/ / Baptism of children: rules, features, traditions and signs

Children's Baptism: Rules, Features, Traditions and Signs

The sacrament of baptism is the very first rite,which is very significant for a Christian. Therefore, it is necessary for him to be prepared both for the parents themselves and for the future godfather. What should I consider for the baptism of a child? Are there any rules and restrictions? These and many other questions we will answer in the article.

What is baptism?

Baptism is the first and most importantChristian sacrament, which is recognized in Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. Thanks to him, a person becomes one of the members of the church. The baptism of children gives them the opportunity to continue to be involved in other ordinances of the church, for example, such as the Eucharist (communion).

Baptism differs slightly in different faiths,For example, in Orthodoxy a person is immersed in water three times, in Catholicism - once, and in Protestantism, they are simply poured water on the person who receives baptism. During the ritual the priest reads the prayers specified for this mystery. One of the main roles in the ritual is played by the godparents, who bear great responsibility and responsibility to their godson.

The Origin of Baptism

In ancient times, immersion in water or pouringalmost all peoples paid particular attention to water and attached great importance. It was believed that during this ritual a person is cleansed not only physically, but also spiritually.

The Baptism of Jesus Christ

The baptism of children in one form or another met in ancient Rome. Ancient Roman writer and philosopher Macrobius (5th century AD) writes that the newborns were washed with water and given a name on the 8th or 9th day.

In early Christianity, baptism was performed inJordan, the Baptist John, who preached the early appearance of the Messiah. Baptism was performed as a symbol of repentance in perfect sinful deeds. The Son of God was also baptized by John, as the church teaches, while being sinless.

Baptism of children

Baptism is a very important sacrament in Christianity,and when exactly to baptize a child, each parent decides for himself. It is believed that it is best to baptize on the 40th day after birth, especially since until this time the mother of the child, according to church canons, is unclean.

Baptism of the Child

In the Old Testament church the child was brought to the church 40 days after the birth of God, and a special prayer was read over his mother. This was done before or after baptism.

When to start baptizing children, the questionambiguous, you need to start from specific cases and situations. To cross a child while it is still very small is preferable, since it corresponds to the canons. Moreover, a small child is easier to tolerate the rite itself and reacts quietly to strangers, for example, a priest and godparents.

The Rite of Baptism

The baptism of children in the church is desirable, butnot mandatory, there are exceptions when the ritual is held at home. At the very beginning of the sacrament, the holy father reads the so-called prayer-prohibitions, which in the name of the Lord protect the child from Satan. After this three times the renunciation of the godparents comes from the evil spirit and three times proclaims the union with Jesus as the Lord.

The Rite of Epiphany

Then the priest pronounces prayer atthe baptism of the child and the water and the oil of oil, which is used to smear the baptized, is consecrated. After the anointing with the oil of a little man is called a name, which is taken from the Christian tradition. It is more preferable to choose a name for the holy ones, as in the old times, but now it is not mandatory, but recommendatory.

Diving in the font

After receiving the name of the child three times immersein a font with water. At the first immersion the holy father pronounces the words that the slave or servant of God is baptized, the name is called and it is said: "... in the name of the Father." Amen. "

General Epiphany

During the second dip in the font the priest says: "... and the Son. Amen". At the third dropping of the child into the water the priest says: "... and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

By the rules of baptism, a child after diving inwater is put in croquet, this is a special christening diaper, it is also called "kryzhma" or "kryzhmo". The process itself is within a period of half to an hour. Then the priest begins to hold the sacrament of Chrismation.

Completion of the Rite

The Holy Father reads the Gospel and carries out the tonsure of the baptized, cutting off a small curl of hair. Then the child is put on a cross, which is a symbol of the fact that he became a Christian.

Crosses for baptism

Choosing a cross for the baptism of a child shouldread some rules. His godparents should choose him. The material from which the cross is made does not play a big role, it can be made of gold, silver, bronze, copper or amber. In the spiritual sense, crosses made of metal and wood are very close to the Cross of the Lord.

A cross does not have to be purchased in the churchshop, you can buy it anywhere else. It is recommended to purchase a cross that does not have sharp corners to avoid the slightest damage. When you buy not in a shop near the church, before the beginning of the sacrament the cross must be sanctified.


