Why see a wedding in a dream

The wedding, perhaps, is one of the most beautiful andsignificant events in life. Each girl dreams of a luxurious wedding dress and a bouquet of the bride. And if a young romantic person dreams a dream in which she marries, there is nothing strange about this. A dream only reflects her wishes, secret or not. Well, if Mendelssohn's march is long behind, or you do not plan to bind yourself by marriage in the foreseeable future, then such a dream may have other interpretations.

In order to find out what to see the wedding inwe will try to turn to different sources. Most dream interpreters believe that such a dream promises great changes in life, capable of radically changing the situation, and whether they will be pleasant or not depends on many circumstances.

So, take part in the celebration - forunmarried is really a good sign, this means that just around the corner and own a wedding. If the wedding is married, they should expect an early replenishment in the family. Merry wedding, if you are invited to it, promises a new acquaintance, perhaps even fateful. Wedding cortege to see - wait for good news. To dance on a cheerful wedding - soon to participate in a party. If you are present at the marriage of someone you know, perhaps he will soon turn to you for help. Dreamers are advised not to deny this person, since you may also need his services in the future.

However, most people who turn tospecialists, they ask: "What is the meaning of the dream, my wedding in which I saw myself?" The dream writers give different answers to this question. So, to be at the celebration as a bridegroom or bride - to great success, perhaps one of your current endeavors will be recognized. In addition, this means that soon you will make a difficult and important decision that will change your whole life, but the changes will be happy. To get married in a dream - to a new acquaintance and to joy.

If a woman dreams that she secretly leavesmarried, she is waiting for a lot of gossip. If she decides to get married, then her virtues will be appreciated. If the parents do not approve of the choice, then in life it is not worth waiting for support from relatives. Has a dream come true in which your lover marries another? You will experience unreasonable jealousy. And they say that to see a wedding in their own sleep is to wait for unpleasant news from relatives who are far away. But if the guests are happy and cheerful, then the news will be good. If you look at the dream book of Yuri Longo, what it means to see a wedding in a dream, it turns out that it shows the dreamer's desire to tie himself in the real life, even subconsciously. A married man owns a wedding to the fact that in a relationship with the other half you should expect changes.

But not all interpreters are so optimistic aboutinterpretation of such a dream. So, the modern dream book believes that to see a wedding in a dream - to trouble and strife, dream book Danilova predicts a very frank and unpleasant conversation with a close person who will touch on your intimate relations. Also own wedding, according to this dream book, testifies that relations with the second half have reached a deadlock, and one must prepare for parting. But the most tragic events predict the dreamer of the Ukrainian dream book. If you believe him, then the wedding dreams about funerals, marrying, including, for her own husband - to death. To walk on a cheerful wedding - to the deceased in the house.

Different from other interpretations gives Esotericdream book. He believes that a wedding in a dream is a harbinger of changes in public life. So, to see the celebration from afar - to the unpleasant events in the country, but they are not affected by the dreamer. If you take part in the ceremony, the changes will affect you.

It is worth remembering what really happened beforeit was considered to be a bad sign in a dream in a wedding dress. But now they prefer to see this as good. This dream is closely connected with the events in the life of the dreamer and, as practice shows, does not always prophesy sad events.