/ / Demantoid (stone): properties, zodiac sign, price per carat

Demantoid (stone): properties, zodiac sign, price per carat

В названии этого самоцвета переплелись немецкое the word demant and the Greek eidos, which means "like a diamond." The stone is a kind of green pomegranate, but, in comparison with other minerals of this group, it possesses exceptional indices of refraction and scattering of light, which makes it most bright, brilliant, and iridescent. Demantoid is a rare stone, which explains its aesthetic value and high cost.

The history of the origin of Russian chrysolite

Demantoid mine was first discoveredin 1874 in the mountains of the Middle Urals on the river Bobrovka. 19 years later, the stone was presented at the Paris exhibition, where it created a real sensation among specialists and the general public. In the late XIX - early XX centuries. Demantoid began to be actively exported to many countries of the world. Due to the extraordinary beauty, he became one of the most sought-after jewelery from domestic and foreign nobility.

Demantoid Ring

On the eve of the First World War in Russia wasA record amount of stone was produced - more than 100 kilograms. The largest specimens reached masses ranging from 150 to 252 carats. After 1918, natural deposits of demantoid began to occur less and less. Today it is almost impossible to see a faceted gem whose weight would exceed 2 carats. The mineral sparkling in all colors of the rainbow is called the Ural emerald or Russian chrysolite all over the world.

Physical characteristics of demantoid

Самым редким и оттого наиболее ценным считается stone with a rich green color. Crystals with a brownish or yellow tint are more common. A remarkable feature of demantoid, which distinguishes it from other garnets, is the internal inclusions of golden asbestos fibers diverging radially or in the form of sunlight.

Green pomegranate

As a rule, natural gems have a roundor slightly elongated shape in size from tenths to 10 mm. After jewelry processing, the stone takes on the form of a diamond, but it is much superior to the play of light in the facets. Due to the high dispersion demantoid able to overflow even in the dark.

The hardness of the mineral does not exceed 7 units, thereforeit is preferable to use for the manufacture of pendants, necklaces, pendants, that is, jewelry that is not in contact with hard surfaces. Although with careful handling of the rings and bracelets will be able to serve its owner for more than a decade.

Demantoid stone male or female?

This precious mineral belongs to the categoryuniversal, people of both sexes can wear it. Demantoid women will give a happy love and strong marriage, men - career growth and financial well-being.

Jewelry with demantoid perfectly fitgreen-eyed blondes, highlighting their sensual femininity. Burning brunettes, wearing earrings, bracelets or rings with Ural gems, acquire a unique charm, mystery, amazing similarity with the Mistress of Copper Mountain from the famous works of Pavel Bazhov.

Ural Demantoid

It is believed that demantoid does not like neighborhood withother stones, so it should be worn separately from other jewelry. The magic feature of this mineral is called loyalty to one owner. Being sold or donated to another person, green pomegranate dims, may suddenly disappear and even split.

Healing properties of a unique gem

As already mentioned, demantoid is a stonerare, so its ability to influence human health is not well understood. Nevertheless, experts believe that jewelry with this mineral can bring relief from some diseases.

Demantoid bracelet

Мужчинам, испытывающим проблемы с потенцией, It is recommended to wear a stone set in gold on the middle finger of the right hand. Couples where one spouse suffers from infertility should get silver bracelets with demantoid. Then soon it will be possible to wait for the addition to the family.

Pendants, necklaces and necklaces with a green gem will help in the treatment of angina, bronchitis and asthma, contribute to the normalization of pressure, improve blood circulation, protect the heart from increased stress.

Demantoid compatibility with signs of the zodiac

According to the astrological canons, demantoid bringsgood luck to signs relating to the elements of air and fire, with the exception of Aries. Uncompromising Aquarius green pomegranate will help to become more flexible and docile, will give luck in business and on the love front. Indecisive Libra will learn how to plan time correctly, get rid of timidity and uncertainty. The twins will find a balance between their two "I's", will find harmony in family relationships.

Demantoid Stone Properties Zodiac Sign

People born between July 23 and August 23,as you know, they prefer to command and rule, to be in the center of attention, they do not tolerate criticism, but at the same time they are prone to heart disease. A ring with demantoid, presented to the majestic Leo, will help smooth out the sharp edges of his character, as well as reward the host with good health.

Sagittarius, too, will not be superfluous to have Demantoid.The stone, set in silver or gold, will allow the militant Sagittarius to stop seeing only enemies around them, be more tolerant of human shortcomings, get rid of the habit of spending money mindlessly, commensurate the degree of risk and danger to their own well-being.

Who is contraindicated to wear jewelry with a green gem

Кроме всего прочего, таинственный минерал acts on the human psyche pacifyingly, gives some coldness, lethargy, indifference. Therefore, astrologers do not recommend purchasing demantoid to people born under the constellation Pisces, who already suffer from a lack of vital energy.

Demantoid stone

This mineral is so mysterious andpoorly studied, which deserves to be written about him a voluminous artistic monograph with epithets “regal, magnificent, divine”, or at least a strict scientific work with the short title “Demantoid (stone): properties”.

Zodiac sign Aries - the exact oppositePisces. Such people are not devoid of aggression, but pure thoughts and blameless in actions. They can wear demantoid only in the form of small jewelry, such as earrings, studs or cufflinks, so as not to reinforce the negative traits of their character and not to diminish the positive qualities.

The remaining signs of the zodiac are quite able to make friends with a beautiful sparkling pebble, using it as a talisman, foreshadowing success in all undertakings.

How much are jewelry with demantoid

Today buy a real Ural Demantoidalmost impossible. Since the 20s of the last century, the extraction of this mineral in Russia has almost completely ceased. Therefore, it is available only in antique jewelry made at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Nowadays, deposits of semi-precious stones, similar in properties to green pomegranate, are found in Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Modern jewelers mainly work with precious crystals mined on the African continent.

Demantoid price per carat

Although imported minerals do not goin comparison with Russian diamonds, buy demantoid, the price per carat of which would be below $ 350 (approximately 22.3 thousand rubles), will not succeed. Much also depends on the beauty, size, degree of stone processing. The larger the crystal, the higher its value. Independently it is difficult to distinguish true demantoid from emeralds, pomegranates, zircons and chrysolites. In doubtful situations, it is better to seek help from an experienced jeweler.