/ / Should I believe in bad signs?

Is it worth to believe in bad signs?

Bad signs began to appear hundreds of years ago,when people began to associate certain actions with the further misfortune that had happened to them. This was explained by the influence of dark otherworldly forces, which, as forces, seek to destroy human lives. But is it really so?

Common signs

To return is a bad omen!Surely you've heard this from your grandmother or mom. If you had to return home after the passed way to pick up a thing forgotten in a hurry, then the parents gave the order to look in the mirror or sit for a while on a chair.

bad omens
In this way, you can deceive the dark forces,who were determined to destroy your future path. This will take several hundred years, but still there is no confirmation. Even more terrible is a black cat that crossed the road. However, as interpreted in modern times, this only indicates that the animal is running about its business or is hastily trying to pass a busy road. Black always scared people. He spoke of misfortune and evil. For this reason, no one wanted to start an animal with this color. But on the other hand, the cat is the embodiment of kindness. She protects the dwelling from the dark forces and protects the tranquility of the hosts (by the same signs). Therefore, it can not be said that a cat brings misfortune, even if it is someone else's.

Believe it or not?

to return a bad omen
Believe in bad signs or not, it's up to you.Just consider one important detail: the inner mood is capable of much. For example, you sprinkled salt in the kitchen in the morning, and the sign says a quarrel for this reason. You start to wind up yourself, get upset, get irritated. As a result, you break on a close person, which leads to a quarrel. On the other hand, in a hurry, you can not even see the fallen salt shaker and spend the whole day in peace. This indicates that you have inspired yourself the approaching misfortune and are waiting for it, ready for it. In the future, any trouble you will take for the action of the dark forces that caused you to spill the salt.

What is the best way to proceed?

If you met a woman with an empty bucket, do not scream to go home.

Bad sign
Say hello to the fellow traveler and smile at her, shewill reciprocate you. You will see how pleasant this is, and a bad omen will not seem so terrible. Spilled the salt? Think about the fact that you are in too much of a hurry, you need to slow down, so that nothing falls from your hands. A black cat just stroke or give her a piece of bread, breaking all the stereotypes.

Bad omens - a reason to laugh?

And why do not you translate it all into a joke?For example, a cat has crossed your path. Think about the positive: it was without an empty bucket, and you are not at night at the crossroads of the cemetery. Laugh at yourself, tell your friends about it. Optimism in life will never be superfluous, and then bad signs will bring you not experiences, but positive emotions. After all, stress in our lives is enough to pay attention to such trifles. And you will understand right away that it is so much easier and easier, but let the belief in signs remain with the grandmothers, who can not be persuaded otherwise.