/ / I got fleas in the apartment! What to do?

I got fleas in the apartment! What to do?

Fleas in the apartment! What to do? Only without panic.At all there is a government, and on the fleas - even more so! In this article, we suggest you learn some secrets of how to get fleas out of an apartment. Read carefully!

fleas in the apartment what to do

What are they dangerous?

Fleas are parasites that not only annoyto us and our pets, sucking blood, but also are direct carriers of diseases dangerous to us (for example, typhus or bubonic plague). Few people know, but it was the fleas who indirectly influenced the death of millions of people in the Middle Ages!

That is why you need to treat this problem.in all seriousness. If you have these parasites in your apartment, take immediate action! What kind? We will find out a little later, but now we will tell you how to notice the presence of fleas at home.

How to notice them?

Basically, detect the presence of fleas in yourapartment is not some impossible task. Examine your body: every bite of a flea does not disappear without a trace. At the place where they bite, redness appears, unbearably itchy for several days. In addition, your pet will constantly itch, gnawing convulsively into various parts of its body, and also jump up from the spot with completely dazed eyes. These facts indicate that there were fleas in the apartment.

how to get a flea out of an apartment

What to do if there are fleas in the apartment?

First, remember that manual combat with theseInsects are not easy! The fact is that these creatures can go for a small, but very significant trick: they lay their eggs in the hair, in the wool, while they themselves leave this place, hiding, for example, behind a plinth, in upholstered furniture or in the carpet - and remember, what was the name! Here they are - fleas in the apartment!

  1. What to do at the very beginning? Of course, save your pet from fleas! To do this, purchase in the pet store the appropriate tool.
    fleas in the apartment how to fight
  2. Then you need to carefully process allavailable surfaces: carpets, furniture. Use all the same insecticides against fleas. Note that the most effective products are based on perrin, which are part of the preparations for the fight against cockroaches and ants.
  3. Treatment for fleas should occur in two stages. The first time we get rid of their larvae and adults, and the second time - from all the parasites that survived during the first treatment.

Professionals rush to the rescue!

"Помогите! У меня блохи в квартире!What to do? "- such a cry of the soul can be expected from many housewives who do not know and do not want to know how to deal with these parasites on their own. It is to help such people and special services for the provision of disinsector services.

If you for one reason or another cannot or do notIf you want to spend your efforts on self-treatment of the premises from these parasites, call specialists. This is a ready-made solution to a sore problem! Experts know firsthand what fleas are in an apartment, how to deal with them, and what to do to prevent their future occurrence.

Disinsectors use state-of-the-art flea (and other insect control) methods and give you one hundred percent guarantee for a successful result of their work.