/ / Guessing on the coffee grounds: the meaning of characters

Guessing on the coffee grounds: the meaning of characters

Guessing on the coffee grounds is a fortunetellinga practice that was widely used by the Odalisks (harems' concubines) of the Turkish rulers, who wondered about the draft of coffee which of them would be chosen for the night as the Sultan. Currently, this kind of divination is still practiced in Turkey and North Africa, keeping the old traditions.

The West met this practice in the 18th century,when the recipe of Turkish coffee came to France (or, as it is also called, oriental coffee), which left sediment at the bottom of a cup or saucer. This article will tell about this fortune-telling practice, as well as the meaning of the symbols on the coffee grounds.

Origin of fortune telling

The exact origin of this practice isunknown. Some sources claim that fortune telling on the tea leaves has Mesopotamian roots, and later spread to the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey) and other Middle Eastern countries. Scientists believe that this kind of divination became known at the end of the XVIII century in France, the Balkan countries and in Central Europe after a series of Turkish military campaigns. Gradually, among the European elite, this kind of divination became popular.

Guessing on the coffee grounds - an ancient tradition

The art of predicting coffee residues isas ancient as the coffee itself. A Turkish drink and the practice of prediction are an integral part of the enjoyment and interesting conversation associated with coffee. Turkish coffee is the only one with the help of which it was possible to guess correctly, as it leaves behind the thick at the bottom. It spread in Europe at the end of the 18th century, when it became popular and respected in Paris, from where it went to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany. Professional fortune-tellers and esoteric artists were engaged in the interpretation of fortune telling in the coffee grounds.

Guessing on the coffee grounds


Prediction and tea and coffee drinksknown as tasseography. As in any method of divination, 50% are certain professional knowledge and abilities of the fortune-teller, and the remaining 50% are pure intuition and life experience.

Interpretation of symbols

The practice of fortune telling on the coffee grounds is traditional.consists of tipping over a covered plate with a cup of coffee residues. In this case, the mass should spread along the walls of the cup. Considering the dry coffee grounds remaining on the cup, fortune-tellers interpret symbols. Most allowances are advised to accompany this rite with conspiracies and prayers.

Preliminary preparation

For coffee divination needed lightmonochromatic porcelain coffee cup and natural coffee drink. These are obligatory subjects for this practice. The most suitable drink for fortune telling is done by brewing two tablespoons of coarse ground coffee and one spoonful of regular ground coffee per cup. The precipitate, which was formed at the bottom of the cup after the coffee is drunk, and will answer all the questions of a person who wants to tell fortunes.

A huge role is played by the process of drinking ittasty ancient drink. To begin with, the person conducting the ritual should focus on the question, formulate it clearly and think about it, pour just brewed coffee, let it brew for two to five minutes. Drink, leaving at the bottom a little bit of the remaining drink.

How to guess?

It is necessary to brew three teaspoons of coffee.Leave to stand and drain the water so that only coffee grounds are on the bottom. This method is used to find out the prediction for the person who is guessing. And the fate of the client can be found by exploring the coffee grounds at the bottom of the cup, from which he drank coffee. Whether the thick will be fresh or old is not a big deal. The basic rule is that it is almost dry at the moment when the fortunate practice begins.

coffee grounds on the bottom

Take a clean white saucer and wipe thoroughly.him. Pour the thick on a platter, but only half the contents. Let the thicker settle and cool. Then for 1-2 minutes, tilt the saucer in all directions. Then carefully pour the entire contents of the plate into another vessel. On the saucer should not remain liquid, a little residue of thick. The various arrangement of the coffee remains also represents a set of small images which will predict your future.

Emotional state is an important feature.

It is important to know that in order to fortune-tellingthe practice was effective and as accurate as possible, you need to drink a coffee drink, while in a relaxed state. As experience shows, lack of mood or a negative or unstable emotional and psychological state influences what signs and in what order are formed on the circle. If you drink coffee in a hurry, without any desire to engage in this fortunate practice, or under stress, it is impossible to correctly interpret the symbols. At the bottom there will be no readable characters.

The significance of the figures on the coffee grounds

A lot of convex lines can mean joyfuland long old age. If the lines are not very many, then they are talking about stabilizing the financial situation. If there is a line in the center of the saucer, the length of which is 2-3 centimeters, then this means that you will have a long journey that will be very positive. If there are dots on the line, then obstacles and problems can await you when traveling. If the line stretches to the edges of the plate, then you are expected to visit a foreign state.

how to read tea leaves

Large circles are interpreted as obtaining financialbenefits. A circle with four large dots, if a woman wonders, foreshadows the birth of children. Two mugs - twins or twins are born. Carefully study the shape of the resulting circle. If he closes, then most likely a son will be born, if not - a daughter. If one of the circles that encloses the four points stands next to a curved winding line, this means that the child will be talented. In the event that the winding line created a second circle near the small circle, this is a sign that the child will be a brilliant scientist or inventor.

