Amethyst - a unique semi-precious stonewisdom, relating to the most expensive category of quartz. It was appreciated by almost all peoples. He was always closely associated with the church: her servants wore amethyst rings and considered it sacred.
Amethyst: stone, properties, zodiac sign

The word comes from the Greek language and means"Not drunk." For this reason, the stone was considered an amulet from intoxication. But there is a second version of the occurrence. It is assumed that the name arose from the name of the nymph Ametis, who preferred to petrify, than submit to Bacchus - the spirit of bizarre life and drunkenness. Agree, both of these assumptions have a similarity. It is believed that this gem helps to resist temptations, protects from evil spirits and brings luck. Amethyst expresses sincerity, purity of heart and tranquility.
The stone is solid, has pearlescent shine.The color is violet, but its shades of polychrome (pale violet, red-violet, blue-pink, dark-violet) and can vary depending on the lighting.
The gem is suitable for the following signs of the zodiac:Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these signs will feel a special desire for jewelry from this stone - they do not even want to shoot them. This interaction fills the owner with favorable energy.

Amethyst: the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. Blue-violet gem, products from which help prevent family conflicts, protect from unrequited or unhappy love.
Amethyst: the sign of the zodiac Capricorn. Color light, translucent. Such a jewel will give self-confidence and help those who are preparing for responsible cases requiring care.
Amethyst: the sign of the zodiac Pisces.Has an effective shade, changing. Perfectly combined with chrysolite. If the amethyst ornament is presented by a fan to a beloved girl, then their feelings will be mutual and strong.
A perfect gift is a semi-precious amethyst decoration. The stone (the sign of the zodiac should be taken into account) will suit both a woman and a man. It is combined with any metals, gold, silver.
Magic properties of a stone

Previously, amethyst was taken with a warrior going tobattle. He gave them courage in battle and helped to win. Our ancestors also gave amethyst rings to their loved ones in order to protect them from evil and make life prosperous. It was also believed that if the landowner would water the plants with water, in which this amazing stone was immersed for a short time, then the fruits will be resistant to diseases and pests. In the eastern countries, the amethyst products were placed in the center of the bedroom for the night - by its influence the gem was driven away by negative thoughts and nightmarish dreams. In Russia it was customary to transfer amethyst beads from generation to generation (by female line).
There is an opinion that amethyst makes the aura lighter and improves the work of intuition. With this stone, meditations are successfully carried out, because it helps to completely relax and to find pacification.