/ / Radiometer Will Tell What Berries Collect

Radiometer Will Tell What Berries Collect

Until recently, most people wereis convinced that any berries are divided only into edible and inedible, and there is simply no other gradation of these natural gifts. For the time being, so it was - if the SS ecology is all right, and the plants grow in an appropriate place, where there are no contaminants, their fruits and berries can really only be either poisonous by nature and inedible due to their kind and morphology , or completely edible, and, importantly, useful to any person.

However, due to the deteriorating environmentalconditions on most territories of the planet appear and the third type of berries - infected. They can look like edible and be inherently them, but carry a whole set of harmful substances. Heavy metals, chemical reagents - all this and much more can accumulate in any fruit with all the ensuing consequences for those who decide to consume them for food. Nowadays with this aspect you need to be as cautious as possible - so as not to encounter sudden unpleasant surprises.

Fortunately, in most cases, the presence of chemistry infruits or berries can be foreseen. As a rule, the distortion of the shape of the fetus, the change in its color or taste, the presence of black dots and other signals indicate a misfortune. If there are many fruits that attract attention with their atypical fruit, it is worth not to collect them in this territory in favor of a cleaner area. However, it is not always possible to learn about the dangers on the go - after all, sometimes the risks remain simply invisible. So, recently a new type of pollution appeared, which previously was practically unknown, and its distribution was minimal. This is a phenomenon such as radiation. If in the past it could only have a natural origin, now, thanks to human activities, it can turn out to be artificial, caused by certain activities. Nuclear tests and the search for new fuels, working with such fuels, industry and production, and even more, such as burning coal, can all release a certain amount of radiation and allow it to spread to the surrounding areas. This is very dangerous - the radiation spreads very quickly, with soil, water and even air.

To identify a dangerous terrain or product, the same fruits, it is necessary to use radiometer, since it is not possible to control this visually.