/ / Spiritual help and support: the icon of Matrona of Moscow

Spiritual help and support: the icon of Matrona of Moscow

Among a fairly large number of Orthodoxsaints whom worshipers worship, and not only, there are several very special personalities. Their spiritual feat is so great that even during their lifetime these people were endowed with a unique divine power to help the suffering. And after their physical death, having already embodied in the spirit, they continue to hear people's prayers and stretch our invisible arms of support. It is to such remarkable personalities that Matryona Nikonova, a native of the village of Sebino, was found, which was once in the Tula province. True, she is better known by another name - Mother Matrona, or Matrona Moscow

Great trials

Moscow matron icon
The icon of the Matrona of Moscow is practically ineach temple, monastery, in many rural houses and city apartments. Every day thousands of prayers turn to her, and in each there is great hope for miracle, help, blessing and support. The life of Matrona of Moscow tells the story of the fate of this amazing woman.

Если считать правдой, что иного человека Господь notes a special sign before his birth, the case with Matryona is the most obvious example. Her mother had a prophetic dream - to her a bird sat on her chest, beautiful in appearance, but blind. And then in the family of Nikonov a girl was born, whose eyes were deprived of life. The grace of God was manifested in the fact that, not seeing the light of white, the child had an unusually sharp inner spiritual vision. She felt, understood, evaluated both sinful human actions and righteous ones. And her whole life, full of hardships, persecutions, her own illnesses and endless compassion for people, is regarded as asceticism, a feat in the name of Faith and Mercy. Therefore, being herself struck by a serious illness, almost motionless (paralysis overtook her in adulthood), thanks to her piety and ineradicable, conscious faith in God, constant prayers, fasting, being in spiritual quest, a woman could heal hopelessly sick people, support those who fell spirit, to anticipate certain events.

For her inner gaze there were no spatial boundaries, and she, like the Holy Spirit, sitting on the bed in her room, was with the soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, protecting their lives.

life matrons Moscow
Those who suffered for their faith in the NKVD cells,disappeared in the gulag, she supported the will, vitality. It is difficult to overestimate the enormous moral impact that this woman has on thousands of people. And after death, which she herself predicted, each icon of the holy Matrona of Moscow has the same miraculous properties. Mother Matronushka announced to all who grieved her death, so that they would come to her with their needs, problems, and troubles just as if she were nearby. At the grave or before the icon they shared everything that was in pain. The saint promised that she would hear everyone and try to help, become an intercessor before the face of God.

Miraculous icon

icon of the holy matron of Moscow
The promise was kept.On May 2, the church celebrates the day of this great martyr and seer, healer and comforter. The icon of Matrona of Moscow in the monastery, in which it is buried, as well as a modest grave, turn into places of endless pilgrimage. What are the only requests people do not apply! Someone lost a child or someone from relatives, and they are asked to give news of him, to help find. Ask for the sick - about health. Women who are deprived of the happiness of motherhood pray for giving them the opportunity to conceive and carry out the infant.

Hears the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and requests forthe resolution of family conflicts, the elimination of strife between spouses, misunderstandings between children and parents. About the happy device of personal life. That the prayer could get a decent job, support his family. But it is not enough, what may be necessary for us, is it not enough, in what a dead end situation can we find ourselves! And often it is the icon of Matrona of Moscow that becomes the straw that gives hope and does not allow us to drown in the abyss of despair.