/ / Lessons of practical astrology. Woman Aries, male Pisces: compatibility, love and marriage

Lessons of practical astrology. Woman Aries, male Pisces: compatibility, love and marriage

Aries and Pisces are quite different signs. And although philosophers argue that opposites are attracted, in astrology this law does not always work. This is exactly how our couple does.

A few words about Aries-Ladies and Pisces-Cavaliers

woman-Aries male-fishes compatibility
In the tandem "woman Aries is a man of Pisces"compatibility - a very delicate issue. The ladies of this sign are assertive, self-sufficient, energetic and impatient. Like other fire signs, they are emotional and often resemble a tornado: in the epicenter of their zone of location everything is boiling, spinning, acting. These women are led by ambition, their own dignity, the desire for material prosperity. Sometimes, walking on the occasion of passions, they are able to get carried away, to rush into the abyss of a love whirlpool, but also emerge from it quite quickly, remembering that pleasure is a flame that can not only warm up, but also burn to ashes.

Therefore, if it is possible in a pair of "woman Aries -man Pisces "compatibility, then for a short time - exactly until the first" sobering "partner. After all, only the macho can conquer and keep beside themselves wayward charmers - no less active, impetuous, defiant and active. Pisces, although they are natures subtle, but too pampered, refined for such a role. They are aesthetes contemplating life from outside and not very eager to take part in it directly. While the lady will disappear at work, building a career, earning bread and butter with caviar to him, they will gladly eat the cooked sandwiches, building air locks. But to jump up from the couch and roll up your sleeves - no, only for the most urgent need! Naturally, this alignment is not the best for a family where a woman is Aries, a Pisces man. Compatibility between them is almost impossible, love will disappear before they even figure it out themselves.

girl-Aries man-fishes
A few words about marriage

Remember the proverb about the hammer and the anvil?It is quite applicable to this union. Vital in the world of philosophical searches and romantic dreams, the representative of the sea element can reach out to a bright, extraordinary, spectacular woman-fire. But this heat will burn him. Alas, yes: in the family "woman Aries - a man of Pisces" compatibility is not always possible, they can hardly keep their love and carry through the years.

By his vigorous activity and vital energy,business activity of the woman of the fire sign will, as they say, destroy the Pisces husbands, like the very hammers. Dreamers-Oblomov will have to harness the routine of domestic affairs - and carry them out, and quickly and efficiently! Go down from the clouds to the perishable earth - and go shopping, wash the floor or glue the wallpaper. And still work - and bring money! Spending them on general needs, and not on the sweetheart "trifles", which, sometimes, are quite expensive.

By the way, money, their distribution - one moreA moment that seriously compromises the compatibility of Aries and Pisces. The latter love them, more precisely, comfort and convenience, which you can buy them. But here's to earn ... And share, infringing yourself ... It's difficult for fish, we say right away. They feel sadness and bitterness - for freedom, unfulfilled expectations. They begin to linger at work - but not from official zeal, but not to catch sight of their half, not to listen to her next notations or grandiose plans for settling life. Both the first and second cause allergies. When one day, after a violent quarrel, a couple will sit quietly and discuss the situation, the couple "Aries - a man of the Fish" will cease to exist as a family. They can keep friendly feelings, friendly relations - and only.

compatibility of Aries and Pisces
А кто может составить счастье представителям этих signs of the zodiac? Female Aries will find a worthy partner among the ambitious, and male Fishes - a partner among the fair sex, soft, gentle, hardworking and selfless.