/ / Simple way, how to guess on the coffee grounds

A simple way, how to guess on the coffee grounds

Гадание на кофейной гуще в качестве развлечения appeared at the same time as guessing at tea, but in those countries where coffee as a drink was more common. Today it is more popular than guessing on tea leaves. In the 18th century, the Italians claimed that the symbols of fortune telling were developed by them, but the results of this action, in their opinion, were nothing other than the machinations of demons. To guess on the coffee grounds for the purpose of seeing the future, they poured the ground coffee with water, boiled it and pronounced the words of the spell over it. While stirring, another magic phrase was repeated until coffee was cooked. Then the liquid from the coffeepot merged, and the rest of the dregs splashed onto the white saucer already with the third spell. Then it was believed that those who forgot to utter magic words or simply did not know them, were guessing wrong.

А как правильно гадать на кофейной гуще?Some people who are versed in this difficult matter argue that for best results it is necessary to prepare a mixture of coarse and coarse coffee. To do this, put in a cup two tablespoons of coarse coffee and one teaspoon of thin. It is desirable that the cup was not patterns, and the edge was wide enough. Also, before guessing on the coffee grounds, you need to find a small saucer, then put a cup on it. Once everything is ready, you can proceed. First you need to warm the cup with boiling water and quickly dry it, pour coffee into it in the above quantity, and put it on a saucer. Pour the mixture with boiling water, cover with a lid and allow to stand for a little more than a minute. After that, a person who is guessing, you need to drink this coffee or just take a few sips. Then the unfinished coffee is drained, so that there are not more than a tablespoon of liquid left in the cup.

When this is done, you need to take the cup inleft hand, make a wish and make three sufficiently sharp circular movements of it counterclockwise, so that the thicker is on the walls. Next you need to quickly turn the cup upside down and put on a saucer so that the liquid is glass. Now take the cup, flip it back, put it and see what happened. It is the arisen images and associations that will predict the future.

Before guessing on the coffee grounds, sorting outvalue of images, you need to know a few more details. For example, if the mass was distributed closer to the pen, then the images that arise when looking at the thick are directly related to the person for whom they are wondering, as well as to his closest environment, home, occupation, and the thought will be completed very quickly. If the coffee is thickened the most on the edge of the cup or next to it, it means what is happening to the person at the moment. The farther from the edge the figures are located, the later the events decoded by them will occur. If the characters are at the very bottom of the cup, then these events will occur in the distant future.

How to read the coffee grounds and interpret the symbols?Start with the most simple and understandable figures, do not rush. Let the imagination play out, and then just see the decoding of some of the possible characters. For example, dots usually mean money (so the more points the better). If the point is one and stands aside - it is to the news, letter or parcel. The larger the point, the more serious and significant the news.

A wand is a process or the beginning of a business.If there are a lot of rods, it means you will have a lot of things going at the same time. If the wand is turned to the bottom - the case will end badly, if to the edge - there will be success, if both the bottom and the edge are parallel, then things will go smoothly.

Knowing how to read tea leaves, you canfurther decipher the values. For example, pay attention to characters that look like letters or numbers, as well as animals. For example, snake, horse, dog, etc. can show an important year (in the Chinese calendar). Also animals, birds or plants that can be called noble (swan, eagle, horse, maple, oak, etc.) can symbolize any favorable events: health, love, success, etc. “Bad” animals, for example, a crocodile, a pig, a wolf, a crow, can indicate failures, betrayal, ambiguous situations, etc.

Vehicles can show a trip or a trip, and images that resemble flowers or stars show success or failure in business (depending on the number of petals).