe

Juice from Aronia mountain ash for winter: recipe

The ripening time of black chokeberry fruit orAronia (the name of this plant sounds differently) comes at the end of September-October. It is with the first frosts that the greatest amount of useful medicinal substances is concentrated in black berries. Fruits of chokeberry have a pleasant sweet-sour, slightly tart taste. They make fragrant jam, beautiful compote and delicious ruby-colored juice. All this can be prepared for the future for the winter. Recipes for making chokeberry juice are presented in our article. But first, let's focus on the beneficial properties of black berries for the body.

The benefits of juice

black chokeberry juice for the winter

The substances contained in chokeberry berries have the following positive effects on the human body:

  • they slow down the aging process due to a large number of flavonoids, in particular, rutin, which is 2 times more in black chokeberry than on currants;
  • normalizes the intestinal function, enhancing its peristalsis due to the high content of natural pectin;
  • lower blood pressure in hypertension;
  • contribute to the strengthening of immunity and protect the body from colds during a surge of seasonal diseases;
  • stabilize thyroid function due to the high content of iodine;
  • contribute to the elimination of heavy metals from the body;
  • are effective prevention of atherosclerosis.

Below are recipes of black chokeberry juice for the winter. It is in this form that it is possible to preserve most of the beneficial vitamins and regularly replenish their daily intake.

Juice from black chokeberry juicer for winter

This method of obtaining a healthy drink is most preferable from the point of view of saving free time and effort. For cooking juice from chokeberry for the winter is desirable to use a screw juicer, after which there is at least a meal.

juice of black chokeberry juicer for the winter

To begin with, all berries should be well washed andclear of twigs and leaflets. After this chokeberry can be gradually loaded into the juicer. Sugar is added to the resulting juice (based on 1 liter of liquid 100 g of sand). The sweet drink is poured into cans, covered with lids and sent to the pan for sterilization for 20 minutes. The finished juice is rolled with the can key, turned over and wrapped until morning. Store it at room temperature.

Rowan juice with your own hands

Far from all the housewives have in the house.juicer. In this case, a sieve will help you to get juice from the berries of mountain ash. But first you need to achieve a softening of the fruit. To do this, clean and dried berries on a towel in a saucepan are poured with sugar (at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). After 3-4 hours, juice will begin to stand out from the rowan. The berries themselves will become softer. Now they need to shift into a sieve and carefully grind. The resulting liquid is poured into the banks.

black chokeberry juice for the winter recipes

Juice from black chokeberry for the winter must be sterilized. To do this, banks with a healing drink are set in a pot of boiling water and heated for 15 minutes.

Rowan juice with citric acid and cherry leaf

Since far from all people have in the housejuicer or other devices for obtaining natural juice, we can offer you an interesting way to make it with the help of available tools. More precisely, no tools are needed. The recipe involved only clean glass jars with lids, water, berries, sugar, citric acid and cherry leaves.

Juice from black chokeberry for the winter is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Pure aronia berries (1 kg) and 15 cherry leaves are put in a saucepan. On top of the ingredients are poured water (2 liters).
  2. After boiling water compote boils for another 2 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat. The prepared broth is infused at room temperature under a lid for 2 days.
  3. After a specified time, the liquid must be poured into another pan. 300 g of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid, 15 cherry leaves are added to it.
  4. The juice is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, then poured into cans, rolled up with canned key and wrapped.

How to get juice from mountain ash with the help of a juice cooker?

With this method you can getthe most natural juice. To prepare it, you need to fold the clean berries into a colander of a juicer and place it on the structure. The cooking pot itself is placed on the fire, which, after the appearance of condensate on the lid, must be reduced. The juice tap should be opened approximately 1 hour after installing the juicer on the stove. The taste of the drink should be rich and as natural as possible.

chokeberry juice cooking recipes for winter

Juice of black chokeberry for the winter can be collected immediately in banks, and then just roll them up with lids. Sugar is added at will.

Compote from chokeberry with apples

The fruit of chokeberry turns out not only usefuljuice, but also a delicious compote. It can be prepared both from one rowan tree, and with addition of other fruit, for example, plums or apples. This option of harvesting chokeberry for the winter (and juice, and compote) allows you to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins in the cold season. It is recommended to use it daily.

black ash fruit billet for the winter juice

The sequence of cooking compote from chokeberry with apples:

  1. Ripe berries (1.5 tbsp.) Must be thoroughly washed and drained in a colander to glass the water.
  2. Four sour-sweet apples should be cut into 8 pieces, remove the core with the seeds.
  3. At the bottom of a three-liter jar, first put black chokeberry berries, then apples and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid and leave on the table for 20 minutes.
  5. In a separate saucepan pour 2 cups of sugar.
  6. With the help of a special lid with holes, pour the infusion from the jar into the pan with sugar, boil the berries and apples again and pour over them.
  7. Roll up the can with the can key, turn over and wrap for 8 hours.

Chokeberry in its own juice for the winter

Tasty delicacy cooked for thisrecipe, can be called and juice, and jam at the same time. Whole berries can be used to decorate desserts and homemade cakes. And if you pour black chokeberry in its own juice with water, you get a delicious compote.

chokeberry in its own juice for the winter

For the preparation of the preparation of berries (2 kg)it is necessary to wash, sort out from twigs and leaves and dry on a towel. Then rowan is shifted to the pan. At this time, sugar (2 kg) is poured into another dish and a glass of water is poured. The mass is brought to a boil, and then cooked for a few more minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. The berries in the pot are poured with syrup, the juice of half a lemon is added. Chokeberry is cooked for 5 minutes, after which it is laid out in cans and closed with lids.

Useful recommendations

The following tips on juicing will help you get all the benefits of chokeberry berries:

  1. The maximum of vitamins is contained only in ripefruits of chokeberry. To make sure that it is time to harvest, you need to slightly squeeze the berry with your fingers. If dark ruby ​​juice starts to stand out from it, then you can pick fruits off the branches.
  2. From remaining after making juice with lemonacid and cherry leaf berries can be cooked tasty jam. To do this, simply pass the soft fruit through a meat grinder and add sugar to them to taste. Boiled for 5 minutes, the jam is laid out on the banks.
  3. A similar delicacy can be made from black chokeberry, left after the compote with apples. Even in boiled berries, many vitamins are stored, so they cannot be thrown away under any circumstances.