After the birth of a child, each mother is very strongfor him is going through, and her main desire is that the child has a sound sleep, was healthy and happy. Even if the baby is fast asleep, I want his dreams to be pleasant and cause only positive emotions. In the appeal of good dreams for the child, you can use various prayers.
Types of prayers for a good sleep in a child
What prayers will help the newbornthe baby slept well? It is worth noting that to date there are ten appeals to the Almighty, which are really considered to be the most effective for a quiet night for a baby. Under a good dream, it means that he will be strong, and dreams are colorful and kind.
Such prayers include:
- Prayer addressed to the seven holy Ephesian boys.
- Parents pray for the blessing of their children.
- A prayer addressed directly to the Angel of the Child's Guardian.
- Prayer for the upbringing of children.
- Mother's prayer aimed at blessing her child.
- Prayer for children.
- A prayer-petition for the healing of a child's illness.
- Classical Prayer "Our Father".
- Mother's prayer about her children.
- Prayer addressed to the Matron.
As a rule, young children are very susceptible tovarious noise, so even a dog bark in the yard can wake up the crumbs. To strengthen the sleep of children, you can read some of these prayers. In addition to the above, there is one prayer aimed directly at ensuring that the child sleeps better.
Prayer for the child to sleep better
There are many reasons whya small child can not fall asleep - noise, colic, teeth and other are being cut. Accordingly, if the child does not sleep, then the parents do not sleep, because it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the suffering of their own crumbs. Usually, if a baby has insomnia, he is immediately taken to the doctor, but there are situations when the doctor says that the child is absolutely healthy, just his sleep is hampered by some external factor. In this situation, the only salvation from insomnia for the child is prayer.
Prayer for the child to sleep better, reads as follows:
- "Jesus, Son of God, bless, sanctify, keep my child by the power of your life-giving Cross."
After pronouncing these words, you need to cross the child. It is worth noting that prayer becomes more effective if the child is already baptized.
Prayer for a good child's sleep Angel to the Guardian of a child
Some people believe that every personsince the birth there is an Angel Guardian. Therefore, if there are any problems with the child - illness, insomnia, it is best to seek help from the Guardian Angel. Some people associate this with the fact that God is one at all and simply unable to help everyone, but the Guardian Angel is responsible for only one person, so it is more likely that he will help.
Prayer to the Angel The guardian of the child, in order to sleep well, reads as follows:
- "Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the name of the baby is indicated), hide it with your shield from the demon arrows, from the sugary seducer, save his heart clean and bright. Amen".
The ideal option is if the child independently reads a prayer to the Guardian Angel.
Prayer for the child to sleep better, his Guardian angel from his own mouth should sound like this:
- "My protector, my Guardian Angel. Do not leave me in difficult moments, save me from evil and envious people. Hide me from hating people. Save me from the evil eye and spoilage. Have mercy on me. Amen".
According to church officials, a prayer that sounds from the mouth of a child will have more power than it is from the mouth of the mother of the baby to the Angel of the Guardian.
Prayer for the child to sleep well at night, Matrona
According to the opinion of a large number of priests,if you have any problems with the health of the child (including the appearance of insomnia), you should immediately pray to St. Matrona. It is she who is considered to be a helper for a large number of questions. To enhance the effect of prayer, it is recommended to buy at least a small icon with the face of this Saint. And to protect your child from a bad eye, it is recommended to sew a piece of incense in his clothes, which will need to be changed periodically.
If the mother begins to observe the child's problems with sleep, then you need to turn to the Holy Matrona with the following words:
- "Holy Matrona!I ask you, I conjure with all the maternal love, ask the Lord to give health to his slave (the name of the child is indicated). I ask you, Holy Matrona, do not be angry with me, but help me. Ask the Lord to give my child (the name of the child is indicated) strong health. Relieved of various ailments both in the body and in the soul. Take all kinds of diseases from his body. I ask, forgive me for all my sins as they were created according to my will, so they were not created according to my will. Say a prayer to the Lord about the health of my child (the name of the child is indicated). Only you, Holy Matron, can save my child from suffering. I'm hoping for you. Amen".
Prayer for the improvement of children's sleep, addressed to the seven holy Ephesian youths
Another effective prayer is for the child to sleep better, addressed to the seven holy Ephesian youths.
The words of prayer, as a rule, are pronounced by the mother, and sound as follows:
- "Oh, holy Ephesian children, praise to you and allThe Universe! Look from the heights of heaven to us, people who persistently honor your memory, and especially look at our children. Save them from disease, heal their bodies and souls. Keep their souls clean. We worship your holy icon, and we also sincerely love the Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".
Prayer for a quiet child's sleep, addressed to the Theotokos and the Lord God
When a child has a knocked down schedule, andit is he who sleeps in the daytime, and not at night, then it is necessary to do something. To go to doctors is expensive, and they are unlikely to help in this situation. The best option is to cope on their own. Help in this case, the prayer for the night before the Mother of God and the Lord God. Prayer sounds like this:
- "Lord God, show your mercy on the childmy (name), save the child under his banner, hide from various temptations, drive away various enemies from him, close their evil eyes and ears, give them humility and kindness. Lord, we are all your creatures, please, save my child (the name is indicated), make him repent if there are sins with him. Save my child, Lord, let him understand his word, guide him to the right path. Thank you, Lord. "
This prayer for a child's sleep helps not only to cope with the problem of insomnia in him, but also aims to save the purity of the child's soul in adulthood.
Prayer Reading for Improving Children's Sleep
Prayer for the night the child must beread from memory, if you do not know the words, address to the saints or to the Lord, then you can not wait for them from the ambulance (fast help comes only to sincere believers). During the pronunciation of the treatment you need to be in a calm emotional state and you need to constantly think about what you want to get. If, at the time of the pronunciation of the prayer, a person does not really believe in the result, then it is better to postpone her utterance at a later time.
Required for assistance in improvingchildren's dreams you need to ask for forgiveness for all your sins. This is due to the fact that between the mother and child stretches a thin thread, and therefore all the sins of the parent are reflected on the baby. If, when praying, the mother of a child sincerely repents of all her sins and mistakes, then the petition will necessarily respond.
Prayer for the night before going to sleep should be pronounced in a whisper and in the ear of the child. Such words can save a child from negatively colored dreams.
Reading a prayer, devised alone
It is important to note that when you address the Lord orother saints are not words, but sincerity. Prayer for sleeping a child can sound in your own words, most importantly, with faith and with all your heart. It is not necessary to be pretentious words, it is enough to state the request, repent of your own sins and thank the Lord that he listened to you.