/ / Arthur: the name of what means in different periods of life

Arthur: the name that means in different periods of life

Everyone in life comes that unforgettable moment - the expectation of a child. And each parent begins to think: “And what name should I give to my beautiful child?”

arthur name which means

After all, every name is beautiful in its own way.It also carries with it an ancient meaning, which may in one way or another influence the fate of a baby. One of the most beautiful is the name of Arthur, in translation - "bear" or "powerful man." But what does the name Arthur mean? Its origin is Celtic, and from Latin it is translated as “power, strength”. The beginning of this name comes from the well-known King Arthur, who led the British resistance.

Character and fate

Characteristic name Arthur is very diverse.In childhood, very obedient and balanced children. But in school, character can change a lot. Boys become very hot-tempered and can withdraw into themselves. Most often, his character and appearance, he is very similar to the mother.

what does the name arthur mean
Arthur has a special feature - he relieves himself of unnecessary trouble, shifting these matters to others. He has a lot of friends, but not very close ones.

Arthur: What does the name mean for those born at different times of the year?

If a child is born in the summer, he is usually quiteclosed in himself, not very talkative, very vulnerable. Born in winter, Arthur, on the contrary, is very emotional. Enthusiastic, read a lot, quite stubborn and stubborn. The one who was born in the fall is calculating. Also very vulnerable and spoiled, prone to count everything in advance. Arthurs, born in the spring, often get sick. Their weak point is their throats and lungs.

Arthur: What does the name mean in adulthood?

Strives for a calm and prosperous life.These men need to try hard to achieve success. His stubborn nature can turn many people against himself in his environment. All their failures take to heart. The strong-willed person, but this feature is shown in extreme situations.

Arthur: What does the name mean when choosing a profession?

Профессию выбирает такую, чтобы не быть в submission, but not to lead. He does not want to take on extra responsibility. It can make a good doctor, administrator, trade worker. Thanks to her reverie, she can find her way in literature or painting, as well as architecture and even crafts. He is extremely talented, and, as they say, in everything.

arthur name characteristic

Arthur: What does family name mean?

Артур довольно долго ищет свою единственную, so marry late. But, having found her darling, she will warm her with her care, protecting her from various misfortunes. This man can be fully trusted. Very demanding, will not go to bed with anyone. The deeper his feelings, the more frank he is in sex. Arthur is quite difficult to understand. On the one hand, he is lustful and perverted, on the other - he knows deep feelings and passion. In general - a good father and husband, but he will never help his spouse with the housework, since considers it not a man's occupation. You can never predict his reaction. Prefers to conduct intellectual conversations. You can win his respect with your knowledge in art or your own point of view on political issues. If it happens that the conversation turns into a conflict, it is better to translate everything into a joke.