/ / Cosmey is a perennial. Planting and care

Cosmic for many years. Planting and care

Cosmee is familiar to almost everyone.The sight of its bright colors immediately reminds of summer. The plant came to Russia from Mexico, where, incidentally, it still enjoys incredible popularity. Note that the plant does not get along well in warm climates, but also in the northern regions of our country.

cosmetizing perennial
In general, cosming is simple and very beautifula plant that occurs quite often in our gardens. The genus includes more than two dozen species of both annual and perennial cold-resistant plants. Typical thin peduncles, refined threadlike leaves and beautiful inflorescences in the form of a basket - these are the main features of cosmece. The plant blooms in summer and autumn. Let us consider in more detail what the long-range cosmos is.


This process can not be called too complicated, butit has its own nuances. Cosmoea perennial is often grown on lawns and flower beds. It is rarely used as cut flowers, but such cases do occur. Also, low-growing varieties are grown on balconies in pots. The plant is resistant to cold, photophilous. Cosmee is considered unpretentious. She landed directly in the open ground in the spring season. In pots grown annual species, using land mixture with the addition of sand and peat. The mixture is fertilized with minerals. If everything is done correctly, very soon you will be pleased with the beautifully blossoming fresh cosme.

cosmea cultivar photo
Planting and care

What is necessary to ensure that in summer youflowering pleased lush cosme? Planting and caring (photo plants in the article) will bring the gardener only positive emotions, if you follow certain rules of planting and reproduction of the plant. It is better to plant it in the open sun under mild climate conditions. In the hot summer, however, it is better to plant a shade in the penumbra. It does not tolerate a low temperature, unless it creates conditions for it (ground must be covered up). In summer, the long-haired cosmonaut needs regular and abundant watering.

In general, care of the plant is reduced toregular irrigation and soil loosening once a month. If you do not forget to water and weed the cosmos, the result of the labors will be a lush and strong plant, which will shade the flower bed, and make the overall appearance of the garden incredibly beautiful. If the soil contains a sufficient amount of fertilizer initially, it can not be fertilized again. In cases where there is little fertilizer, it is necessary to make an additional portion at the beginning of flowering (appearance of buds).

cosme landing and leaving photo
Buds that have faded, cropped. This stimulates the appearance of new inflorescences and gives cosmetically a well-groomed appearance.


The plant is propagated by seeds that canto maintain germination for several years. Often it happens that the sprouts are thickened. In this case, it is better to thin them. The beginning of flowering - in July, the end - in the period of the first frosts. In autumn, the stems are cropped close to the soil surface. If you leave large faded buds, you can get the seeds.

One of the main advantages of the plant -resistance to pests. Sometimes, after touching the perennial, aphids are affected. It can also suffer as a result of heavy rains. If the rains are mild, and the gardener is rightly taking care of her, beautiful beauties will surely please him. Varieties (photos are three different) - very diverse. Each of them has its own characteristics, which should be read individually.