/ / Capricorn-man: characteristic of the sign

Capricorn man: characteristic of the sign

At first glance, the Capricorn man seems soft and vulnerable, but the stars skillfully set their traps: this appearance is deceptive.

Capricorn Man: Characteristics of the Sign in Work

Capricorn man Characteristics
Undoubtedly, this sign of the Zodiac is bornthe best employees. They are purposeful people who know the value of their words and deeds. Such features of personality as prudence, patience and resourcefulness, favorably affect their career. Often Capricorn holds the position of director of a commercial enterprise with a large staff of employees. The men of this sign are waiting for a career as a politician, an actor or a screenwriter, good doctors and scientists come out of them. The proverb "Patience and work will peretrut" is the best characteristic of the sign. Capricorn man chooses a profession, based on those personality traits, which awarded him the stars. One of the best areas of activity can be associated with mountains (rock climbing or mountaineering), banking, engineering and real estate. Perfectly feels himself Capricorn and in the chair of the head of the trade union, party and state apparatus.

Capricorn man: character characteristic in money matters

The main feature of a man born under the constellation of Capricorn -

Characteristics of a Capricorn man
prudence, which is often confused withexcessive caution, economy and even stinginess. For the sake of achieving his goal, Capricorn is ready to endure hardships and hardships, will never go around the law, and innate honesty ultimately leads him to the right people. He is not inclined to waste, it is a diligent master, carefully counting his wealth and building plans for his multiplying. He is sure that labor is the main weapon in achieving goals.

Capricorn Man: Characteristics of the Sign in Health Issues

Who is familiar with the representatives of this sign,is surprised by their ability to get younger day by day. Boys-Capricorns seem wise old men, who always think about something. With age, the young man loses this seriousness, acquiring

Capricorn man Characteristic in love
in return a cheerful disposition and carelessness.Babies under seven years of age are characterized by poor health, but over time it passes. Weak place in the body of representatives of the sign - the musculoskeletal system, in particular, bones, ligaments. It is worth to be afraid of bruises, sprains and leg injuries. With age, the Capricorn man is prone to arthritis, deafness, and also hypochondria, which he has associated with constant thinking about his illnesses.

Capricorn Man: Characteristic in Love

Usually shy and modest, they suppressyour passion for the time being. And only after completing his studies, starting his business and firmly standing on his feet, Capricorn allows himself to plunge into the raging ocean of love. Young men are able to see the girl home for a long time, but never kiss her. In adulthood, Capricorn man comes to a decision to conclude a marriage by calculation, weighing all the pros and cons. In connection with the long period of maturation, Capricorn often remains almost unexplored in the intimate sphere until almost thirty years, after which he strives to catch up. A man of the elements of the Earth is not accustomed to flattery and playing out love, here, as in any other sphere, everything should be honest.