/ / How to make the crate under the metal tile with your own hands: step by step instruction

How to make the crate under the metal tile with your own hands: step by step instruction

Обрешетка – это система, которая используется в as a basis for mounting metal. The frame must consist of boards of the same size. It is important to comply with other recommendations of the technology of its installation, because the design will be an important element of the roof and will ensure its durability and integrity. The cladding can be called the foundation of the roof and the guarantee of the peace of the owner of the house, which can be achieved with a reliable and properly secured system.

Preparation of boards

how to make a crate for metal

Before making a crate undermetal, you should prepare the boards. Their parameters (even in one batch) may differ slightly in thickness. In practice, it turns out that the units of production will have a thickness of 25 to 35 mm, when the supplier specifies a parameter within 30 mm. Such a deviation can be called a habitual phenomenon, and more accurate dimensions only for planed and calibrated boards. However, if you arrange a crate for metal from this material, the budget will increase several times.

Determination of the pitch of the wire

how to properly make a crate for metal

Если вы, как и некоторые владельцы частной real estate, wondered about how to make a roof lath under a metal tile, then you must decide on the distance between the elements. One step will be influenced by the type of coverage, or rather, the profile. With what remoteness from each other to fix boards, you can learn from the manufacturer's instructions of the covering material. To determine this parameter, measure from the lower edge of the starting board to the upper edge of the one that follows it.

Если перед вами встал вопрос о том, как сделать crate under the metal tile, you should know that the distance between the starting and the following elements should be less. The distance between the boards will also be influenced by the slope of the slope, as well as the width of the overhang of the roof beyond the frame of the frame. The impact on the calculations will indicate the presence or absence of a drain. Its linear dimensions may also cause changes in values.

If the drainage is attached to the frontalthe board, then you need to add about 30 mm to the ledge. An important parameter is also the diameter of the gutter for drainage. If its value is 90 mm, the protrusion will be different from the diameter of which is 120 mm. You can measure the width of the protrusion of the covering material from the frontal board to the cut of the rafter system. The slope of the slope at the same time will depend on how much the sheet metal should be released to get the desired result.

When the builder has a question abouthow to make a crate under the metal, he should know that no way you can make a mistake in the calculations. After all, if this happens, it may lead to the wrong location of the batten, the elements of which will not coincide with the installation points of the screws.

In order to determine the step between the firsttwo planks, you should put the rule on the truss system, then measure the distance between the upper edge of the first wave and the lower part of the sheet metal, it will make a mark. The rule at the next stage extends to the length of the sheet, it is necessary to attach a square to the frontal board and mark the point where the projection should be. A line is drawn from the edge of the frontal board to the marked level.

The thickness of the bottom plate should be done morerest, it will eliminate the sagging edge of the covering material. If you are faced with the task of how to make a crate under the metal tile, then you should pay attention to the step of the shear wave of the material. These values ​​will be equal. But between the first and next boards it must be maintained a distance of 230 mm. If the shear wave spacing is increased to 350 and 400 mm, then you will need to remove the first two boards from each other by 280 and 330 mm, respectively.

The sequence of actions when installing the frame system

how to make a crate under the metal step by step

Before you make a crate undermetal tile, you must prepare the timber for rafters. Its minimum size is 50x150 mm. For the battens are prepared boards 25x100 mm. If the system will provide for a contra-grill, then it will need a 25x50 mm board. The step between the rafters should be equal to the limit of 600 to 90 mm.

Стартовая доска должна находиться вдоль карниза, it is important to prevent her from speaking for the overhang. Many novice masters are wondering about how to make a crate under the metal, step by step, you can study this process if you read the article.

The distance between the elements is chosen asThis way, the distance from the plank beyond the eaves is 50 mm less than the distance between the other planks. Make sure that this option has been selected correctly, you can still on the ground. To do this, two trim boards are parallel to each other, and then they are covered with a piece of covering material. This will determine the length of the protrusion to ensure water flow.

Если выступ окажется слишком длинным, то это will cause water overflow beyond the edge of the gutter. With a short ledge, the liquid will flow between the frontal plate and the gutter. The long protrusion also contributes to the deformation of the canvas under the weight of icicles and snow. If you also were among those who thought about the question of how to make a roof crate under the metal tile, then you must prepare a tape measure to perform the marking. It is necessary to act at the same time from the first board that goes to the eaves.

На следующем этапе следует зафиксировать ridge planks. Wind should be located above the crates. Its height is between 35 and 55 mm. These values ​​correspond to the height of the profile of the roofing material. To simplify the work of fixing the skate in the right place, you must arrange additional boards, the cross section of which will be 25x100 mm. Additional elements should be fixed in the place where the chimney goes.

Mounting brackets

how to make a roof crate under the metal tile

Before you start laying sheetsmetal, should be fixed brackets. They are necessary for fastening the gutters to them. Between adjacent brackets, a pitch in the range of 500 to 600 mm should be maintained. Brackets must be installed at both edges. They are fixed in such a way as to ensure the slope of the chute is 3 °. To verify this value, use a cord and building level.

Pre-installed cornice strip,located on the eaves overhang. After installing the brackets you can start nailing the bottom board of the batten. An eaves strip is fixed to it, while it is important to ensure the overlapping of the lower edge with the edge of the gutter, which will ensure condensate drain from the strip into the gutter.

When you can refuse crates

how to make a crate under the metal Monterrey

К продаже представлена самонесущая metal tile, the shape of which allows the installation of sheets without pre-installation of the batten. Each product has stiffeners, which are formed by pressing. This makes it possible to produce sheets whose width reaches 4 m. At the same time, the metal does not bend, and the panel retains its stability.

It is easy to install, and fixation is carried out.on the rafters, the distance between which should be such that it was possible to join the sheets in these places. Mounting is also allowed on the counter lattice. The cost of this material is much higher, it is less common today. In this regard, the installation of a traditional metal tile will be a better option for the roof.

The difference of metal "Monterrey"

how to make a crate under the metal Monterrey

Before you make a crate undermetal tile "Monterrey", you need to familiarize yourself with its main differences. Among others, the possibility of using this material for roofs with a slope that exceeds 14 ° should be highlighted. Reinforced roof system is not required, because the weight per square meter is less than 5 kg. The thickness of the board under the metal can be equal to the limit of 27 to 35 mm.

Crate for "Monterrey"

how to make a roof crate under the metal tile

Before working to ensure accuracyit is necessary to calibrate the elements. Systems should not be continuous. If a step greater than 10 cm is maintained between the rafters, it is necessary to use boards of a more impressive thickness for the framework for roofing.

Если вы задались вопросом о том, как правильно To crate under the Monterrey metal tile, you should take into account the generally accepted cross section of elements, which is usually 25x100 mm or 32x100 mm. This is true for boards. If you plan to use bars, then their section may be 50x50 mm. For the lowest element, this value should be about 15 mm more. The minimum value is 10 mm and is equal to the height of the transverse wave.

Instructions for installing the first element. Step definition

The first element is installed in parallelthe bottom, because of its correct location will depend on the evenness of the first sheet of tile. If you decide to make a crate under the metal tile with your own hands, then you must calculate the step between the elements taking into account the length of the transverse wave, which is different for different models of metal tile. Usually the required distance between the boards reaches 350 mm. Only the second should be laid, departing from the first about 280 mm.


В тех местах, где располагаются дымоходы, ендовы, and also along the perimeter of the dormer and dormer windows, it is necessary to arrange a continuous crate. The last element is selected taking into account the height, which will be equal to the trimmed sheet of the profile. The latter should not sag during installation.