/ / When the name day of Vadim is celebrated, the meaning of the name and its characteristic

When the name day of Vadim is celebrated, the meaning of the name and its characteristics

People have long known how the name affects thecharacter, fate and position of a person in society. Therefore, in ancient times, Orthodox Christians called newborns in the name of that saint, in the period of veneration of whose church a baby was born. It was believed that in this way the child would not only receive the patron saint, who possesses special power on days commensurate with his celebration, but also inherits the best qualities of this patron.

Name day Vadim

The meaning of birthday celebration

Unlike many others, the name day of Vadimmarked once a year. In the old days there were no birthday celebrations, and people only celebrated their birthday. On this day, the Orthodox went to the temple, offered prayers to their patron saint, honored him and asked for intercession. They distributed alms to the needy, and then at the festive table received congratulations from their loved ones. The names of Vadim were celebrated once a year, and those who were fortunate enough to have a few days of an angel could celebrate all their names. But as a rule, they did not do this, but celebrated only the day of the saint, which coincides with the period of his birth. Believers attached special importance to the celebration of birthday, because on this day they felt the joy of communion with their saint patron.

Vadim's name day

Vadim: Orthodox names

Празднуются 22 апреля.This day in Orthodox Christianity is dedicated to the Holy Martyr Vadim of Persia. At a young age, he accepted Christianity and, during a prayer on a mountain in a secluded place, was given the great honor to see the glory of God. Then he began to preach Christianity in the Persian lands, along with his disciples. In the IV century, this territory was ruled by King Sapor, who was an ardent pagan and severely persecuted Christians. Rev. Vadim and his seven disciples were once captured by the persecutors of the faith of Christ and thrown into prison. There they were mercilessly tortured every day in order to obtain from the martyrs renunciation of Christ and the worship of fire. The torture lasted for four months, and all this time, the Holy Martyr Vadim was an example and support for his disciples and Christians of Persia. Without breaking the Christians, the pagans killed Vadim and his disciples. The monk was martyred by the sword. As already mentioned, the veneration of the Holy Martyr by the Orthodox Church takes place on April 22. This is Vadim's day. Named celebrate all men with that name.

Vadim Orthodox name day

The origin of the name Vadim

The origin of the name is controversial, there are several versions.According to one of them, the name has Persian or Avestian roots and originates from the word “Vainu”, meaning “wind”, which was considered to be a symbol of victory among these peoples. Another version is based on the similarity of the sound of the Old Slavic word "vaditi", which loosely means to "interfere" or "sow discord." Also, the word "vaditi" can be translated as "attract" or "attract." The Orthodox nominal calendar from the Old Slavic language gives the name an interpretation of “accuser”. In any case, it is Orthodox, and the name of Vadim is celebrated according to Christian Orthodox canons.

Characteristics of the name

It gives its owner calm andfriendly character, thanks to which he easily converges with others. As a rule, fate favors Vadim, since he does not set himself ghostly goals and always relies on his strength. Calm and reliable, he becomes a good husband and father, after all, the name day of Vadim is celebrated on the memorial day of his steadfast patron of the Holy Martyr Vadim the Persian. The second half is unlikely to wait for passionate confessions of love from Vadim, since he prefers to keep his feelings with him, and love proves not by word, but by deed. The carriers of this name are of nature, who have a delicate sense of the beautiful, therefore, in professions connected with creativity, they can achieve high results.

Name Vadim Name Day

Name in numerology

In the numerology of the name corresponds to the number 6.The owners of the six have an attractive appearance and a sharp mind, which they are happy to use to achieve their goals. In their young years, they are windy and inconstant, but with age they turn into serious and responsible people. “Sixes” are sensitive, decent and kind people, but diplomacy is not their strong point, therefore, the sixes in the name often suffer from their straightness.

We figured out what the name Vadim means, whose birthday is celebrated on April 22, and now we hope that everyone who has a loved one so named will not forget to congratulate him on the holiday.