/ / Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis and their features

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base and their features

The most important stage of repair is updatingwalls. And the options for this are more than enough: painting, wallpapering, liquid wallpaper, wax coating, Venetian and decorative plaster. But, despite the assortment of offered technologies, the most common and, perhaps, accessible way of decorating the walls are wallpapers. And the most optimal option is considered vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis.

vinyl wallpaper on non-woven basis

What is non-woven fabric?

There are vinyl wallpaper on nonwoven and paperbasis. Duplicating base "fleece" is a cloth containing in its composition cellulose fibers, in itself it does not represent a special variety of texture. An effective pattern for these wallpapers provides a duplicate vinyl cover.

On the strength of vinyl wallpaper on non-wovenbasis out of competition. They have such properties as elasticity and strength. Walled with such sheets, the walls do not lose their original attractive appearance even as a result of a crack in the wall. Vinyl wallpaper on vinyl is not subject to deformation and successfully withstand high humidity in the room. In addition to all other qualities, they have a beautiful soundproof property.

how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base

Rules for gluing wallpapers

Procedure accompanying the processrenovation of walls, the same for gluing all kinds of wallpaper. Although you need to know how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, you need to consider their remarkable properties:

1. Preparation of walls.No wallpaper, even the most expensive, will not look decent without the smooth surface of the walls. Therefore, the process of gluing wallpaper must necessarily begin with an equalization of putty.

2.On top of the puttying layer, it is necessary to apply a primer layer. Naturally, waiting for the complete drying of the putty surface. It is worth noting that this stage of work is very important. It is the undercoating layer that will be the guarantor of the strong adhesion of the wallpaper and the wall surface.

3.Preparation of glue, manufactured by modern technology, takes a little time. Typically, the holding time and the ratio of water to glue are indicated on the package. It is best to use glue for such wallpapers with fungicidal additives. They will protect the walls and their covering from the appearance of mold.

4. Next, you need to cut the wallpaper into sheets, given the complexity of the picture and leaving a couple of centimeters in height (you always have time to cut them).

non-woven fleece wallpaper
5. Application of glue.Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base has one more excellent quality: they do not need to be covered with a layer of glue, which prevents accidental damage to the canvas. And also a sheet of wallpaper that has been soaked under a layer of adhesive can be applied to the wall several times if any flaws are found.

6. Using a rubber spatula, it is necessary to expel the remaining air from under the coating, and carefully smooth the edges with a special roller.

7.Gently joining the edges of the cut sheets, the following are glued. The appeared "wrinkles" can be removed by making a small incision with the help of a paint knife and smoothing this piece with a dry rag towards the slot.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

Превосходные качества, коими обладают обои на basis of non-woven, will allow for a long time to admire the appearance of the transformed walls. In addition to being resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, this coating is easily laundered from dirt and dust. If, however, the moment of necessity to change the wallpaper still occurs, it is probably only because of the desire to change the design of the room. But in this case it will be possible to limit the painting of the walls. After flizeline wallpaper can withstand up to 7 colors.