/ / Mixture for masonry of furnaces refractory: composition and price. What are the proportions of mortar for masonry stoves?

Mixture for masonry of furnaces fireproof: composition and price. What are the proportions of mortar for masonry stoves?

From time immemorial, a good stove was considered the basisgood house. It was not only a source of heat. She prepared food and even rested. At all times, masonry masters enjoyed great respect among the people. It was on their ability to depend on the warmth and comfort in the house on cold winter days. In the process of laying the furnace there are no unimportant details or trifles. Everything is important here. Particular attention is required mortar for laying the furnace. The proportions of it must be observed exactly. It is also important to choose the right components. Next, we will consider what the mixture is for the masonry of the furnaces.

mix for stoves

General information

The composition of the mortar for masonry furnaces may includethemselves are different components. The final result will depend on the quality of the batch. In particular, the mixture for laying furnaces provides strength, heat resistance and tightness. The disadvantage or, on the contrary, the increased content of any component can lead to breach of integrity, structural cracking, leakage of carbon monoxide. For the construction, ceramic bricks and a clay mix for stoves are used. It is considered the best material for fixing elements. However, it is not always possible to use clay.

Characteristics of the material

What can be the solution for laying the furnace?The proportions of binders determine the purpose of the material. So, it can be used directly for connecting and fixing elements of a structure or serve for finishing. Mixture for masonry furnaces can include not one, but two astringent components. In addition to clay, for example, cement is used. The filler will stiffen the frozen solution. A small overabundance of this component will not do much harm to the quality of the design. But it will significantly reduce the strength, even a slight excess of the proportion of astringent component. In this case we are talking about clay. Therefore, it is believed that the lower it is in solution, the higher its quality will be. But completely replace clay with lime or cement is not worth it.

According to the consistency, the mixture for laying ovens shouldbe viscous and sufficiently plastic. But it should not be liquid or crumble. On the body of the furnace, thick joints are not allowed. Their optimal size is 1-3 millimeters. Sand grain should not be more than 1 mm. When using a larger fraction, the amount of sand will change. Its exact proportions will depend on the quality of the clay. Thus, "lean" requires a reduction in volume, and the fatty is diluted by the ratio of 1 part clay and 2 parts sand. For quality clay and fine-grained filler, the proportion is 1: 1.
refractory mixtures for masonry furnaces


At its discretion, the master can includecomposition of cement and salt solution. According to the standard, mixing is not expected. But if the decision is made to make a complex solution, then you need to observe the following proportions: for 10 kilograms of clay, you need 150 g of salt, 1 kg of cement grade M400. It will also require two buckets of sand and clay. This amount is enough for laying a hundred bricks.

Mixing and quality control

First clay is poured into the trough.It should be filled with water in a small volume. Clay is left for a period of six hours to two days so that it is soaked. During this time, it is stirred. For example, you can put on rubber shoes and trample clay. Water should be taken 1/4 of the available volume of raw materials. Then added sifted sand. The entire mixture is shaken. You can check the consistency by the behavior of the mass. If the solution from the shovel slides slowly, the mixing can be completed. To determine plasticity, a small flagellum of 20 cm long and 1.5 cm thick should be blinded. It should be connected around a five-centimeter wooden blank. Stretch the flagellum evenly. If it tore, the ends should be sharp. If there are no cracks in the bend, the solution is too greasy. Accordingly, in the presence of numerous discontinuities, the mass is "lean." In the second case, add clay, and in the first - sand. As a result, it is necessary to obtain several small cracks in the bend.

ready mixes for masonry furnaces

Classification of materials

It is not recommended to use clay mixture in parta chimney towering above the roof. This is due to the fact that due to the accumulation of condensate on the clay appear cracks, and it collapses. To prevent such situations, the mixture for stonework is prepared using a calcareous dough. The same option is suitable for constructing the foundation of the structure. For the mortar, 1 part of the calcareous dough and 3 parts of sand are used. To obtain the first component, it is necessary to mix 1 part of lime (quicklime) and 3 parts of water. The consistency of the main component is similar to a softened fatty clay. The density of a quality lime test is 1400 kg / cc. m. You can purchase ready-mix for stoves. Extinguishing of lime in the factory is carried out in special rooms using the machines intended for this purpose. It is not recommended to make the dough on your own. This is due to the fact that lime can cause burns of the respiratory tract and skin. The fat content of the dough affects the amount of sand added. If it is increased, it will take 5 parts of the filler. In this case, the consistency of the solution will be normal. Before mixing the components, the dough should be wiped through a sieve, the cells of which should be 1 x 1 cm. By adding water, the required consistency of the solution is obtained in the end.

heat-resistant mixture for masonry furnaces

Use of cement

This component will increase the strengthsolution. The resulting mass with two astringent components and a filler has a high resistance to moisture. High-quality refractory mixtures for laying ovens, chimneys and foundations are obtained by mixing the components in the following ratio:

  • 1 part of cement;
  • 2 pieces of dough;
  • 8-10 parts of sand.

First of all, it is necessary to mix the first andlast components. Together with this, in another container, the dough is diluted with water to a viscous state. After that dry components are added to it. The whole mass is mixed. To obtain the required viscosity, water is added in small volumes.

Masonry mortar composition

Heat-resistant mixture for masonry furnaces

To make the material more durableadd also concrete. According to its operational properties, this solution will not yield to calcareous. Hardening of concrete mass begins after 45 minutes. Before mixing the components, they are passed through a sieve. Then sand is poured into the prepared container, and on top of it - cement. This mass is mixed until a uniform composition is obtained. Then water is added. With mixing, it is necessary to achieve a viscous consistency. The solution should not be too liquid or thick. For the construction of a monolithic furnace, the following components are used:

  • 1 part Portland cement (M400);
  • sand - 2 parts;
  • brick crushed stone - 2 parts;
  • chamotte sand - 0.3 parts.