/ / Name Day Feodor: saints, dates of worship

Name days of Fedor: saints, dates of veneration

Before answering the question of whenFeodor's name, let's explore a little the history of this name. The once very common old Russian name of Fyodor, and of Greek origin, is translated as "God's gift." The church and pre-revolutionary form sounds like Theodore, a two-component theophoric name, where the first part means “god” and the second part means “gift.” Here it is necessary to indicate that the theophoric names consist of the name of a god or a divine epithet. Such names include such as Elijah (my God) or Gabriel (Divine power).

Fedor's name day

Name Day Feodor on the church calendar

After the Russian spelling reform of 1918,that is, after the October Revolution, the name has undergone some changes and was written as Fedor. Named Feodor celebrated several times a year. But more about that later.

Many theophore names are Christian, andthis means that they began to be used for the first time among Christians. But we also know that the name Theodore was known even before the emergence of Christianity, for example, Theodore of Kirensk (an ancient Greek mathematician to. V - n. IV in. BC. E.). Early Christian saints also bore this name. Of these, the most famous are the holy martyrs - Theodore of Tyrone and Theodore Stratelates (beginning of the 4th century).

Ancient Russia and early Christianity

In ancient Russia, the name Theodore was among the most popular. For the name of Theodore in the Orthodox calendar there are many days of remembrance.

Кроме раннехристианских и византийских святых, в Orthodox tradition to the saints were identified and several princes of Rurik: Fedor Rostislavovich Black (who was the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh) and his children - David and Constantine.

This name was also borne by the kings Fedor Ioannovich, Fedor II Borisovich, and Fedor III Alekseevich.

It is necessary to dwell on the lives of several saints who, with their ascetic feat, glorified their name.

Fedor's birthday on church

Fedor Rostislavovich Cherny

Fedor was born somewhere in 1231-1239 years.Since childhood, he was a humble and pious man. After his father slept, the young man inherited a small place Mozhaisk. After some time, he made of him a crowded and fairly non-poor city, which earned love and respect from the population.

In 1260, he married Princess MariaVasilievna and began to reign in Yaroslavl. In this marriage, the son of Michael was born. The prince, making military campaigns in 1277 to the Ossetian lands, attracted special attention and reverence for Khan Mengu-Timur. About three years he spent in the Horde, but when he returned, his wife already died suddenly, and his mother-in-law, Princess Xenia, together with the boyars, opposed his return, and his young son Mikhail was declared prince. Fyodor was forced to return again to the Horde, and there he married with the daughter of Khan, who was baptized with the name Anna before. She gave him the sons of David and Constantine. That respect and respect that he acquired in the Horde, the prince used for the benefit of Russia and the Russian Church. Over the years spent at the Khan, he built several Orthodox churches.

In 1290, when his son Michael died, the princeFedor and his family finally returned to Yaroslavl. At home, he became jealous and hard to take care of his principality and countrymen. St. Theodore built many churches and cathedrals.

On September 18, 1299, in anticipation of the imminent end, the prince accepted schema. On September 19, he, sincerely asking for forgiveness from all the inhabitants, peacefully departed to God.

March 5, 1463 took place the acquisition of the imperishable relics of St. Theodore and his children David and Constantine.

So famous Fyodor. Name days according to the church calendar are celebrated on September 19 (October 2) - the day of death, March 5 (18) - the acquisition of relics, on May 23 (June 5) - Rostov Saints Cathedral.

From 1989 to 2011, the holy relics were kept in Yaroslavl, in the Theodore Cathedral, now stored in the Assumption Cathedral.

Feodor's name on the church calendar

Theodore Tyrone

It is worth mentioning one more, only alreadyEarly Christian, Saint Theodore. He served in Amasia of the Pontic region. Under the rule of Maximian (286–305). The warrior Christian Theodore was forced to renounce Christ and worship the pagan god, but he refused to do so, so he was subjected to monstrous torture and was imprisoned in a dungeon. There he devoted himself to prayer, but the Lord heard him and comforted him with a miraculous appearance. After a while he was tortured again, but the martyr did not deny Christ, then he was sentenced to be burned. He meekly went to the fire and with a prayer he gave his soul to his Lord. It was about 305.

After 50 years, Emperor Julian the Apostate (361–363d.), wanting to outrage Lent of Christians, ordered the Constantinople city governor to sprinkle the products sold on the market with the blood of idol sacrifices secretly throughout the first week of the first post.

At night to the Archbishop of ConstantinopleEudoxia in a vision appeared to St. Theodore himself and warned people not to buy contaminated products on the market, but to cook boiled wheat with honey — kutya. Now, in memory of this event, every year on the first Saturday of Lent, the feast of St. Theodore of Tyrone is celebrated. On the eve of Friday, at the end of the prayer at the back of the ambon, a prayer service to St. Theodore is served in the church and is blessed with Kutia.

Fedor's name day angel

Theodore Stratelates

In continuation of the most interesting topic: “Fedor:the name day, the day of the angel ”should also mention the martyrdom of the governor Theodore Stratelates, who lived during the reign of Licinius in the 4th century, was from Euchite and was the governor of the city of Heraclea. He saved people from the serpent near the source with the help of physical and prayer power, he passed all tests with dignity, did not break spiritually and did not renounce his faith in Christ. Named Feodor Stratelates celebrate February 8 (21), June 8 (21).