/ / We collect the trike by our own hands! Basic moments

We collect a trike by our own hands! Basic moments

At the moment, this type of recreation, ashang gliding, is gradually gaining popularity in Russia. Now there are a lot of shops selling this equipment, and instructors who teach the management of such an equipment. However, the cost of this kind of pleasure is sometimes too great, so today we will consider the question "how to make a trike by one's own hands."



Everything you need to prepare in the firstturn, this is the skin, the rope stretch and the frame. By the way, about the cables. When you collect a trike by yourself, do not skimp on these tools, as your health and even your life depend on the quality and reliability of the structure you have assembled. Therefore, the cable must comply with all standards and requirements, have high strength and protection from sudden disengagement of the rifle. Of course, it should not be torn, so purchase only equipment that has all the necessary documents and certificates, and if possible, make purchases in specialized stores, and not in the market.

As for the skin, this material alsoshould be characterized by increased strength. However, here by this concept is meant its resistance to the aerodynamic load, which the skeleton undergoes during flight. And it is best to purchase a special sailing cloth: it certainly will not break at the most unexpected moment. The metal structure should be light and at the same time strong. Too weight a trike (made by oneself) should not be, as this will only exacerbate its manageability and maneuverability in general.

how much is a trike


At this moment it is also necessary to sharpenAttention. When designing the design, calculate the number of places for the connectors correctly. The strength and weight of the whole unit will depend on how correctly you think about their location.

What else do you need to pay attention to?

Lateral and keel tubes must be connected infront of the device. This will make your hang glider with the motor more streamlined, and accordingly, and aerodynamic. At the same time, the mast should be attached to the upper part of the structure, which will serve as a support for the fixed cables. The side mechanisms should be fixed on the forklift-based hang glider design. Remember that all these nodes must be located separately from the pipes. Otherwise in the future, this will lead to the formation of unnecessary joints, which is fraught with deterioration of aerodynamics during the flight. The steering mechanism should also be securely fixed in the trike, the movement of its handle should be easily carried out with one hand. At the final stage, stretch the skin on the structure.

hang-glider with motor

Finally, we answer the important question:"How much is a trike in stores?" Depending on the manufacturer and the technical characteristics of the engine, its price can range from 50 to 160 thousand rubles. In fact, assembling the trike by yourself, you save up to half of this cost.