/ / Planting garlic in the fall in the Urals. Planting garlic for the winter on the lunar calendar

Planting garlic in the fall in the Urals. Planting garlic for the winter on the lunar calendar

Garlic is grown, perhaps, in every garden.Of course, this useful and delicious root vegetable is one of the most loved and in the Urals. What are the terms of planting and harvesting garlic in this region, and how to properly care for it? Let's deal with this in more detail.

Winter or spring

It is well known to all experienced truck farmers thatplant garlic best in the fall. In this case, it rises faster, grows larger and better stored. The Ural summer cottagers are no exception in this regard. Therefore, let's talk about how the garlic is planted in autumn. In the Urals, the climate is sharply continental. This means that in winter it is cold here, and in summer there is a lot of heat. Therefore, it is important to plant the denticles at strictly defined times.

landing garlic in the fall on the urals

Together we plant garlic in the autumn. Timing, soil preparation

Plant garlic not earlier than three weeks beforethe onset of frosts. In the Urals - this is the middle or end of October. To observe this condition is really very important. If garlic is planted too late, the roots will not have time to consolidate, which, of course, will affect the yield. You can even orientate yourself with the term, just by weather signs. Some Ural gardeners planted garlic immediately after the first snow. After it has melted, and it will be about three weeks before the real frost. A bed of garlic is traditionally dug a few weeks before planting. This is necessary in order for the soil to shrink. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it somewhere in the middle-end of September.

we'll put garlic under the winter

Lunar landing dates

About when to plant winter garlic, manygardeners prefer to learn from the lunar calendar. It is possible that the phases of the Earth satellite actually somehow affect the growth of plants. Since this year garlic is already planted for all, we will give terms for the next. In 2015, according to the lunar calendar, winter garlic will need to be planted either on October 4-5, or from 12 to 15.

Planting garlic for the winter according to the lunar calendar for the Southern Urals is likely to be optimal in the second term, for the Middle - in the first.

Soil preparation

So, let's put garlic under the winter.First, let's talk about how to properly prepare the soil. With regard to the quality of the soil, the garlic-plant is very whimsical. Therefore, the bed should be fertilized. For this purpose, half a bucket of humus and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and superphosphate per square meter. The bed is best raised slightly above the ground. Garlic is a plant that does not tolerate soil acidification at all. In such areas, the soil must be proclaimed. Garlic in this case will grow much larger and will be much better stored.

Unconventional way of preparing soil

The method discussed above is a traditional andis practiced by most summer residents. However, recently many gardeners-lovers refuse from it. In particular, an experienced gardener, the author of the book "How to effortlessly receive high yields in the garden", advises to prepare beds without digging the soil. He says that it should be lifted with a flat cutter. In his opinion, this makes it possible to significantly increase the yield of such a plant as garlic (in the Urals and in any other region). The fact is that in the section any soil represents a kind of "pie", in each layer of which live bacteria of a strictly defined variety. The roots of plants, and garlic in particular, are arranged in such a way that each part of them is responsible for the absorption of nutrients formed as a result of the vital activity of the bacteria of the corresponding variety. While digging up the soil, the gardener simply violates the structure of the "pie" created by nature itself. That, in turn, leads to a significant decrease in yields.

when to plant winter garlic

Seed preparation

Planting garlic in autumn in the Urals (as well as in anotherregion) will be successful only if seed selection is correct. It is best to plant it with teeth of large or medium size. Before laying to dry, the heads are carefully inspected. All suspicious - rotten, damaged by insects or sick - are thrown out.

We'll put garlic under the winter: rules for dislodging denticles

When planting, it is important to prevent thickeningplants. Lunks make a depth of four centimeters, at a distance of 20 cm in a row and 25 centimeters between rows. When using such a scheme, it can be guaranteed to obtain very large and juicy garlic. If there are not enough places on the site, you can plant plants more often. In this case the rows are also made 25 cm wide, between the plants they leave about ten centimeters of free soil.

After the bed is wrapped up, heryou need to carefully pour. Before the most frosts, it should be covered with fallen leaves in a layer of 10-15 centimeters. In the spring (as soon as the soil warms up), this layer is removed by rakes. Usually under it you can already see sprouted garlic feathers.

landing garlic for the winter on the lunar calendar

Loosening and watering

Thus, we have found out howplanting of garlic in autumn in the Urals. Now let's talk about how to properly care for him. Pour garlic approximately once every ten days in May, June and early July. The plant does not tolerate a surplus of moisture at all. After watering, the bed should be carefully inspected. If the tops of some garlic are bare, they should be sprinkled with earth. Reduce the frequency of watering can be, zamulchirovav garden with a two-centimeter layer of humus. In this case, you can not even carry out loosening. The last procedure for garlic is generally not desirable. The fact is that when loosening, the upper roots of the plant are uniquely damaged. As a result, it begins to lag behind in development. If you turn to the lunar calendar, then in particular it is undesirable to perform loosening in the new moon. That is, on May 18, June 16 and July 16.

