/ / Prayer of repentance - a way to reconcile with God

Prayer of repentance is a way to reconcile with God

Why is repentance so important for God?Because only it can lead a person to reduce the sinfulness of his life. It reconciles man with the Creator, testifies to a change in spirit and a desire to live differently than in the past. Confession is created so that a person can start all over again, as if from a clean slate. Rehearsal of confession is a prayer of repentance. What it is?

Psalm of the Tsar's Regrets

prayer of repentance

There is no single or most importantformulas of repentance. In fact, the appeal to the Lord can have very different forms, up to prayer in one's own words and a request to forgive a sinner or a sinner. However, the oldest prayer of repentance in the Bible is the 50th Psalm of David, in which the Jewish king asks for forgiveness for the most terrible sin of murder, committed under the influence of envy and lust. There it is not described what exactly David was guilty of, therefore the 50th psalm is a universal formula of repentance. It will be consonant with your trouble. In the prayer rule, it is usually read not in the evening, but in the morning. But if you feel that you have succumbed to a sinful attraction, and it's hard for you to fight, you can learn it by heart and read it at any time. It is also good to remember the prayer "May God Risen", it helps not to sin if you read it, when you just want to commit a sin.

Why the Orthodox Greeks were ambassadors

Christian prayer of repentance

In general, the penitential spirit has almost all prayers fromprayer-book. An Orthodox person is always critical of himself and knows how to see his mistakes. True believers in this denomination are able to be genuinely diplomatic, although this seems paradoxical. However, in the Ottoman Empire ambassadors and emissaries were often appointed by Orthodox Christians. They knew how to create positive relationships, largely because they saw their own mistakes. And the prayer of repentance read every day did not allow us to forget about our own imperfection. However, usually she was not alone.

Calling to the Holy Spirit

In the evening rule, more strictly penitentialappeals than in the morning. In the third prayer to the Holy Spirit, the believer tests himself for compliance with very high moral standards. For example, even grieving another person is a serious moral violation. To show anger is to provoke another person's negative reaction, that is, from the innocent to make the guilty person. Of course, manifesting answering anger is not only your responsibility, but before God on the Court you will be responsible for yourself, and not for that guy. Therefore, provoking means "slandering with anger". The remaining sins of this prayer are more understandable. For example, lie, sleep more than measure, drive another person to inappropriate behavior, think about the indecent (if it's just a thought occurred to you, but you did not focus on it, it does not count). In this same prayer, envy, malice, drunkenness, overeating are mentioned.

prayer of repentance in the Bible

However, the most important Christian prayer of repentance- daily confession of sins. It mentions the most common mistakes, but if necessary, this list can and must be supplemented with own sins. For this you can use ascetic Orthodox literature. And remember that the Lord forgives only those who repent, however, innocence is better than repentance.