As you know, the bus is the mosta common form of public transport around the world. And what if this vehicle appeared to us in a dream? Does such a dream give the need to go somewhere, or are there other interpretations? We suggest looking for an answer to the question "what does buses dream about" in several of the most popular and complete dream books of our days.

Dream Interpretation of Freud: bus in a dream
According to this source, waiting in a dreamThe bus symbolizes the search for the second half in real life. A similar dream can also reflect the inferiority of your sex life. If you dreamed that you get on the bus, then perhaps you do not consider your current partner worthy of yourself, and the relationship with him was tied up only because he "fell under the arm". Go in this vehicle - to a situation in which you will demand from your partner much more than he is able to give you. Such an attitude can eventually lead to a break in relations.
Sonnik Tsvetkova: what does buses dream about
This dream book treats a trip on this vehicle as a warning about an imminent meeting with bad people, which in the end will only turn into problems and disappointments.
Dream from A to Z: what does buses dream about
If you dream that you are driving in fulla busy bus at rush hour, then you will get acquainted and very pleasant communication with an interesting, intelligent and erudite person. An empty interior of this vehicle promises to talk with a small and boring person.
East dream book: what does the bus dream about
According to the authors of this dream book, if youdreamed of a trip on this type of public transport, then your chances of achieving success, which you very much count, are minimal. The crowded cabin of the bus, in which you are forced to stand, warns of a very serious competition, which you will have to face at work. The dream in which you sat on the wrong bus, hints at the fact that you have chosen a life path that is not quite right for you. However, it's not too late to change your mind and change your direction.
What does the bus look like?: The ABC of the Interpretation of Dreams
This dream book considers a dream about itvehicle as a reflection of your social daily life. If in a dream you see yourself as a passenger, then in life you are used to being on the second roll. The dream in which you act as a bus driver, symbolizes the inherent leadership inclinations. If you dream that you get out of the bus, then soon you will have a chance to use.
Сонник XXI века: What is it that dreams of going on a bus?
A similar dream is considered in this collectioninterpretations of dreams as a reflection of your future successes in business and personal life. You will not only be able to make a great career and earn a lot of money, but also to meet great love. In addition, your life will be full of joyful events, meetings with interesting people and positive emotions.