/ / How to become a psychic and is it all accessible

How to become a psychic and whether it's all available

Is every person able to becomepsychic and how is it possible? The answers to such questions is devoted to this publication. The word consists of two Latin: "extra" and "sensus", the first of which means "super", and the second - "perception". Accordingly, the man, who is called a psychic, is supersensitive.

Asking the question of how to become a psychic,it is necessary, first of all, to think about why this is necessary. Is it just interest, fashion or vocation? Often asked about how to become clairvoyant. In principle, the answers lie in the same plane. Both are supernatural abilities of man. The clairvoyant also has supersensitivity, therefore, is a psychic.

Not all people believe that such abilitiesgenerally exist. However, the facts say the opposite. Almost everyone knows the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Her supernatural abilities, which can be called a gift, are currently beyond doubt. The same can be said about clairvoyant Wolff Messing. Have these people thought about how to become a psychic?

At least they say that Wang in childhoodloved to play one game. She was blindfolded, and then she searched for hidden objects. After some time, a twelve-year-old girl was picked up by a hurricane and thrown away for a considerable distance (several hundred meters). Then she lost her sight, and somewhat later gained the ability to “see” human diseases, as well as predict fate.

Can you name people like Wolf Messing andWang hoaxers? Of course not, which means that the question of how to become a psychic is quite appropriate. The people cited as an example are not an exception at all, there are others, and scientists are even engaged in the study of this phenomenon. It is believed that such abilities are provoked by a special device of the human nervous system. That is, due to the special location of the nerve endings, there arises the ability to pick up certain energy waves.

Perhaps each person to one degree or anotherfaced with such phenomena as the sensation of one's gaze or even thought. Entering the homes of our friends, we sometimes feel a favorable or hostile atmosphere. It is often possible to say with confidence that a conflict has recently occurred in a particular place. It is also impossible to deny that people feel that their loved ones have problems, and even see "prophetic" dreams.

From all this we can conclude:any person in one way or another has extrasensory abilities and can train them. Technician for such a lot of development, there are special schools. Some of them recommend first to realize the fact that any person is not just a body, in addition to the physical structure, people are supplied with spiritual - energy-informational. This structure is controlled by the will.

Accordingly, answering the question of howto become a psychic, you can advise interested people to learn how to work with the energy information system. More specifically, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  • the study of major energy centers;
  • development of visualization skills;
  • training in decoding (interpretation) of signals that come from energy-informational structure.

Under the energy centers are meant ascalled "chakras", which are located along the spinal column. This is a kind of energy funnels, through which the cosmic energy is transformed into human energy. It is also necessary to learn to manage the life energy that surrounds us everywhere, the power of thought, generating it and directing it to the right place. Naturally, you will need diligence, dedication and perseverance.

In one day to become a psychic will not work, but if you constantly develop and improve your skills, then there is a high probability of gaining the superpowers considered in this article.