/ Mother Zipporah: Life and Prophecy. Monastery of Mother Zippora in Klykovo

Mother Zippora: Life and Prophecies. Monastery of Mother Sephora in Klykovo

Our contemporary, mother Seppora, living andthe prophecies of which are not known to us from records, lived a long and pious life. Many say that it was given to her so that this thin thread of time would not be interrupted between the believers of pre-Soviet Russia and modern ones, many of which only carefully take this path.

A lot of people came to Klykovo monastery.Mother Seppora, miracles near the grave and thanks to the prayers of which continue to this day, warmly received everyone, and also always tried to suggest a solution to the problem with which they came to her. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

mother sephora

Mother's life before the shock of 1933

Mother Seppora was born on the nineteenth of March 1986 in the Tambov province, in the town of Glukhovo. Her family was peasant, and in her all were Orthodox. Parents gave her a beautiful name Daria.

Everyone in her family was very hardworking andhonest. Daria's mother gave birth to thirteen children, but only three survived. According to the recollections of mother, they lived well. There was a monk and nuns in their family, both on the father’s side and on the mother’s side, so it’s not at all surprising where she got such a hot desire for the Lord, communion with him.

Female crafts (weaving, sewing) she was taught at the monastery. At the same time, she was taught the prayer rule, which had to be performed during work. Since then it has been all her life.

Если бы была ее воля, то замуж Дарья и не вышла would, and immediately became a nun. But she was an obedient daughter, therefore, with the blessing of her mother, she married a fellow villager. She entered a large and truly believing family. I had to work a lot there, but Daria did not complain. During the time that she was in a marriage, four children, daughters were born.

Before they began in 1933dispossessed, the father-in-law allocated a plot to the young family on which a new hut was built. They were also given part of their father's household. But for a long time they did not live like that. The new government decided to drive all the peasants into collective farms, so the ruin of all more or less prosperous farms began. A lot of them died, as people resisted and raised uprisings.

mother sephora life and prophecy

Long difficulties and undivided faith in God

At this time, Daria’s husband decided to move toBolokhovo, which is near Tula. There, he planned to work in the newly opened mine. At first he wanted to move there himself, and after he settled down, call his family. He managed to leave, but literally right away Daria and the children were kicked out of the house and dismantled. All property has been selected.

Nobody wanted to shelter a family.The mother-in-law and mother-in-law were sent to Solovki, the younger brother was beaten to death. However, there was one kind soul, the unsociable widow Agafya, who lived on the outskirts. It was difficult. Hunger, cold, but interrupted. They asked for alms, worked tirelessly, collected any fuel for heating. The eldest daughter almost immediately left for her father, and the whole family moved to him only after two or three years. Mother Zipporah and her family lived there before the war. Scanty, but stable.

With the advent of war, tribulation began again andmoving. Daria’s husband went to the front, and they left for the Tambov region, and then returned to the Tula region again. It was hungry and cold, but prayer always saved. Daria prayed not only for the children, but also for the husband who fought. Thanks to this, they all survived these difficult times.

In 1955, Daria lost her husband and remained a widow.And a year later, the family moved to the modern city of Kireevsk. Near him, in the village of Panin, there was a temple, which they began to visit. So resumed and the external spiritual life of mother.

Fulfillment of tonsure. How it was

After moving to Kireevsk, Daria stoppedtake care of the earth. Her children became adults, they helped her, giving what she needed, taking care of her. But these needs were very small. Not a nun yet, she already had several spiritual children who consulted with her in everything.

Very often, mother lived in Sergiev Posad,her eldest daughter Alexandra, who found a job there, and after a while she bought a part of the house. Mother very often came here to her, went to worship and prayed a lot. It was here that her unusual tonsure in monasticism took place.

Once, during prayer, they went down to motherangels who began to walk around her, performing an unknown rite. After they began to put on her monastic robe, Daria realized that this was tonsured. She told about this at a confession in the Lavra. After that, she was blessed to be tonsured a monk. And on October 20th, 1967, she was dressed in monastic attire in the world. They called her Dosifei.

Mother lived for a long time in Sergiev Posad, but when her eldest daughter Alexandra died of the disease, she was in Kireevo and was also ill. Paraskeva and Lydia went to bury their sister.

