/ / How to call the peak lady and why call her

How to summon a lady and why to call her

What a strange ritual, there is no mention of it inthe writings of magicians and warlocks, in folk and even Gypsy magic ... Modern magicians and psychics also do not talk about such a rite (someone said that this card is used for a lapel). It is very likely that this ritual appeared quite recently, and children came up with "how to call the peak lady". If you type in a search engine “how to call a peak lady at home,” you can find many typical children's “horror stories”: “Exactly at midnight, you need to take a mirror, light a candle, extinguish all the whole world. Red lipstick to draw on the mirror stairs and the door and call: "The Queen of Spades, come!" While she comes down, you need to make a wish, and before she comes near, cover the mirror and turn on the light. If you do not have time, it will strangle. ”

Children love to “be afraid” of something mysterious andmystical, that's fine. But flirting with the looking glass is really unsafe, any disembodied entity can respond to children's fun. What happens if you call the peak lady? Children with a stable psyche will receive the desired adrenaline rush, children suggestible and excitable can be seriously frightened, and children with extrasensory abilities will see something. But, before you put an end, try to figure out why they need this Madame.

The villain of the looking glass

Who is she, the queen of spades?The first thing that comes to mind is the villain, so this card is usually interpreted in fake divination. She also signified an old woman or a widow, less often an alien, a rival. But we are talking about ordinary playing cards, let's remember what is the basis of this gamble. There is an interesting legend about the origin of playing cards: the ancient Egyptian priests (or in another embodiment, the priests of Atlantis) encrypted their knowledge in the plates with the name Tarot and decided that the vice could be best preserved, not virtue. Since then, these signs began to be used for gambling and for bazaar divinations, and the Tarot cards turned into playing cards ... And what does the peak lady in Tarot symbolism mean? Tarot cards are called differently in the Tarot cards: Bubi - disks or coins, worms - cups or bowls, baptizing - staves or wands, spikes - swords or spears. Ladies are called queens, and each suit has its own element, side of the world, zodiac sign, etc. For swords, the element is air, the side of the world is north. In the Tarot system, the queen of swords is not at all an unambiguously negative character, it can be different. In a positive aspect, it is a queen - a warrior, an Amazon, and in a negative aspect a snow queen (as she is often depicted on the map). Interestingly it turns out - the children, inventing how to call the peak lady, try to call the snow queen, and even through the mirror.

The times of time

Many children choose aggressive symbolism:wolves, tigers, skulls, etc. And esoteric and psychologists believe that this is correct - the child is looking for an image of a strong defender. In antiquity, it was frightening amulets that were put on children to ward off evil spirits. But back to our lady, often on the Tarot cards, queens were depicted in the image of their respective goddesses. And what kind of goddess corresponds to the queen of swords? The most suitable is the Indian goddess Kali, the black goddess with knives in her hands and in necklaces of severed heads. But in fact, in India, Kali is not honored as a destroyer, but as a great mother who protects children from demons. This is the second hypostasis of the white goddess Parvati. And the era in which we live is considered the era of Kali. So it is worth thinking about what the children want, thinking up how to call the peak lady, maybe they really “catch” something from the information field of the earth.

And yet, good advice to parents: if your child is looking for how to call the peak lady, tell him (or think up) some ritual without a mirror.