Water the plants stop about three weeks before harvesting. In the Urals, this is about July 25-30, as roots grow ripe around July 15.

How to fertilize garlic

Planting garlic and caring for it will not be successfulin the event that it is improper to make top dressing. The first time garlic is fertilized in the spring, a week after the snow comes down. The soil is poured with a solution of urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). The flow rate is 2-3 liters per 1 m2. The next feeding is done in two weeks. In this case, use nitrofosque in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water, two to three liters per 1 m2. The third feeding is done in the middle of June. The soil is poured with a solution of superphosphate (2 tbsp per bucket, 4 liters per 1 m2.)

The introduction of fertilizers is necessary only in thatIf the soil on the site is poor. On fatty soils, chemicals can be replaced with bacteria. To ensure their livelihoods, the compost is additionally added to the bed. It is believed that this method allows increasing yield.

According to the lunar calendar, fertilizing plants for 2015 is best from 5 to 12 and from 18 to 26 April, from 5 to 11 and from 19 to 25 May, from 3 to 9 and from 16 to 24 June.

garlic in the urals

When to harvest

Thus, we have found out when to plantwinter garlic. Now let's take a closer look at the timing of the harvest. Everyone knows that garlic produces arrows. They must be deleted. The fact is that they take a lot of nutrients. If you leave them intact, the yield of garlic will fall dramatically, and the heads themselves will grow small. Arrows pinched at a height of 10 cm from the soil level. One or two should be left.

Subsequently, from developed bulbochek it will be possiblegrow single-edible garlic. In addition, according to their development, it is possible to judge the timing of harvesting. Root crops are excavated immediately after the film covering the bulblets bursts. This period, as well as the time of planting in the fall, is not to be missed in any case. Gathering garlic on time means to ensure its 100% shelf life. In the overripe garlic, a film is torn on the head, and the denticles are scattered. Such fruits will not last long. After a while the teeth will dry up.

together we put garlic in the autumn terms of soil preparation

Cultivation of garlic from bulbock

Planting garlic in autumn in the Urals can beis produced not only by teeth, but also by bulbs. This method is good in that it helps to prevent the degeneration of the culture. In order to get bulbots, on several bushes you need to leave the arrows. They rip them off immediately after the spirals of the shooter are fully straightened. Next, the material is tied in bundles and hanged to ripen to the attic. From the arrows the bulbs are separated immediately after the stem has dried. Plant them in the soil in the Urals in the middle of October, as well as the teeth.

The next year they will growgarlic-single-handed. In July they are dug and laid out to dry, and in October they are again planted in the soil. From this material at the end of the second year it will also be possible to obtain single-edged, but much larger ones. For the third year, unusually large heads of varietal garlic grow from them. Thus, growing garlic from the teeth and bulb simultaneously, it is possible to prevent the degeneration of this plant.

How to store garlic

Some tricks of planting garlic for the winter are younow you know. However, it is important not only to grow a good harvest, but also to save it in the winter. You can store garlic in spits, or in nets or even kapron stockings. The main thing is that the temperature of the air in the room does not rise above -1 degrees. In room conditions, garlic very quickly begins to germinate, losing some of its taste and useful properties. When stored in a city apartment in four months, the nutritional value of root vegetables will be halved. In eight months the useful qualities will disappear completely. The teeth usually lose their characteristic odor.

In the event that the opportunity to put garlic inthere is no cold room, you just need to restrict air access to it. For example, the head can simply be folded into jars or boxes, pouring in layers of flour. Its upper layer should have a thickness of at least 2 cm.

tricks of planting garlic for the winter

Principles of crop rotation

We hope, now you understand, whenplanting garlic for winter (according to the lunar calendar and with a reference to the weather). For two consecutive years on the same place, garlic can not be grown. Firstly, yields are significantly reduced, and secondly, plants begin to get sick more often. Plant garlic in its original place can not be earlier than five years from now.

Very well this plant develops in thatcase, if it is planted where before zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, peas, beans, sorrel or salad have grown. The main thing is that the soil is sufficiently loose and not depleted.

How to choose a grade of garlic

Of course, for growing in the MiddleUrals should choose only zoned and specially selected for this region varieties. To such, for example, you can include: "agate", "amethyst", "granite", "vyatsky", "azure", "nasus". The latter have the largest heads. All these varieties are included in the state register of selection plants that are allowed to use.

Thus, we have found out when in the fallIn the Urals, garlic is planted and how to take care of it. This is a simple matter. The main thing is to stand the terms and observe the rules of watering and feeding.