/ / Name Michel: meaning and origin

Name Michel: meaning and origin

The motto of the owner of the French version of the nameMichael: "Either pan - or disappeared." Let's talk about what traits are inherent in the guy who bears the name Michel. The meaning of the name is masculine, but it is also applied to the female name. The main features: strong will, maximalism, consistency and determination.

name michelle meaning

Name Michel: meaning, origin

The name comes from France. In Russian, it corresponds to Michael. In Russia, the French name Michel is becoming more and more popular. His meaning is divine, godlike.

Little Michel is an absolutely charming child.He requires a lot of attention, but affectionate and kind. A clever and handsome boy can recognize his influence on his parents and masterfully manipulate them early. The baby reaches for the beautiful from the cradle. Do not be surprised if the boy asks to write it in the theater circle. He has a strong sense of beauty, and perhaps he will choose a creative specialty in the future.

It may be interesting to know to the person who bears the name Michel, the meaning of each letter, as well as their influence on fate and character. So:

  • M - balanced, hardworking, optimistic.
  • AND - kind, emotional, intellectual, pedantic.
  • Sh - intuit, impulsive, independent.
  • E - sociable, talkative, sincere.
  • L - creative.
  • B - pessimistic (weak faith in their own strength).

Characteristics of the French name

Incredibly refined, sonorous, elegant nameMichel, the value of it brings good luck to the child. Such children, as a rule, are not deprived of musical abilities. Only they need help to overcome the fear of the scene. They are not careerists, they will not chase fame and money. Creativity - a native haven for the owners of the name. They make excellent actors, musicians, art historians, writers.

Michelle meaning male

Еще два поприща, не связанные с творчеством, — jurisprudence or medicine. For men who bear the name Michel, the meaning and meaning of any work is helping people. Without this, he does not think of his life and in this sees his destination. Working under Michel is a real pleasure. He is attentive to the problems of his subordinates and is always ready to help.

Michelle: the meaning of the name for the boy

Мишель — это интеллигентный парень, со penchant for perfectionism. He speaks quietly, calm, always come to the aid of a person who is in trouble. In a pleasant company he is in the spotlight, joking. It is easy to offend him, although he does not give sight. May unreasonably suspect people of malicious intent. A bit suspicious. To criticism is painful, inclined to defend. Easily keen on fresh ideas, gambling.

Attentive to the older generation. He is not annoyed by the morals and whims of old men. In relation to children, soft and kind, sometimes even unnecessarily. Enjoys with them with pleasure.

 name michelle meaning origin

He has a solid nature and solid moral principles. His word can be trusted. Has a lot of friends. Enjoys success with women. He is a hospitable host and is able to share the last piece with a friend.

Michelle in relationship and marriage

He does not tolerate vociferous vulgar women without tact. A girl with bright make-up and defiant dress can scare him.

Мишель — порядочный семьянин.In marriage, devoted to the family, caring husband and father. He has golden hands and he is hardworking. With such a man, the house is a full bowl. He needs a caring woman who cooks well and is brought up in the best traditions of the patriarchy.

Michelle meaning the name for a boy

Harmony in marriage is possible with:

  • Catherine;
  • Victoria,
  • Alice,
  • Anna,
  • Darya,
  • Elena,
  • Polina,
  • Svetlana,
  • Larisa,
  • Caroline.

Complete incompatibility with girls whose names are:

  • Sofia;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Olga;
  • Raisa;
  • Nina.


The name Michel has a meaning in numerology,corresponding to figure 9. This number requires commitment to ideals and lofty goals. People born under the number 9, as a rule, are talented, but fate requires them to fully return. They must tame their pride, selfishness and arrogance. Demanding from yourself is always more than they want to do, but at the same time do not blame others for anything. Michelle should always keep the bar. Shallow or resort to tricks and tricks for him too low. In all this, the influence of nines.

Michel does not suit military specialty, is equal tolike commercial activities. Technical specialties also do not like subtle nature. Their success depends on the awareness of their talent and abilities. Nine - the number of inventors and discoverers. Their life path depends on the desire and ability.

Nine symbolizes the last spurt on the way toto success. That is why people born under the number 9, rarely remain in the background. Most often they become leaders, champions, successful artists. Nine gives courage and determination. However, this is a number of high morals. The arbitrary and merciless people who were born under this number, fate puts in place.

The patron planet of this number is Neptune. Element - cold water.

The colors of the male name Michelle are yellow and green.


  • January 24;
  • February 27;
  • March 27;
  • 11th August;
  • September 19;
  • 3, 13 and 14 October;
  • November 21;
  • December 5 and 31