/ How to prepare gladioli for planting in spring

How to prepare gladioli for planting in spring

Gladiolus in its beauty and grace does notinferior to roses. A variety of varieties and colors are crazy for lovers of these flowers. Elegant and original, they look great in a bouquet and decorate their gardens with flowers. Truly royal flowers are easy to grow if you know how to prepare gladioli for planting.

how to prepare gladioli for planting
Many know that often gladioli are exposedvarious diseases, and it starts with bulbs. The quality and quality of the planting material directly affects the decorative and flowering of plants. Beginners should know how to prepare gladioli for planting.

In the late autumn bulbs are dug from the bed,dry (roots do not remove!) and hide in a dark cool place until spring. To plant gladioluses in our latitudes is taken in mid-April, when the earth warms up a little. In early spring, approximately 25 days before the appointed time, the bulbs are removed and prepared for planting.


Preparation of gladiolus for planting includes:selection of quality planting material, cleaning it from covering dry areas, processing bulbs with means for preventing diseases and accelerating the growth of future plants.

preparing gladioli for planting

Before preparing gladioli for planting,examine the source material. It's no secret that a strong bulb grows from a large bulb. But with the correct planting and subsequent care, even from small ones, you can grow flowers no worse. Large bulbs are usually cut in half between the tubercles with sprouts - they then rejuvenate, and the plants grow well. The cut sides are sprinkled with ashes.

Before planting, the bulbs are soaked inwarm, but not hot water for 30-40 minutes. Next, they are well dried and folded dry enough in a box in a row. The room where the gladiolus bulbs stand before planting should be dry, otherwise the plants will prematurely germinate. For 20-24 days on the bulbs should appear sprouts - the future plants. If any bulb is not visible and there are no tubercles, we discard this material.

growing gladioli from bulbs
When the shoots begin to appear on the bulbs, the root system develops, and then it is already possible to plant the planting material in the soil.

Before you prepare the gladiolus for plantingdirectly into the ground, prepare the soil. Gladiolus love loose and soft earth. Therefore, it must be dug up, shoveled the rotten leaves. Selected bulbs are planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other.

Large bulbs planted at a depth of 15-20 cm.If the depth is less, then as the stem grows, the gladiolus can bend, and the plant - prematurely die. In addition, the smaller the planting material is planted, the more children are formed around the bulb. Babies are then grown in a separately designated place, because the next year they will grow flowering plants.

Growing gladioli from bulbs is not difficult. You just need to adhere to the simple technologies described above.