The conspiracy to sell is often used.Such methods are used by both traders in the market, and people who would like to quickly find a buyer of an apartment or a car, and even entrepreneurs. It would seem that such different people, but they all managed to assess the effectiveness of popular conspiracies. There are many such prayers and miraculous words.
For example, a well-known plot to sell a housewith the use of keys. In order to conduct such a ritual, it is necessary to put the water at midnight. When it boils, you should throw the keys to the house you want to sell, and say: "As people without an iron lock, without an iron key do not live, they can not without the name of a thing." Like without water, without food, you live, people, and without (the name of the thing) you can not. "Amen." Water after the conspiracy is not poured out. It is directly used for a successful transaction. It is believed that if you wash your hands with such water, then it will bring good luck in the transaction. However, this method works only when selling non-living things. For those who want to sell livestock, it will not help.
Conspiracies for sale are used everywhere.Among them there are those that are used in transactions where the buyer is identified, as well as those that help attract the client. Also, traders have such conspiracies that will protect from the evil eye and, accordingly, raise the level of sales. A conspiracy to sell may not have a clear wording. Many of them are more of a ritual.
For example, you can see how the traders in the market,having received money for the sold goods, they beat them on other things. At the same time, what they say is not so important. What is important is the act that they produce, as well as the mental images. It is interesting that after this the goods diverge rather quickly.
The plot to sell is best done from the earlymorning. For this, preliminary water is prepared (most of the conspiracies are done on it), and in the morning the floor is washed in the store. When the first customer comes, it is important not to miss it and sell something, even at a discount. Then for the whole day the cash flow is secured. Sometimes you can see how two or three people trade with the same goods. At the same time one very quickly disagrees, while others can not sell in any way. The reason is that the lucky guy used magic methods to attract buyers. After reading the conspiracy to sell, you can successfully implement everything that is brought to the point of sale.
Plots for selling a house, you canread and on the broom. Then this broom should be swept all apartment (living area). You can pronounce an insult over the water, wash the floor, and take out the water. But it must be done so that no living soul along the way gets caught. Otherwise, everything that has been done will be lost, and the ritual will have to be carried out again.
When selling cars are also used nagovory.In this way, even such an auto is sold, which theoretically can not be sold. Of course, one must be reasonable, no one will pay for the ruin, as for a new car. But with the help of conspiracies and prayers you can find a buyer, which is already good.
A plot to sell may not work in severalcases. One of them is the weak power of the reader of the conspiracy. In order for such methods to be effective, it is necessary to have an energy adequacy. Of course, in some conspiracies the power is invested from the very beginning. However, they can not help if a person lacks faith. Another reason why conspiracies do not work is interference of destructive energies. It is known that the competitor's trade can be killed by reading other conspiracies. This is especially effective when the opponent is stronger. In this case it is better to turn to a professional. In this case, you must choose a proven witch, because in the field of magic charlatanoks abound.