/ / Egyptian god Anubis - the lord of the dead

Egyptian god Anubis - the lord of the dead

Для жителя Древнего Египта имело огромное meaning, exactly how it will exist in the realm of the dead. There he was preparing a place appropriate to his position. The righteous Osiris endowed with special privileges. And to decide where to lead the poor deceased resident of the ancient country, was the Egyptian god Anubis. In his power was to lead the soul of the deceased dear righteous, or to lower it to the lower kingdoms, where she would eternally be tormented.

Egyptian god anubis

Egyptian god Anubis: view and totems

It was portrayed as a jackal.Sometimes he had a human body, only the head was left of the animal. His power was enormous. All the living tried to please Anubis to get a better place in the afterlife. In this case, the Egyptians could not be in doubt that life does not end with the death of a person. No! It is just beginning. In the realm of the dead, where the Egyptian god Anubis was in charge, the most important things happened. It was there that every inhabitant of the ancient country aspired, considering the earthly existence only as a gateway to the main life! Jackals, as well as dogs, were sacred animals associated with this deity. They could not be offended under the fear of remaining at the gates of the kingdom of the dead, having not received the desired rest in that other life.

Egyptian god Anubis photo
Egyptian god Anubis: functions

Not everything is so simple in the ancient kingdom.The roles of the gods changed over time. The Egyptian god Anubis (photographs of the pictures in the article) for almost the entire period of the existence of civilization, as the Egyptians presented, led the Duat, the kingdom of the dead. Only in a later period was his power transferred to Osiris. But even at this time Anubis did not lose influence in the other world. He first himself judged the souls of the dead, determining their place in the Duat. Then he began to help Isis and Osiris in this activity. But in any case, the power of Anubis was very great. His servants performed funeral rites, were distributors of places in the necropolis. Everything related to the funeral was in their power.

Mummies and Anubis

One of the main functions of the deity was the protectionthe bodies of the dead. In the Egyptian civilization, mummies were treated very carefully. A terrible grief could comprehend those who dared to disturb the sleep of the dead. Anubis was depicted in the pyramids and necropolises in order to protect the peace of the departed. Alive pictures of the Egyptian god Anubis should have been reminded of the prohibition of interference in the realm of the dead. Disobedient waited terrible punishment. It is not always physical. The fact is that the beliefs of ancient people were much deeper than modern ones. They could just die of fear. But the servants of Anubis were not asleep, but rather holy guarded the sanctuaries of their lord.

Mysteries of the Pyramids

pictures of the egyptian god anubis

At the time when the first excavations inEgypt and scientists became interested in the ancient heritage, there were many mysterious cases. So, some of the researchers of the pyramid of Cheops died in a mysterious way. It is believed that Anubis punished them for daring to enter his domain. The ancient servants of the deity had many secrets that are still not unraveled by science. Therefore, it is now believed that Anubis was powerful and vindictive, cunning and wise. His strength does not weaken with the ages. His servants had long fallen asleep in his kingdom, and the living may suffer from the revenge of God even today.