In search of answers to exciting questions, many people turn to tarot cards. This is one of the ways to look inside yourself and see any situation from different sides.
Brief description and interpretation of the map
Traditional image of 2 swords in classicalTarot packs: a girl with blindfolds holds two swords in her hands. She is completely alone, focused on her inner world, not noticing anything around.
The sacred meaning of the lasso can be understood ifcarefully look at the plot of the picture. The person is motionless, which symbolizes stagnation. The surrounding landscape only strengthens this impression. In this case, it's not just calm and rest, but a stop, connected with misunderstanding, where to move on. Tied eyes indicate the impossibility of a sober look at what is happening. The moon on the night sky represents intuition. The inner voice is capable of prompting the right decision, but a person ignores it. In order to cope with the overwhelming doubts, he needs to achieve harmony between emotions and reason. Crossed swords symbolize the opposing sides of the individual, a dilemma, controversial issues. The right decision will be made only when he finds a balance and harmonizes his internal state.
The value of the map in the forward position
Practically in all questions the Two of Swordssymbolizes duality, doubt, fear, misunderstanding and predicament. Most often people around perceive a person as calm and reasonable. But in reality this is only the external side, inside it is overcome by doubts and uncertainty.
Two of Swords (Tarot): the value is upside down
The meaning of this card in an inverted position is even moreaggravates its basic meaning. In this case, a certain hopelessness is felt. Perhaps a person is no longer able to influence the situation, since circumstances do not depend on him. The decision was made without his participation. But, despite the unpleasant consequences, he managed to see the real essence of what is happening, that is, to remove the blindfold from his eyes.
Также этот младший аркан может указывать на some other unpleasant moments: fraud, betrayal by others, deception, inability to concentrate and adequately assess the true state of things. This is only an incomplete list of what the two of swords can tell. Tarot involves a deep analysis of not just one arcane, but also its combination with other cards that are present in the scenario.
Personal characteristic
If the question about a particular person fallsthe card of the Two of Swords, it describes, rather, the state in which he is at the present moment, rather than his character as a whole. Arkan says that a person is at a crossroads, has faced a dilemma and cannot make a choice. At the moment, it is much easier for him to close his eyes to problems than to take up a decision. Also, perhaps, he suppresses his emotions. The reasons can be many: frustration, fear of the unknown, an attempt to protect themselves from pain, lack of willpower, lack of understanding of what is happening, disbelief in themselves and their strength.
The situation has an impact on the character. Such qualities as mistrust, suspicion, insecurity, isolation and emotional coldness may appear.
In such a state it is very difficult to change, but this is the only way out. If possible, try to look at what is happening from the outside and start acting.
Love and relationship
In matters of relationship, the Two of Swords is far away.not the best card. It personifies mistrust, doubt and uncertainty. Temporary compromises are possible, but this does not solve the existing problem. There is no mutual understanding between partners. Emotional coldness and indifference reigns between them.
In some cases, the Tarot Card Two of Swordssays that people hide their feelings, wanting to protect their inner world from external interference. In addition, a person does not want to understand the position of his partner, preferring to remain in ignorance.
The appearance of 2 swords in handouts associated withprofessional activities and career, foreshadows temporary difficulties. Most likely, we are talking about some controversial points, dubious projects and lack of information.
In some cases this card followsperceive it as advice to find a compromise and try to reach an understanding between the opponents. If the question concerned the position of the company as a whole, and not relations with competitors, then the lasso speaks about unclear prospects, instability and temporary difficulties.
One more thing that can tellTwo Swords, - calm and lack of development. This time must be devoted to ordering things. However, it is impossible to remain in such a state for a long time, otherwise inaction will block all possible prospects.
Health status
In questions about physical health Two Swordswarns of possible problems with vision, as well as with the cardiovascular or respiratory system. Also, the lasso can talk about psychological problems, depressive state, apathy, and a desire to shut off from the whole world.
Alignment on the situation
Two Swords speaks of temporary difficulties.The questioner (that is, the person who is being guessed) has found himself in a difficult situation and cannot find a way out. He has doubts. The reason lies in the lack of understanding of what is happening. Since a person does not see the whole situation, he cannot decide how best to proceed. In some cases, this problem may have two solutions, often quite radically opposite. The best way is to understand what is happening and, casting aside all doubts, make a decision. Perhaps the root of the problem lies not in external circumstances, but in the questioner’s attitude to what is happening.
In some cases, indecision and delay are much more dangerous than making a decision. Attempting to ignore problems is not at all conducive to their elimination, but only aggravates the situation.
Personal growth and spiritual development
In the hands of self-development, the appearancethis junior arcana indicates doubts and hesitations that prevent a person from achieving success. This is a sign that the time has come to decide and make a choice. Achieving inner harmony is the only way to success.
The advice given by the lasso:try to take a sober look at what is happening, assess your internal state and external circumstances, set priorities and begin to act. Otherwise, the period of stagnation and doubt will last for quite a long time, which can entail devastating consequences.
Despite the specific meaning that hides inTwo swords, the value of the card can acquire different shades depending on which lasso it is combined in hands. Therefore, to get a more complete picture is possible only when you analyze the received answers and relate them to what is happening around.