The wreath marks a good attitudefamous personalities. Diamonds foreshadow success in love relationships, as well as a series of victories over the opposite sex. If before you formed a certain number of round figures, then you are waiting for problems and troubles. However, if a triangle appears at the end of these figures, patience will be rewarded, and dreams will come true. The cross, which is located in the middle of the drawings, promises a quiet end, which will happen very soon. Four adjacent crosses predict a long and serious illness. Three crosses sometimes promise success in society, and possibly in a career.

A large number of squares means manytrouble and grief. Oval figures promise success in business and business. The triangle will bring you a respected and high position. And if three triangles are located side by side, it means that soon you will become a rich person.

numbers on the coffee grounds

Meaning of symbols

Consider these:

  1. The tree is primarily a sign of growth andprogress. This symbol appears in the coffee grounds when stagnation gives way to favorable human development. The tree also bodes well. Yesterday's financial and other material investments will be profitable and will soon pay off.
  1. Если на гуще образовался символ, похожий на outlines of the fly, then it symbolizes psychologically tough restrictions and obligations, which are not a very positive sign. It also indicates that unscrupulous people will try to use you or your money, you will need to act with greater firmness and remove them from their surroundings and, finally, to find peace.
  2. The bell symbolizes good luck, it will cometo a person by acquaintance and the emergence of powerful people in your environment. This will open up new professional or career prospects. This sign allows both to give and to receive, it is an important life exchange. If the outline of a lightning appeared on the coffee grounds, it means that a person can count on one of his projects to be successful, but another initiative will not succeed. In the realm of love, lightning symbolizes easy affairs and sex.
  3. Octopus is a symbol of hellish spirits.The meaning of the symbol on the coffee grounds is quite simple. Other people may have bad intentions and will lead you into bad things. However, it does not matter, continue your journey as if nothing happened.
  4. The pyramid is a symbol of the continuation of perpetual motion,which is life. In this case, the interpretation lies in the fact that blocking of the natural life cycle in which you currently live is taking place, this is not good or bad, it can be useful for certain people, but annoying someone.
  5. The ladder is a symbol of climbing.This sign means progress, creates new opportunities, restores communication. However, as in real life, the ladder must keep a balance, otherwise a fall may occur after the climb, which will be fatal. This is a good omen if you are careful.

Flower symbols

Consider these:

  1. Rose - a symbol of love in all its glory.This flower marks the feelings and talks about true and pure love. The sign of the rose on the coffee grounds is a wonderful symbol that foreshadows the meeting of the second half and a long strong relationship.
  2. As you know, clover brings good luck.Clover as a symbol in this fortune-telling practice is treated in the same way: luck will play a large role in the future in all spheres of life. However, do not rely solely on the good will of fate.
letters on the tea leaves

How are numbers and letters interpreted?

Of course, each predictor interprets the numbers in the coffee grounds in his own way, but take the traditional interpretations:

  • 1 - meeting the second half, success in love;
  • 2 - black band, disease;
  • 3 - success in business;
  • 4 - a favorable solution to the issue;
  • 5 - someone spreads rumors;
  • 6 - strong marriage based on mutual love;
  • 7 - happiness in family life;
  • 8 - quarrel with relatives and close people;
  • 9 - meeting new people;
  • 10 - success, you are waiting for new opportunities.
coffee-fortune teller

This practice is distinguished by the fact that it does not contain small or insignificant details, and soothsayers try to interpret even the letters in the fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

  • A - is expected to win;
  • B - power in your hands;
  • B - losses;
  • G - it is necessary to put candles to St. George;
  • D - lack of money;
  • E - career success;
  • F - hard talk;
  • H - pleasure and pleasure;
  • And - rash acts that will entail consequences;
  • To - go to church, you are waiting for the test;
  • L - lucky in love, you will find happiness;
  • M - economic success;
  • H - awaits anxiety;
  • About - are scheduled travel.

Of course, all professional soothsayers interpret letters in the coffee grounds in different ways.


Of course, it is worth to treat this with a smallshare skepticism. Because only the Universe possesses the fullness of information. It is necessary to get experience, concrete experience of practice, so as not to doubt the results. It has a definite meaning and which symbols are located nearby, since they play a large role in the interpretation of fortune telling on the coffee grounds. It must be said that only practice and wide experience will allow to correctly interpret coffee symbols. Sometimes it is worth asking for help from a real experienced fortune teller.