/ / How to remove fleas from a house or apartment

How to remove fleas from a house or apartment

A nuisance happened - your favorite pussy,walking down the street, picked up the fleas and brought them home. Not only the poor bitten animal, so the insects also attacked the hosts! And what to do, how to remove fleas from the house? Consider all the options in more detail.

how to get fleas out of the house
If you find yourself in this house attacklike fleas, keep in mind that you need to get rid of these parasites as soon as possible. Insects breed very quickly, so if you miss the time, then you can start moving around the apartment solely on stools. And this will not help, because fleas are able to jump to a height of one and a half meters.

To begin, consider the popular advice on how to remove fleas from home.

First of all, wash everything thoroughly, especially the baseboards, and sanitize the carpets - usually in them the adults lay larvae.

And most importantly: before you begin to remove fleas in the house, you need to destroy them from your pet, who has brought the infection into the house, and take care of prevention, for example, buy a special collar.

For scaring fleas recommend usewormwood, its pungent smell is able to scare away not only them, but also other parasites. But wormwood can not destroy harmful insects, so it is more likely to be suitable for preventive measures after the fleas are bred.

flea remedy in the house
Another recommended plant is Caucasian.chamomile, pyrethrins contained in it are able to completely destroy the parasites. True, there is one significant disadvantage - to completely get rid of fleas, you will need an incredible amount of this plant. Therefore, sometimes using this method is not very convenient.

So, it remains to fight with special drugs. Consider ways to remove fleas from home with the help of chemicals.

"Dichlorvos" - perhaps the most commonflea remedy. Of course, it is undesirable to use it in the house due to strong toxicity. But if you don’t have to choose, be sure to follow all safety measures, otherwise you can get acute poisoning or even death.

How to remove fleas from home with"Dichlorvos", there is nothing difficult. The plinth, corners, floors, walls, etc. are carefully sprayed with the directed stream of the preparation. Processing is carried out in a tightly closed room. 3 hours after the procedure, the apartment or house must be carefully ventilated.

how to deal with fleas at home
In no case can not use such a drug to kill fleas on animals, they simply can not transfer this procedure!

В настоящее время существуют препараты, которые made on the basis of pyrethroids (very toxic substances for insects). Such tools are safe for humans and animals. These drugs retain their effectiveness for up to 30 days. But it is best to repeat the processing room in two weeks. The fact is that when deciding how to deal with fleas at home, many forget about insect larvae, which are very resistant to the effects of various poisons. Re-treatment will help to completely destroy the newly hatched parasites.