/ / Cherry tomatoes: calories, benefits, popular dishes

Cherry tomatoes: calorie, benefits, popular dishes

Today, these little tomatoes won,perhaps the hearts of all lovers of tomatoes. Due to their attractive appearance and wonderful taste, many housewives choose cherry tomatoes when buying vegetables. Their caloric value, which is much lower than that of ordinary tomatoes, is another big plus of this species. What else distinguishes their bright clusters from other varieties of tomatoes?

cherry tomatoes calorie

The benefits of vegetables

You should not think that the main featurewhich distinguishes cherry tomatoes from others - the calorie content of the product. Despite this, they contain a huge amount of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, minerals. Therefore, mini-tomatoes are recommended for inclusion in the menu as with dietary, and as a product that is useful for the normal functioning of the whole organism. In addition, many scientists claim that the substance lycopene contained in these vegetables, detrimental effect on cancer cells, preventing the formation of malignant tumors. Different varieties of cherry are completely unpredictable colors - from greenish and light yellow to pink and dark red, but in any case, do not forget that the fruits must be fully ripened. Unripe tomatoes largely lose to their brothers, who grew up on the beds as much as needed. The content of vitamins in these tomatoes is much less. Therefore, choosing the fruit when buying, pay special attention to the quality and level of ripeness of vegetables.

cherry tomatoes recipes

Cherry tomatoes. Calorie vegetable

Now, many are obsessed with all sorts ofwellness and strengthening diets. Therefore, most people who care about their balanced diet are interested in how energetically valuable cherry tomatoes are. The calorie content of these tomatoes is only 15 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. In comparison with simple tomatoes (20 Kcal) it is slightly lower. What makes this happen? With a small amount of vegetable, it is at the same time very juicy, and consists of ninety percent of water. Therefore, cherry has long been held in high esteem among lovers of weight loss diets.

How to grow homemade cherry tomatoes

С недавнего времени стало очень популярно growing cherry tomatoes Moreover, this culture can grow and bear fruit not only in the open field and greenhouses, but even on your balcony or windowsill, delighting you with your crop almost all year round. The main thing - take care of fertile soil, regular watering and timely feeding. Growing miniature tomatoes in your backyard, pay special attention to the fight against all sorts of pests and the garter of high-growing plants. In any case, the number of fruits collected is directly dependent on the careful care of the tomatoes. Homemade cherry preserved with success for the winter. How neat little fruits look attractive, for example, in jars of mixed vegetables! Or eat them fresh as part of your favorite dishes.

homemade cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes Recipes popular dishes

Due to the tiny size of cherry used indifferent dishes very often, not even cutting. These small tomatoes are especially popular for decoration or as a main ingredient in cooking vegetable salads, casseroles and pizza. Only from this type of vegetables they prepare dried tomatoes, which are considered to be French delicacies. Regardless of the technology and method of cooking, cherry is an amazing product with excellent taste characteristics!