/ / Making Cages for Rabbits With Your Hands

Making Cages for Rabbits With Your Hands

You can install cells in a shed, but you cangarden or in the yard - everything depends on the climatic conditions. Perhaps the combined maintenance of animals - in winter indoors, and in summer - on the street. Placing cells indoors or in the yard, it is necessary to take into account the fact that rabbits do not tolerate draft, as well as increased and lowered humidity.

You decided to plant on the plotrabbits, but do not know where to get the cage? Ready-made cells can be bought at the store, but it's much nicer to make cages for rabbits with your own hands. Cells come in a variety of forms, if desired, you can even find ready-made drawings.

You need to think about how to make a cage forrabbits, so that it fits seamlessly into the design of the site. Perhaps, even it is necessary to make a cage on the drawings, the main thing that it corresponded to standard norms of the maintenance of rabbits, differently the productivity of rabbits will decrease.

In fact, the production of cells for rabbits- it's fascinating and interesting. You can build them from various materials: wood, brick, adobe. Suitable even shop packaging, plywood, metal die-cutting and other materials. Very convenient for keeping rabbits are cells located on goats at a height of up to one meter, or on wooden poles dug into the ground. Such cells are spacious, they are easily visible and can be conveniently cleaned. Feeding animals is also very convenient, because they have everything you need: a feeder, a drinking bowl, a warm house. Before making a cage for rabbits, you need to choose the right place for it. Constructing cells for rabbits with their own hands means making cells that are ideally suited to each specific case.

It is best to place cages for rabbits with your own hands on a site with trees, as in the summer the trees will give a shadow and shelter from the hot sun, and in winter they will be protected from the wind.

Cells are single and double. For one adult animal is laid at a rate of 0.5 square meters of area, for young animals - 0.12 square meters, and for young rabbits - 0.17.
The length of a double-sided single cell isfrom 220 to 240 centimeters, and width - 65 centimeters. The height of the back wall is 35 centimeters, the front - 50 centimeters. The one-pitch roof ends with a visor projecting forward by 20 centimeters, and from the sides - by 10 centimeters. From the sides there are nesting compartments with a solid floor, and in the stern section the floor is made of a grid of 16x48 or 18x18 centimeters, or from two-centimeter wooden slats stuffed in half a centimeter. Laz in the nest is made at a height of 15 centimeters from the floor, so that the rabbits could not get into the stern compartment.

Doors in the stern compartment are made from a grid, and innested - solid. On the mesh doors, drinkers and removable feeders are hung. Rough forages are usually distributed in a nursery made of two mesh-framed wooden frames. The upper ends of the frames are extended to the sides of the stern compartments, and the lower ones are combined.

Cages for rabbits with their own hands built forthe contents of the young, represent a wooden frame, upholstered in the back and sides. The front grid and floor are made of metal mesh. The size of cells for young animals depends on the number of animals that will be there. Usually the cells make 2-4 meters in length and one meter in width. The height of the front wall is 0.5 meters, the back - 0.4 meters. The front wall has two doors, they are hung up with drinkers and feeders, as well as nursery for grass or hay. The roof is made of wood, ahead should be a visor measuring 30 centimeters. In the cells must be the rabbit of one age, weight and sex, as well as temperament.

For the maintenance of males, round cells are made from a mesh measuring 75 centimeters and 40 centimeters in height. In such cells you can keep the female. The floor is made either from a grid or from wooden slats.

The success of homestead rabbit breeding is not the lastthe turn depends on how carefully the production of cells for rabbits was made. Creating all the conditions for normal life of animals is a direct way to success.