/ / Wallpapers "Palette": assortment, reviews

Wallpapers "Palette": assortment, reviews

Perhaps no repairs, despite the hugea variety of materials on the market, does not do without wallpaper. A huge number of manufacturers around the world offer buyers to purchase their wallpaper models in various shades, patterns and textures. But today we will get acquainted with the Russian producer and his products under the name "Palette". We learn the opinion of users about the wallpaper of this company and talk about the assortment.

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About the manufacturer

In the suburbs, inRailway, for more than ten years now the largest factory for the production of Russian wallpaper "KOF Palitra" is operating today. Every year the factory produces millions of rolls of wallpaper. On one huge territory of the factory there are a production building, the area of ​​which exceeds six thousand square meters, warehouses for materials, raw materials and finished products, as well as other production premises and office buildings. The factory began to be born in 2000 and in 2002 the first roll of wallpaper was produced.

Now the factory has sixautomated lines for the manufacture of vinyl wallpaper with the ability to combine two types of printing at once: silk screen and deep. Every year the factory carries out modernization of production facilities.

wallpaper palette in the interior

Factory production

Wallpaper "Palette", produced in production,differ in purpose, format and type of basis. They are produced on non-woven and paper basis. And as the top coating is used foamed vinyl or hot stamping. Patterns of many articles of wallpaper are made in floral motifs, which are always relevant in any room. Wallpapers "Palette" in the interior of the rooms always look original.

Wallpaper, produced on paper basis,absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Such wallpaper do not need special preparation before gluing. And the inexpensive price will allow to make qualitative repair in all house.

Wallpaper "Palette", produced on non-wovenbasis, are dense and elastic. The top cover of such wallpaper is made of materials that keep the shape and structure even when in contact with water. After the glue dries, they do not decrease in size. And with all this, wallpaper gluing reduces only to applying adhesive to the walls, applying wallpaper and smoothing it to remove the air that has gathered inside.

Constant updating of production, the broadest assortment annually make the wallpaper of the factory in demand not only on the territory of Russia, but also in foreign countries.

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The output of the factory comes under fourbrands: "Family", "Home Color", "Prestige Color" and "Palette." Due to this, the needs of buyers in all price categories are fully satisfied.

The quality of the factory's products is also supported by a number of certificates of conformity.

Variety of assortments

Lovers of durable repair will likevinyl wallpaper "Palette". They are very durable and moisture-proof, due to which they well tolerate washing and cleaning. Even the brightest wallpaper will not fade from the sun. Even with prolonged use, the wallpaper looks like new and does not require replacement for a long time. Such wallpaper "Palette" in the interior of the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, dining room, toilet and other premises that require constant wet cleaning - the perfect solution.

For walls with defects and deficiencies a wallpaper with hot embossing is suitable. With the help of this technology, a wallpaper with a realistic and volumetric pattern is produced.

The choice of wallpaper is varied, in the manufactureall current trends are taken into account. Buyers can choose a relief and smooth wallpaper "Palette", monochrome and with a picture. Everyone will easily choose wallpaper for any room, including a nursery for the youngest.

vinyl wallpaper palette

Customer Reviews

A very large number of people chose for themselveswallpaper "Palette". Reviews are also diverse, but most still characterize the products as high-quality wallpaper. Many consumers, having tried Palitra once, prefer to buy only it.

With regard to negative reviews, someusers talk about the smell that appeared after the pasting, but it's not exactly installed, it comes from the wallpaper or from the plaster with glue, because before the gluing the wallpaper does not smell. Or they say that dark spots on the walls are visible through the wallpaper, but in this case it is more likely that the wrong selection of wallpaper is to blame. Constant buyers say that they never met defects and inconsistencies in rolls, but on the contrary, the "Palette" wallpaper falls easily and is perfectly adjusted according to the drawing.