What does it mean if a guy who enjoys dreams?If such a dream is seen by a girl, perhaps in the wake of her feelings for this person are very strong. In reality, they may even be unrequited, but in a dream a young man will smile, take care of her. That is to do everything that the lady is waiting for in real life. Such a dream can be just a part of the girl's fantasies about a young man, it means little.
If the guy who likes in conversation with the sleeper is not inforces directly look into her eyes, his eyes are running, most likely in real life he is not trustworthy. About these people say - on your mind. When a young man in a dream is rude, behaving rudely and very frivolously, most often this is a harbinger of an early separation. This person does not fit dreaming. They have different ways.
If the guy who likes him brings a bouquet in his sleepred roses, in reality the girl needs to prepare for a warm intimate conversation, a romantic evening. It is possible that the meeting will end with intimate affinity. Every author's dream book on the question of what it means if a guy who likes likes a dream, answers in his own way. Below we give some variants of interpretations.
Velesov dream book (small) Interpretation of sleep
The guy who likes it, dreams that the girl is waiting for an early meeting with her beloved.

Dreaming guy dreams about love games.
East dream book
What does it mean if a guy who enjoys dreams?Kissing with a loved one in the dark - to gossip and condemnation from the public. If this happens in the light, then the sleeper will show himself on the good side. When the bride dreams that her chosen one has married another, in the wake of her will be seized by attacks of jealousy, which has no real ground. A dream in which a girl is upset that her young man treats her indifferently, in reality, means that she faces a painful choice between marriage and freedom.
Treason on the part of the dreamer dreams,that she will deceive her beloved. If there is a reverse dream (the guy who likes, changes the sleeper), in reality, her trust can be abused. A dream, where a lady changes her chosen one out of revenge, means that in her family life everything will go smoothly.
A dream in which a girl received a photo from a suitor,says that in reality he does not like her, but simply uses for some of his own selfish ends. If an unmarried woman likes a guy presents expensive gifts, in reality she will have a decent and rich husband. A dream in which a girl walks with her beloved in a well-groomed and very beautiful park, heralds her an excellent pastime, and in the future - a happy marriage.