Mother Zipporah, whose life and prophecies werepermeated with love for man, for his troubles, she received many monks, which led to bewilderment of neighbors. They did not understand why it would suddenly be that they were driving. They thought that grandmother Dasha was treating.

fanged mother sephora how to get

Mother moving to Klykovo

Very often mother went to holy places, waseven in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, visited Optina deserts. In December 1989, Mother Dosifei was tonsured into a schema. She was given a new name, Zipporah, which means Hebrew in Hebrew. Her further life continued in the cell, where she carried her feat, despite her age.

Mother was very worried that she lived in the world,after all, she would have to die this way, although she was a schemer. Once her worries were dispelled by the fervent prayer of the Virgin. She came to the old woman and said that it was not intended for the mother to die at all in the world. Priests from Klykovo were supposed to come to her. Mother Zippora did not even ask or think how to get to him. She knew that they would come for her. Only sometimes I asked the visiting priests if they were from there.

Meanwhile, a bishop’s building was built in KlykovoCompound and rebuilt the church. After some time, shegumen Eli told the monks who were rebuilding the area that she would be nourished spiritually by the nun Seppora. It was to her that they went for advice and prayers. And the construction went smoothly. Already at Christmas, a log cabin was built for mother.

So mother Zippora moved to Fang.How to get to it now? You need the Kaluga-Kozelsk road, you need to go by car. As you will see a pointer to Optina deserts, you should go in the direction of Meshchovsk. On the road you will see a sign with a pointer. Focus on the chapel of Oleg Bryansk.

canine monastery mother sephora wonders

Cases of healing

A lot of people talk about how afterArriving at the old woman, they fully recovered. For example, there is one letter from a woman who talks about her disappointing diagnosis - purulent mastopathy. Sent for surgery. Before that, she prayed to mother for a long time, asked her for intercession. The day of surgery was scheduled, but before that it was necessary to go for an ultrasound scan. Thanks to the prayers of the old woman, they did not find anything. Instead of the operation, the woman went to the grave of mother Zippora.

Another inexplicable miracle was told by anothera woman whose name is Elena. Once her husband, who works as a driver, went on a business trip. The wife felt trouble and asked her mother to pray for her husband. Returning from a business trip, he showed a deep scratch, only she remained from the accident. So, the old woman’s prayers helped to be saved.

Again, Elena also spoke about helping her son when he was burning in the fire of a childhood illness. Sincere prayer and crying for help did their job - the next morning the son recovered from the heat.

Another woman from Kireevsk talked abouthis friendship with mother. Together they went to the church, which was located in Panino. Mother already was endowed with the gift of insight, but most often she was silent. But then she said a few words about the future life of her children. She said that the daughters would become the wives of the priests, and the son - the priest. She also predicted that he would take her. And so it happened.

mother sephora how to get there

Miracles in Klykovo

After moving to the village of Klykovo, mother Sepporacontinued to offer her prayers. She attended every liturgy and never missed. Mother's prayers for the temple found a car, which she prompted how to choose. She accurately described the necessary signs, according to which they found the car.

Praying, continued mother Zipporawonders. And at a construction site, and among people. According to her, whole blocks that previously could not be pulled out defrosted, and adult men, for whom abuse was part of life, became like lambs.

His staff, smeared with holy water from the Jordan,as well as lamp oil, she healed people. After death, cases of healing did not stop. Once, after a long prayer to mother, anointed with oil from the lamp that stands on her grave, a boy recovered from leukemia. After that, he saw mother in his dream. She bent over him with ease, and he kissed her hand. After some time, a miracle happened again in the same family. The boy’s grandmother, who fell ill with an incurable disease, suddenly recovered. Of course, this happened from fervent prayers to mother.

Mother Earth End

Mother Zippora foresaw her demise.The day before she gave gifts to everyone, handing out her property. Before her death, she felt ill, but she was not going to leave anywhere. Everything happened on the thirteenth of May 1997. So mother Zippora rested in her house. Her grave is located near the altar of St. Nicholas chapel. Nearby is a mass grave. Everyone did as she bequeathed.

