/ / Cognac "Caspian" - good alcohol from Dagestan

Cognac "Caspian" - good alcohol from Dagestan

Cognac "Caspian" has long been loved by the people of Russia.Due to the fact that it is produced here, the price for it is very reasonable and affordable for everyone. And it is made from domestic products, unlike many other brandies, for which raw materials are brought from France.


The noble drink "Caspian" is KVVK cognac, i.e. it is seasoned and has the highest quality. It has been produced at the Derbent Brandy Factory for many decades in a row.

Conflict of interest

A big scandal at one time touched this brand.cognac. "Caspian" was produced by two factories - "Dagestan" and "Derbent". And everything would be fine, but a competitor decided to break the existing technology, to make the noble drink cheaper. Always for the production of high-quality alcohol used grapes grown in the mountains of the Caucasus. And then the unfortunate company decided to use French brandy spirits in production.

brandy KVVK

Of course, nobody was poisoned by the new "Caspian Sea", butthe taste has become different. And in Dagestan there are a lot of own vineyards, therefore there is simply no urgent need to use raw materials from abroad. The scandal reached the Ministry of Agriculture and Rospatent. The result was a solution:

  1. Only the Derbent factory should produce the Caspian cognac.
  2. In the production of need to use only local raw materials.

And today, this noble drink pleases with its invariable taste of all connoisseurs of Russian alcoholic beverages.

Cognac "Caspian" - a favorite drink of women

There is an opinion that brandy is a drinkexclusively for men. It is he who combines with tobacco and contributes to a peaceful rest and a heart-to-heart conversation. Of course it is. But women also love brandy. Especially if it is "Caspian". One of the long-livers of the Caucasus even discovered her secret of longevity - the absence of worries and a glass of brandy daily.


Quality strong drink (namely, suchis brandy KVVK) is able to beneficially act on the body. Of course, if you drink it in moderate dosages. Doctors say: if you use "Caspian" in the amount of one glass every day, then the following happens:

  • reduces the risk of ischemia of the heart, as well as diseases such as atherosclerosis;
  • immunity improves;
  • the risk of laryngitis and pharyngitis is reduced.

The main thing that brandy was aged in oakbarrels for at least 8 years. It is precisely trace impurities that appear in alcohol during this process and have healing properties. For all these qualities, Caspian is valued among women.

Cognac "Caspian" (KVVK): features of flavor and taste

The main feature of the Caspian is its unique taste. It is very soft with chocolate and vanilla undertones. The aftertaste of this alcoholic beverage can be called enchanting.

Attractive and color brandy. He is not dark. On the contrary, it has a golden amber shade.

Everyone who tastes this noble drinkthey assure that there is no need to wait for any consequences. In the morning there is no headache, no nausea, no matter how much brandy is drunk. At the same time, it is possible to enjoy the Caspian Sea not only in its pure form (although this is how the whole bouquet of flavors is revealed most fully), but also with ice.


The cost of cognac "Caspian" is very democratic.First of all, because it is made in Russia. However, this does not detract from its quality. For the production of this drink is used the famous grape "Rkatsiteli".

Today Derbent Brandy Factory produces several variants of Caspian brandy:

  • 0.25 liters with a strength of 40%, the cost of such a bottle is approximately 500-600 rubles;
  • 0.7 l with a strength of 40% and a price of about 1100-1500 rubles;
  • 0.5 l with a strength of 40% is the most popular and popular among consumers, the Caspian cognac, its price on average does not exceed 1000 rubles.

The total cost of a bottle of Caspian cognac depends not only on the volume, but also on the extract.

Caspian brandy KVVK

Горы Кавказа, непревзойдённый климат Дербента и The proximity of the Caspian Sea allows you to grow fragrant grapes. This was used by the locals, starting to produce both wine and brandy. The founder of large-scale winemaking in these regions is Peter I. He also appreciated the first alcoholic beverages produced here. And in the 70s of the 20th century, the “Caspiy” brandy began to be produced at the Derbent factory, which is still very popular. It is highly appreciated not only by Russians, but also by lovers of strong alcohol abroad.