/ / Dahlias perennial: planting and care, features and photos

Dahlina perennial: planting and care, features and photos

Dahlias are the original decoration of any flower garden. Thanks to the beautiful shape of the petals and the rich colorful palette, these perennial flowers have won sincere sympathy and love all over the world.

Description of the flower

In the cultural floriculture of the dahlias, a perennial,planting and caring for which give flower growers a real pleasure, has more than 10 thousand species, differing in height of the bush (from 20 cm to 1.5 meters), the shape of the petals and their coloring. The stem of the flower is hollow, used to store water in ancient times. The root part is a large cone-like tuber, attached to the root neck with the vegetative buds present on it.

dahlia perennial planting and care

In the home-grown dahlias, a perennial,planting and caring for which do not require a lot of time - an absolutely unpretentious plant. An important factor that ensures its active growth and rich flowering is the correctly selected soil composition. Optimal option is a loose garden land, preferably with an admixture of sand. It is not recommended too nutritious soil, which causes active build-up of green mass, which negatively affects the abundance of flowering.

Dahlina is a perennial planting and care for whichdo not give special difficulties to even novice growers, it feels comfortable in a well-lit place, not blown by drafts. The plant has the property to grow in width, so when planting adjacent crops, you should consider this feature.

How correctly to germinate tubers?

Many beginning flower growers are worried by the question: "How do the dahlias grow perennially?"

dahlias perennial planting and care photo
Planting and care (photo colorfully transmits a brightattractiveness of the flower) will justify themselves under the condition of purchasing quality planting material. When breeding tubers the latter is required before planting to germinate. To do this, you need to excavate a shallow trench on the site, put the tubers separated into varieties into it, cover it with earth and cover it with a film, thus forming a small fellow. After 2-3 weeks, when green shoots appear on the tubers, the film can be removed and covered only for the night or with the expected frost.

Tuber division

With the appearance of the first shoots of the tuber plantit is required to divide. Why is it not recommended to plant a bush entirely? First, the division of tubers helps to rejuvenate the plant and increase its protective properties. Secondly, when planting the whole root, a large number of sprouts are awakened, which will cause a strong thickening of the future dahlia bush, as well as stretching and thinning of the stems. Thirdly, this operation promotes the propagation of the variety.

dahlia perennial planting and care storage

Cut the tubers so that each parthad a piece of a neck with 2-3 eyes. From one plant, you can get from 3 to 10 shares, suitable for planting. They are recommended to be treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Parts of the roots should be slightly dried, then sprouted in sawdust or immediately planted in open ground. Correctly implemented planting as a result will give a chic plant, loved by many growers. This dahlia is a perennial.

Planting and caring for flowers will be successful withcorrectly conducted precondition operations. It is required to excavate shallow holes that are filled with compost or humus mixed with earth. The approximate time of landing is the beginning of May. If frosts are observed during this period, the plants should be covered with plastic bottles or other suitable material. Tubers should be planted to a depth of not more than 7 centimeters. For high plants, it is necessary to provide a support, which is desirable to establish when planting the flower. The first shoots will appear quickly enough; bloom the plant will begin in July and will please bright colors until the frosts.

Reproduction by cuttings

A fairly common method isreproduction of dahlia by cuttings. For this, germination of tubers should begin in January, using a container with sawdust under the planting. In March-April, after reaching 5-7-centimeter length, they should be carefully broken off or cut with a knife. It is best to take root and give stronger branch shoots cut at the base with part of the root neck.

dahlia perennial planting and care description

The resulting cuttings must be planted infilled with moist soil tanks, which cover with glass or film until the moment of pecking sprouts. As containers it is better to use close plastic pots or cans. The lack of space contributes to the formation of compact thick tubers, of which in the future will grow high-quality dahlias (perennial).

Planting and care, storage - necessarycomponents of the full cycle of cultivation of these elegant flowers, which can also be propagated by the seed method, the most used in breeding work. It also suits for stunted varieties. Seed sowing is carried out in March-April in boxes with a sand-peat composition (3 to 1). The escaping shoots should be dived, and in open ground to determine after the end of spring frosts.

dahlias perennial planting and flower care

Daisy for many years: planting and care

Description of care for dahlias is reduced to servinginformation on such components as timely removal of weeds, regular watering and top dressing. In June, the plant is recommended to feed urea, in July - with diluted manure, in August - with phosphate-potassium preparations. If there is an excessive amount of green mass, part of the lower leaves should be removed, providing access to sunlight to the base of the stem. This action is necessary for good ripening of the roots for the purpose of their high-quality storage.

To water a flower it is necessary moderately, after allOvermoistening of the soil can lead to decay of roots and their death. Water delivery is recommended to be done every 5 days. To avoid stagnation of moisture to the plant before planting, it is necessary to ensure good drainage.

In the first half of summer, tall plantsit is recommended to patsy: remove sprouts forming in the leaf axils. The number of plucked stepsons depends on what flowers are planned to be received. If large - you should remove most of the stepsons. To obtain a medium size, remove the sprouts formed up to a height of 30 cm from the soil surface.

plant dahlia perennial planting and care

Preparation and storage of tubers

Daisy for many years, features of planting and carewhich is of interest to many flower growers, is a fairly thermophilic plant, so it will not be able to overwinter in the conditions of the domestic climate. Immediately after the wilting of the stems and the onset of the first frost, it is recommended that the tubers (all the nest) be excavated along with the shoots cut to 15 cm in length. Stems can be filled with accumulated rainwater, which should be poured to prevent decay of the tubers. The latter is required to dry a few days in the air, cleanse the ground, remove rotten ones. After that, put in a box, sprinkle with peat, sand or sawdust and store in a cool place at a temperature of at least +10 aboutFROM.

Diseases and pests

Dahlina is a perennial planting and care for whichare quite a pleasant occupation, can be affected by aphids and slugs, spoiling the appearance of the plant and eating her shoots and leaves. Against aphids garlic infusion or insecticides are effective. To avoid the appearance of slugs, it is not recommended to strongly thicken the planting, creating for them an optimal moist environment. It is desirable to sprinkle rows with copper sulfate or ash. Also, a dangerous pest is the twig, which likes to crawl inside the plant at night and gnaw out buds in it. In order to prevent its occurrence once a week, flowers must be treated with decoction of celandine or wormwood.

 dahlia perennial features of planting and care

As for diseases, dahlias are amazed"Black leg", causing the blackening of the stem and the further death of the flower. If signs of this disease are found, the soil should be poured with a 1% solution of manganese. In order to prevent planting dahlias should be made into a decontaminated soil.

Daisy in landscape design

Here is this wonderful plant - dahlialong-term. Planting and caring for her should be done in a timely and high-quality manner, and then the result of the work will certainly please you. Flowers are effectively used for the design of landscape design. The plant looks original both in solitary cultivation, and in group compositions. Low-grown varieties are attractive in curbs and mixborders, suitable for growing in containers, on alpine slides, terraces and balconies.

dahlia perennial planting and care

Dahlias are flowers that respond well to caring and love. With quality care such plants will bloom to the very cold and disperse the longing of autumn cloudy days.