Contrary to popular belief, the godparentsthere should not necessarily be two parents. He can be one, the main thing in this case - when christening a child of a girl it should be a woman, and when a boy is baptized, only a man. Often there is such a question: "Who can be godparents, and who can not?"

In fact, there are no specificrules do not exist, they are all pretty simple. The godparent should be an Orthodox, baptized person, since he is responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child. The godfather can not be the parent of the child. They can not be a monk or a nun. There are no other restrictions in the rules of the child's baptism.

Before the Mystery

The godfather and mother before the rite are necessarybe sure to come to a conversation with the priest. The Holy Father tells the future godfather and mother about Christ and the Gospel, instructs him on spiritual purification before the sacrament of baptism.

Before the child's baptism, the parents of the cross must learn the text of a special prayer - "Symbol of Faith". It is pronounced three times during the rite, it is also desirable that one of the godparents read it.

More future godparents need to confessand to take communion, earlier it was an obligatory requirement, now it is done at will. However, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to the sacrament of baptism, take the sacrament and purify your soul with a confession.

Duties of Godparents

The godfather of the child during the procedure holds the baby in his arms, in the event that the boy is baptized, if the girl is, then the godmother makes it.

Parents (godparents) give baptized nativea cross, and also choose the first gift for him. Previously, the first gift was called "on the teeth." It was a silver spoon, which the child first began to eat.

Baptism in Russia

Also, the godparents give the child a darling (growth,dimensional) icon. The icon should be with the same-named child a saint and one with him growth. This saint will be the patron and helper of the child who has passed the rite.

What is needed for the child's baptism to know the godparentfather? First and foremost, he assumes responsibility for spiritual education. He tells him about the main Christian canons, teaches the saving mysteries of Communion and Confession.

The main duty of the godfather is to pray for one's ward. If something happens to his parents, he should take care of the upbringing and caring for the baby.

Name at baptism

What is needed for baptizing a child and selecting for himnamed after the holy men? In Russia for a long time there was a tradition to give a name for the saints. The saints call the list of Christian saints, dates of life, as well as their deeds. The name for the child was chosen as follows. After the birth of the baby, parents and relatives of the mother and father began to study the saints and selected a suitable name for the newborn.

If the birthday could not be foundsuitable, euphonious name, which would be liked by parents, the searches continued on the next days of the calendar. When a child is called for the holy, he is given to the keeping and protection of that saint, whose name he is called. Nowadays, many faithful families follow this tradition and give the name to the newborn at the baptism of the saints.

Common and Individual Rites

There are two varieties of the sacrament - common andindividual. From the point of view of church rules, there is absolutely no difference in them. If you baptize the child with other children, you must come at the appointed time, with the child, the godparents and the corresponding supplies. Your child will receive the sacrament of baptism along with other children in order of turn.

Blessing at Epiphany

Individual baptism can also be performed.To do this, discuss the details with the holy father and ask him to designate the date and time of the rite for a certain day. This is convenient for both parents and for the child, and for the godparents. With an individual ceremony in the church there will be no strangers, and the child will feel much calmer.

Differences for daughters and sons

The procedure for daughters and sons is a bitis different. For example, the girls, after they were lowered into the font, are brought closer to the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Savior. The baptism of the child by the mother (godmother) does not imply service in the altar of the temple, since the final stage of the sacrament is held there only among boys with their godfathers.

Clothing for girls

There is a difference in the baptism of girls and boys and inclothes, for example, girls, like adult women, should be covered head. Headgear (a cap of white color) is acquired by godparents and put on for the whole time of being in the temple.

When baptizing boys, there are also somefeatures, in particular, is the adoption of a male infant by the godmother before he is dipped into the font. After a three-time immersion, he is taken by the godfather (provided that the godparents are two).

Restrictions on days and on holidays for committingthe sacrament of baptism does not exist. Therefore, baptizing children is allowed on any day: ordinary, festive, fast. You can also do this during Lent, which is not forbidden by church canons. Each church has its own schedule, and we need to find time for baptism, given it.

It is important to remember that the baptism of a child is the mainstep baby in the spiritual life. It is also the responsibility of the godparents who are responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child. The sacrament of baptism should be approached seriously and thoroughly prepared. Having brought up the offspring in the Christian faith, in following the commandments, you lay the fundamental foundation of his whole life, having formed from him a worthy person.