/ / Prayer "Unexpected Joy". Prayer of the icon "Unexpected Joy"

Prayer "Unexpected Joy". Prayer of the icon "Unexpected Joy"

There are situations when the earthly forces, friends andrelatives can not help, and the person himself understands that he is powerless in this or that situation. For example, an incurable disease, an irresistible grief from the loss of loved ones, discord in the family and disobedient children. At such moments of life, a person remains either alone with him or with faith and begins to ask the Lord and other saints to help and support him. In order for your requests and prayers to be heard quickly, you need to address them to one or another saint. In this article, you will find out that the people give the prayer to the icon "Unexpected Joy", to whom it helps and why it is called.

History of the creation of the icon

In the 18th century the work of Demetrius of Rostov "Fleece"irrigated "gave the plot for the creation of the icon.It tells about a criminal who had a habit of going to church to pray to the Mother of God before every evil deed.

prayer is an unexpected joy
Once in the process of reading the prayer for thisthe young man appeared to the Mother of God with the Infant, whose whole body was in bleeding wounds. On the young man's question about the child, the Virgin Mary replied that these ulcers appear on the body of Jesus from every evil deed committed by sinners on Earth. After getting drunk, the perpetrator repented and begged for forgiveness, but Jesus forgave him only the third time, then he touched his lips to each wound on the body of the Child, and he and the Mother of God melted in the air. From that moment the criminal repented, completely changed his way of life, sending it to the righteous channel. When prayer was read to them, unintentional joy visited him along with the liberation from sins. Thanks to this event the icon also received such a name.

prayer is an unexpected joy
And to this day the prayer before the icon "Unexpectedjoy "awakens in people morality, decency, tolerance to oneself and others, and makes you rethink your life, behave yourself righteously, and if you pray for close people and relatives, you can help them find relief, save them from grief and distress, if any in their life.

What is depicted on the icon?

The appearance of the icon completely coincides with the plotnarrative. It depicts a praying sinner, kneeling before the Virgin Mary, and the Infant Jesus in rags instead of clothes and with bleeding wounds. The sinner is located in the lower left corner, and under the icon are written the first lines from the story of Dimitry of Rostov or sometimes the prayer "Unexpected Joy". Some icons depict a sinner with a ribbon in his mouth, on which are seen the words of forgiveness, addressed to the Mother of God.

How does prayer help before the icon "Unexpected joy"

The Virgin, having heard the people addressed to herprayer, protects those who ask for help, from tears, tears, sadness and sorrow. Prayer of the Blessed Virgin "Unexpected joy" protects people from all sorts of diseases associated with hearing, both literally and figuratively.

the prayer before the icon is an unexpected joy
She hears the call of the soul and asks the Lord for the people, and they say that he answers prayers to the Theotokos and other saints. Many other things are helped by the prayer of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy".
the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an unexpected joy
Here is a short list of problems that she will certainly cope with:

• quarrels and separation of husband and wife;

• sadness from the loss of relatives;

• various hardships;

• saving your own reputation from slander and gossip;

• protection in all difficult situations.

The "Unexpected Joy" prayer will help to protecttraveling by sea and land from the dangers that may occur in their path, and also to facilitate their prompt return home safe and sound.

In what cases does the icon help?

Prayer Icon "Unexpected Joy" helpseveryone gets what he longed for, but he was secretly afraid that he would never get it. For example, a priest may want sinners to repent and thereby save their souls, kneeling before the icon will find forgiveness and forgiveness of sins. Parents finally manage to find a common language and to reason with their rebellious rebellious children, to guide them on the right path. Prayer "Unexpected joy" helps to find lost native people, to reconcile warring, to prompt a good light decision even in the darkest intricate situations.

Unexpected joyful news

Prayer before the icon gives people the most desirable andat the same time an unexpected, sudden joy. There are reports that during the Great Patriotic War, women, being in the rear, and day and night did not depart from the icon, praying for their husbands and sons, who were at war or were missing. Some, especially desperate, continued to pray for the health of their loved ones even after they heard of their death - "funeral." And they begged their unintentional joy from the sky: the information about the tragic death turned out to be erroneous, and the soldier returned home alive.

Prayer to the Theotokos Unexpected Joy
Many believers know that the prayer of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" helps everyone, fulfills almost any desire, especially those in which people are already desperate to believe.

The icon will help to find female happiness

Many women or couples togetherthey turn to the icon when they have problems with conceiving a child. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin "Unexpected Joy" helps to feel the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood by all who are passionate about it. There are many cases when couples trying in vain to get a child for a long time, turned to the icon and, miraculously, they sought their own. Everyone knows that maintaining a fire in the family hearth is hard work, and also that the life of the modern cell of society is like a powder keg.

the prayer of the Mother of God is an unexpected joy
But wise women who want to preserve the sacredmarriage, instead of discussing problems with friends, they resort to the miraculous power of the icon. Any quarrels, resentments are forgotten between spouses, and in the family full harmony and mutual understanding, harmony and peace reigns.

Summing up ...

After reading all of the above, someone decides thathe found the ideal key to solving all problems, but one must understand that it can not be so easy. With no effort, it is impossible to achieve any success that you need to fight, not just sit back and pray. Faith in the Lord God helps you to gain faith in your own strength. Prayer clears the mind and directs a person to perform noble deeds. Perseverance and commitment, reinforced by a strong prayer and faith - that's the ideal union that guarantees success in any life situations. The icon "Unexpected joy" will present to all who ask and need happiness the grace and resolution of all the difficulties and obstacles in their life. Turning their souls to faith and the Holy Virgin, everyone will find his innocent joy.