If you want to visit the gravemother Seppora, how to get to her, described above. And today miracles are happening there that cannot be explained scientifically, but quite possibly with the Divine.

It should be noted that some time afterThe old woman’s death was discovered by Miro in her photograph, which was in her mother’s cell. At first they thought it was fogging, but the world soon became so numerous that the photograph stuck to the glass. Witnesses of this miracle are Optina monks.

akathist mother sephora

The prophecies of the old woman

Prophecies of mother Seppora were numerous.She clearly saw each person, his life and everything that would happen to him. Also, the predictions were more global. For example, many prophecies have been made for Russia. Mother saw that if a king comes to this country for a ruling post, then she is not in danger, she will not accept the seal of the Antichrist, unlike other states. It is very important that this happens after the second or third president. And, as can be seen from the current political situation, this is possible.

Mother also spoke about the coming Apocalypse. According to her, everything will be as described in it. Only unwavering faith can save humanity.

Another mother’s prediction is the renaming of Klykovo to Spassk. At the same time, the monastery will become much larger, a large number of buildings will appear in it, and many people will come here to live.

Mother's instructions

Over the course of her life, mother Seppora gave many instructions to her spiritual children and simply to the people who asked her for help. Consider some of her teachings:

  • Mother often repeated how to pray: “Lord, confirm my heart burns for you!” Everyone remembered her words. She also spoke of prayer for her superiors and elders.
  • She also instructed that the Mother of God rule should always be fulfilled, and also remember to turn to the saints and the Lord, assuring that they all hear.
  • Very often, mother said that smallchildren can not be scolded, because they are raw wax, from which you can sculpt anything. With the transgressions of his children, the Lord needs to pray so that he can direct them to a righteous and good path.
  • The old woman always forbade the censure of anyone. She said that you can’t talk badly about anyone. This is the business of the Lord, who knows what to do with a person’s life, and not ours at all.
  • Mother always advised, before coming to her, to pray to God. Then he will reveal to the asker all that he needs through her.
  • According to the old woman, to all those icons that are in the house, you need to know the prayers, the troparion, as well as the life of the person depicted on it. Otherwise, these are not icons, but a regular exhibition of paintings.
  • She talked a lot about the need to think less about the things of the world, and more about life after death, in the Kingdom of God.
  • She spoke about the importance of prayer for the salvation of the human soul, which is the most important task in human life.
  • Mother always repeated that all her affairs should be done for the Lord, to be with him all the time. Then he will always be with us.
  • The most important prayer was Jesus. She commanded her to repeat everywhere. If a person is alone, then repeat aloud, if in a public place, then to yourself.

Each admonition of the old woman was very significant andspoken of great philanthropy. Obviously, this is why so many people flocked to Klykovo (monastery). Mother Seppora helped many, prayed for many.

village canine mother sephora

Prayer and akathist to the old man

Mother has long been for many peoplesavior. There, in heaven, she continues to intercede for those who speak to her. Therefore, there is a special akathist to mother Seppore, thanks to which believers can speak directly to her. In it, much attention is paid to her unwavering faith, which saved her mother in different situations.

Prayers to mother Sepphor are very helpful when you need to strengthen your faith, and also ask for intercession. There is also a special appeal to the old woman.

The Life of Mother Zippora in the film

Many believers after the death of the old woman come toKlykovo (monastery). Mother Seppora, whose miracles were quite numerous during her lifetime, continues to do this after her death. This is all going in the form of records in the place where she lived.

Today there is a film that tells aboutthis associate of our time. It was removed in 2011 at the initiative of Hegumen Mikhail, who is the viceroy of the Savior Not Made by Hands monastery. It contains a lot of facts from the life of mother, advice and guidance. A lot of work has also been done to organize meetings with spiritual children, who were fed by mother Seppora, as well as with her relatives. Based on all this, this film appeared.


In the end, you can say how much has done andsurvived this old woman from Klykovo. Mother Seppora, whose wonders are numerous, still helps her children and all who ask her about it. Her whole life was filled with love for her neighbors, but even more she loved the Lord. Throughout the earthly journey, prayer was in her mouth.

Now the monastery of mother Zippora receives a large number of pilgrims and sufferers who come to her grave, and everyone receives according to his faith.