The bathing tradition in Jordan has become widespread.common, but not everyone knows its origin and symbolism. In the same way, infant baptism is more like a tribute to fashion than a part of spiritual education. Although it is from this that the Orthodox path of the child begins.
The tradition of bathing in water goes back to baptism.Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The paradox of ritual was voiced by John the Baptist himself. When he saw the Messiah, he exclaimed in surprise: “Do I need to be baptized from You, and do You come to me?” Christ is sinless and did not need to be cleansed. It is believed that then he drowned the sins of the whole world in the waters of the Jordan.
This event became the starting point of the ministry of Christ.on the ground. After baptism he had the first apostles. At the same time, according to the gospel, Jesus went into the wilderness to spend time in solitude and prayer and prepare for the fulfillment of the mission.
Epiphany Water
Почитание воды, набранной в день Крещения – 19 January, dates back to antiquity. Like today, in the early centuries from the birth of Christ, it was believed that it has healing properties, does not deteriorate during the year and should be saved. The rite of consecration takes place first on Christmas Eve, January 18, and then directly on the day of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is called agiasma, which means "shrine."
On Christmas Eve it is customary to keep a very strict post,to prepare for confession and communion. And on January 19 there is a custom to plunge into the hole in the form of a cross. It is called Jordan. In large cities or in places where there are no reservoirs, the Epiphany font is set.
Bathing January 19
Currently, the dipping on January 19 has becomewidespread. Almost all cities are trying to organize places to maintain this tradition. It is indicative that for baptism in Moscow almost in every park, where there is a pond or reservoir, provide a hole with convenient descents. Next to them establish locker rooms and heated tents. Free tea drinking around campfires creates a special atmosphere. In this way, baptism in Moscow has been celebrated for more than a year, making this religious holiday a part of the urban contemporary culture.
Baptism as a rite
At the dawn of Christianity, baptism was usually takenAdults. The rite was preceded by a long journey of preparation. During this time, he should attend services, communicate with believers, and read special prayers. Originally it was supposed to perform baptism on the Epiphany or on Great Saturday before Easter. Before the dedication should be mandatory repentance of sins.
Since in the early years of Christianity believerssubjected to persecution and torture, it happened that they died from the pagans, not having time to perform the rite. In this case, they were considered baptized with blood. After all, they have already accepted the teachings and died for the faith.
Today, baptism in the temple as a rite does not requireso long preparation. But its meaning remains the same. Initiation means a new spiritual birth. A person must change the way of life and train of thought. From now on, he refuses to live for himself, but acquires the meaning and fullness of existence through serving Christ and other people. The Epiphany font for an adult marks a spiritual coup. If he subsequently continues to sin, it is regarded as a rejection of grace.
When can I baptize a child?
According to church customsChurch should not be postponed. It is best to perform a ceremony starting from the 40th day after birth. At the same time, a cleansing prayer after childbirth should be read over the mother of the child before the sacrament.
You can baptize a child any day. But more often it happens on a weekday or on a Saturday, since the Divine Liturgy takes place on Sunday, and many believers come to the church.
Who to choose to godparents?
If you are going to cross the child, parents shouldTreat the ritual with the utmost responsibility. An important point is the choice of receivers. Godfathers should be people close to the family and able to take responsibility for the religious upbringing of the child. Baptism is not a tribute to fashion and does not protect against unhappiness. This is the path to the kingdom of God through the water and the Holy Spirit. Even a baby who was born in sin needs to be cleansed. After baptism, it is necessary to make communions every year. From the age of seven you must also confess.
The godparents have three basic duties to the pupil: to pray for him, to teach the basics of religion, to show by his own example the path of goodness, love and mercy.
Perceivers are believed to hold the answer beforeSupreme for the sins of a child. In past centuries, if the father and mother died, he was taken to the family by the godparents. And there were no two spiritual parents. The godmother was considered the person who took the first on hands of the child. And by tradition the girl was taken by a woman, the boy by a man.
Preparation for baptism
If the rite is performed on a child, thenthorough preparation for the dedication must be on the part of the recipients. This involves fasting, confession, communion. One of the most important prayers for godparents is considered the "Symbol of Faith" - it sets out the main tenets of the Orthodox faith. Required knowledge "Our Father." In addition, the receivers must take care of the cross for the child and the kryzhma, a white cloth into which the child is wrapped after the ceremony. It must be stored. It is believed that the kryzhma saves the grace of holy water, which is kept by the baptismal font.
Ordination in adult Orthodoxyincludes a high level of awareness. He does not need spiritual parents and is responsible for the lifestyle that leads. Before initiation, it is necessary to master the basic dogmas and positions of religion, to keep fast, refrain, reconcile with those with whom the quarrel occurred.
Where to conduct baptism?
When a child is small, some parentsthey wonder whether to perform the rite at home, in a calm and familiar atmosphere. But baptism in the church is of particular importance for the initiation of faith. The solemnity and importance of the moment coincides with the atmosphere in the temple, which sets up a sublime mood. However, there are cases when a person is sick. Then his baptism is possible only at home (or hospital).
Font in the temple
Следует знать, что если обряд посвящения в веру performed at home, then follows a simple ablution. The holy font is only in the temple. In general, for the believer himself, symbolic communion through water is important, but many for their children want genuine baptism through immersion.
This issue is especially acute for adults.Their baptism is most often limited to a three-time dipping of the head, since usually the font in the temple is a great thicket. However, in some places and set the Jordan. Adults and teenagers can take a full bath with their heads in them.
How is baptism going?
Many people want to know how baptism goes. Scenario rite, awareness of its symbolism gives confidence.
Immediately before initiation a person or, inIf a child is baptized, the godfather must deny Satan three times, turning to the west. Then you need to declare your desire to combine with Christ three times. After this, the “Symbol of Faith” is read. Next, the clergyman utters a great litany, the prayer, which consists of petitions and reciprocal cries of the people. This is the preparatory part.
After this begins the actual baptism.The scenario is as follows: sanctification of water, anointing of the anointing, triple immersion. During the reading of the 31st psalm, a cross is placed on the chest and white clothing is put on, meaning cleansing from sins, innocence and purity. Following this, the priest performs anointing to sanctify the soul and body.
We feed on different parts, and each has its ownvalue. The anointing of the ears, the eyes, the mouth — that they may not hear, see, or speak evil things. Hands to do righteous labor. Legs - so that a man may walk the path dear to God. The anointing of the chest is for victory over enemy power. Then, following the priest, the Epiphany font is costing three times, which symbolizes eternity and the readiness to follow the path of Orthodoxy.
"Silver Font"
For any Orthodox, the baptism of the Lord is a great celebration. Some people are not limited to a one-time immersion in ice water and begins to practice winter swimming.
Вот уже на протяжении несколько лет поклонники author's songs are organized by the festival "Silver Font". Its opening is marked by swimming in cold water. After that, the performers participate in the competition program. Usually it is several nominations, such as "Poetry", "Author of music", "Bard song", "Duet" or "Ensemble". Fans of bard songs and winter swimming enjoy their creativity. The scale of the event speaks about the importance of physical and spiritual development for people. Therefore, both the name of the festival and its attributes are symbolic: creativity and physical recovery are done through a font.
So, many centuries have passed since baptism.Jesus Changed attitude to faith and baptism. Blind faith turned into atheism. Atheism was replaced by religiosity. But as in folk traditions, and in any religion you can find the rite of purification through the water. Therefore, today, regardless of the severity of religious rules, it is good to swim in the font, stock up on holy water, and fill your heart with kindness and mercy.