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Dream Interpretation: what are you dreaming about?

dreamy trees

One of the most useful and ancient species of plantson the ground, undoubtedly, are trees. They help to purify the air of carbon dioxide, the fruits of some of them are used for food, wood is built from homes, etc. And what if the tree in one form or another has dreamed of us? We suggest looking for an interpretation of such a dream in several of the most popular and complete dream books of our time.

Intimate dream book: trees in a dream - what for?

In the opinion of the compilers of this collectioninterpretations of dreams, if you dreamed of a tree with green young foliage, then soon you will see the embodiment of the most secret desires, thanks to which you will experience new sensations that can awaken your passion and sensuality. The tree, the leaves on which turn yellow and fall, symbolize the completion of relations. It is possible that love and sex at the time will go to the background, and you can immerse yourself in professional activity.

dreamnote green trees

Lunar dream: trees in a dream

If you dreamed of a tree, dotted with fruits, thenin a short time you expect a profit. A fruitless or shrinking tree promises losses, deception and betrayal. Cut a tree in a dream - to losses, plant - to wealth. A blooming tree predicts success and good luck in business, and a felled tree can be a foretaste of sad events.

Ukrainian dream book: what do you dream about?

A dream in which you climbed to the top veryhigh tree, predicts rapid career growth. If you are trying to climb a dry tree, then you are threatened with trouble, the blooming - expect a profit, on the green - get ready for the long journey. A lone tree in the meadow foreshadows an unpleasant conversation, which can turn into a quarrel. A blooming tree is seen as a forerunner of unexpected happiness. If you saw a falling tree in a dream, then such a vision can bring misfortunes and quarrels in the family. A floating tree on the water is a foretaste of hard times. To hear the rustle of leaves in a dream - to pleasant communication with a person who has a person to him.

dreamy tree big

What does the tree dream about: A modern dream book

Green trees with juicy foliage symbolizethe implementation of all your plans and hopes. Dead and dry trees foretell losses and sadness. Climb up the trunk - to quickly move up the career ladder. Slice a tree in a dream or even uproot it with roots - to the probability of a senseless and purposeless waste of power and money. If you dreamed of a tree covered in fire, then soon you will be able to successfully complete the business started.

Large universal dream book: wood

A large, beautiful tree with a branchy greenfoliage seen in a dream is considered a very good sign. Such a vision predicts the dreamer's gaining prosperity, which will be a reward for hard work.

Russian dream book: trees in a dream - why?

In the opinion of the compilers of this collectioninterpretations of dreams, the tree in blossom represents fulfilled hopes and desires. A desiccated dried-up tree promises sorrow and loss. Fall from the tree - to the loss of his current social position.