/ / Dishes from mutton: recipes of different people

Dishes from mutton: recipes of different peoples

Lamb is very spicy meat.Unfortunately, in our country lamb dishes, recipes of which are very popular in the East, do not enjoy special recognition. Many refer to the rigidity of meat, its "soapy" taste in a cooled form. This is indeed the case, but only when the meat is cooked incorrectly, or for this, an old ram was taken.

Young lamb - tender, delicious, fragrant, a real gift for gourmets. To prepare dishes from mutton, recipes, especially some, are required to be observed scrupulously.

For example, not all home cooks UzbekPilaf is obtained from the first time. But with a certain skill and training, you can prepare a real masterpiece. However, this opinion applies to all dishes from mutton, recipes of which the owner will decide to master.

Cooking pilaf is best at the stake, in a thick-walled cauldron. Many townspeople, especially in the South of the country, replaced the traditional Uzbek shish kebab with Uzbek pilaf during trips to nature.

For such pilaf it is necessary to take:

  • 2 kg of lamb, boneless
  • 2 kg of rice. It is best to take a long-grained, which does not boil during long-term fretting
  • The same amount of fresh carrots
  • 10 large onion heads
  • The same amount of garlic
  • 4 sharp, you can already dried, pepper
  • Ground thistle - to taste, but not less than a couple of large spoons
  • Barberry and coriander in equal proportions, slightly less than ziri
  • Salt
  • Oil (best of all - cottonseed)

Preparation of pilaf begins with the preparation of ingredients.

First, repeatedly, until the water is completely transparent, rice is washed. Do this long and carefully, otherwise the taste will become "clouded".

After that, cut the vegetables. Carrots - not very thin straws, onion - semirings.

With garlic, remove the uppermost, coarse husk, but leave the heads whole.

A large cauldron is set on a fire, stronglythey heat oil in it. It throws a large unpeeled bulb, bring it to full blackness: it will give future plov a beautiful color, a piquant taste. To prepare dishes from mutton, the recipes of which came, mostly from the countries of the East, this method is used often.

When a black bulb is extracted from the oil,place the rest of the onion, cut into half rings. It will take about 15 minutes to become dark golden, and it was possible to add lamb cut into large cubes. It must be fried until a dense golden crust appears, and then put the shredded (also not very finely) carrots into the cauldron. Mix the contents of the cauldron can only be minutes after 5, and then let the meat and vegetables be extinguished for 15 minutes, constantly mixing.

It's time to pour boiling water.It should be steep, cover the contents by about 1 cm. At the same time, well-ground barberry, zir, pepper, coriander are added to the cauldron. Reduce the heat, stew for about an hour. At the end of this time, finally pour out the washed rice once more into the cauldron, pour it on 3 cm with steep boiling water. As soon as he absorbs water, garlic is pressed into the rice, intensifies the fire, left for an hour, without stirring. Check the readiness of the dish can be as follows: tap a noise on the surface of rice. If the sound is deaf, in the pilaf you need to make punctures with the skewers, reduce the fire, leave the pilaf for another half an hour.

You can cook the same delicious pilaf on a regular stove or in the oven: you only need to take less food, and leave the procedure to be the same.

The most popular first mutton dishes,Recipes that are popular with us (for example, shulum), are also prepared with a lot of spices and herbs. Despite the fact that shulum is an ordinary strong broth, it is possible to add the same spices that were used for pilaf.

It is recommended to eat second courses of lamb hot: cooled lamb is oily, sticky, loses half of its taste.