/ / Egyptian yellow tea: unique properties

Egyptian Yellow Tea: Unique Properties

Egyptian yellow tea (helba, shambala, fenugreek)not yet as popular as other types of this drink. It is made from the seeds of a Shambala plant. From the flowers of this plant develop beans with seeds. The recipes for making yellow tea were already described in ancient Egyptian scrolls. The healing properties of seeds were used in their practice by Hippocrates himself.

Egyptian yellow tea
In Egypt, Helba is used not only fortea preparation, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. In general, the Helba is not tea, since it has nothing to do with tea bushes. But historically, the decoction of these seeds is called tea. By the way, there is also Chinese yellow tea, which has nothing to do with Egyptian.

Egyptian yellow tea: properties

Regular consumption of this drink in moderate amounts helps to stabilize the bowels, restore its microflora. It is useful for the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen.

egyptian yellow tea helba
The seeds contain vitamins B, A, D, E,minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sulfur. Its components make the muscles more elastic. In general, it helps strengthen the immune system and gives vigor. Therefore, Egyptian yellow tea is recommended to drink with a breakdown and during bouts of weakness. It helps with bronchitis and colds, because it has expectorant properties that are superior to any drugs. It is also a great way to quench your thirst. The seedlings clean and disinfect the kidneys, liver and blood. After scientific research by the European Phytotherapy Research Society, seeds were included in the list of drugs for treating diabetes and reducing cholesterol.


Experts evaluate the taste of this tea differently, but agree that it is unique. The smell reminds some of them vanilla, others nutmeg, ginger third, and spicy cheese to someone.

How to brew Egyptian yellow tea?

The famous method of welding "in Russian" for Helbanot like that. This tea needs to be cooked properly. Solid seeds with simple boiling water will not give up their color, taste and aroma. Therefore, they must be cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes. When cooking, the seeds begin to spin and gradually open, giving the water its aroma and color. Depending on what kind of tea you want to get, the number of seeds is taken. On average, a cup of drink requires 1-1.5 spoons.

egyptian yellow tea properties
Also, Egyptian yellow tea can be brewed andanother way. Two teaspoons of seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 7-8 minutes. The readiness of tea is indicated by a characteristic yellow color. This method of preparation is simpler, but the taste will be inferior to the brewed beverage. You can add honey, cinnamon, lemon or ginger to tea. Many people like to brew Egyptian yellow tea not with water, but with milk.


The main disadvantage of the drink is that after using it, the sweat gets a wormwood smell. But this is a temporary effect that passes quickly. In a pinch, you can always take a shower.