This, apparently, has already been postponed in the subconscious of whole generations: if the nose itches, the signs signal either about a fast feast with a drink, or about the unsuccessful start of a business.
And often it happens: unexpectedly, the reason to celebrate something is celebrated, or, on the contrary, a person is refused a request, money, something else ...
And what kind of a bad omen is this, aimed at alcohol and disappointment? Is there no other, more pleasant interpretation?
The nose knows everything
It turns out that the two above-mentioned signs simplywere in the top, because they are more often sold than others, and the tip of the nose is scratched more often than other zones and the place directly under the olfactory organ. The rest of modern man just stopped paying attention.
And absolutely in vain.The sensitive body "knows" everything: to whom and when news will come, and even their superficial content (good or bad news). In this case, the nostrils will be itching the day before: the right one to positive news, the left one to negative ones.
The back of the nose itches to profit, its wings to wealth or poverty, depending on which side it has combed.
В былые времена для незамужних барышень было it is important, as well as where the nose itches - signs pointed to the condemned. The itch to the left of the girls was extremely frustrating, and they did not hurry to stop him, because they knew that this was for the drunkard husband and the player.
It was combed on the right - a good sign. The sign promised the young lady to be so dazzling at the next ball that her future husband will not pass by her: rich, decent and low-drinking.
Is it growing?
And if the child has the itch of the nose,The same? To drink to him, or what? In this case, resourceful grandmothers, still those, by the way, experts on signs, had a pretty decent answer: it itches - it means it is growing.
And, surprisingly, with this interpretation completelyotolaryngologists agree: the nose and ears grow in a person throughout life. But they are itching for this or for some other reason - it has not been definitely proven by science.
Liar, liar, a hundred times liar!
And how diverse are people's signs!The nose itches, foreshadowing its owner anything: a meeting of classmates, to lead from afar, successful or unsuccessful marriage (marriage) - and do not go to the fortune-teller. Go better to a psychologist.
And his first question will be:“How prone are you to lie?” After all, according to the basic principles of non-verbalism (the science that studies facial expressions and gestures), a person who constantly touches his nose, thus tries to hide something or to pass off a lie.
Most psychologists are that itchy nose,he sees no signs, except perhaps the uncomfortable state, a tendency to exaggerate the facts of the patient. Yes, they themselves are able to embellish and exaggerate - such a profession. No wonder that representatives of other areas of medicine are in no hurry to accept psychologists in the circle of "real doctors."
Are you allergic?
If the nose is itchy, the signs have all come true, or, alternatively, they are not even going to come true, then it's time to stop believing in them and go to the clinic.
Возможно, зуд внутри или снаружи носа indicates a skin disease, allergies, infections, which at first manifest themselves to be slightly scratched, and subsequently grow in the nose so that it is difficult to breathe.
With this not joking. Official medicine has a whole list of causes that contribute to the constant itching of the nose:
- allergic to pollen and household dust;
- the initial stage of respiratory disease;
- infectious disease (the most common is herpes);
- the body's reaction to constant stress.
Such reasons have nothing to do with mysticism, but it is necessary to pay attention to them. Treat - too. A constantly itchy, swollen and red nose has never graced anyone.
British version of the proverb about Barbara
Prim and restrained British and harshScots, who consider curiosity a move, unanimously declare that if it itches under their nose, the sign is definitely not good. And it means nothing more than one of the unacceptable traits of man - the habit of poking his nose is not his own business.
Educated person will not pay too mucha lot of attention to the affairs of neighbors, acquaintances, will not overly focus attention on their indifference to what is happening behind the neighbor's fence, whatever it is.
And, of course, will not demonstrate his inherent weakness, curiosity, scratching his nose. Weaknesses, as well as private life in Britain are not taken to parade.