/ / Decorative flowering indoor plants: a list of the most popular, description and features

Decorative flowering plants: a list of the most popular, description and features

Гармонично подобранные обои, мебель и украшения create an interesting and original interior. But the real, lively zest will be the indoor flower in a beautiful pot. It not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also brings a lot of benefit by producing oxygen. Also, growing and caring for flowers will organize you, and beautiful buds will be a reward for all your efforts. The beauty is that indoor plants can even contain a beginner florist. Simply select the appropriate species and varieties. This article will help you learn about the diversity of ornamental flowering plants and find the best for you.

Main criterion

Sometimes the rhythm of life leaves little time for hobbies and even simple household chores. What to do when the soul so wants to surround itself with living plants, but taking care of them can be a problem?

Выход есть.There is a so-called unpretentious group of decorative flowering pot plants. They easily adapt to the conditions offered by this or that apartment, and do not need complex and constant care.

Due to the diversity of species there is the possibilitychoose a plant with an interesting shape of a flower, its color. Some of them are able to delight the whole year with their beauty, which means that even in winter there will be a piece of summer in the room.


Plant with a rather exotic appearance.In the people his name is male happiness, because it is one of the most simple and unpretentious in the care of flowers. It is easy for him to adapt to the climate in the apartment.

decorative flowering plants

To learn a plant is very simple:it has large, wide leaves with a dark green color and an unusual flower. It's all about his form. At first glance it seems that it is saturated, red, but in fact it is a leaf. But the flower is the yellow ear that is above it. Such an unusual and bright accent will transform the room. Bright red pillows or curtains will perfectly suit him.


If you want to decorate the room more gentle anda classic flower, the choice of spathiphyllum is the perfect solution. Do not be afraid of its complicated name: in the care it is simple, and therefore will be an excellent gift to a young couple or anyone who has not previously had experience in growing flowers.

The excuse "I do not survive anything!" He is not afraid, because Spathiphyllum withstands the lack of watering and lack of sunlight.

 ornamental flowering plants names

This decorative flowering plant looks verygently. An interesting contrast of saturated dark green stems and leaves is complemented by a snow-white flower, so reminiscent of callas. Its beauty can be observed all year round.

Hibiscus indoor

The second name of an ornamental flowering plantThis species is a Chinese rose. It has the shape of a tree, so that it has a neat appearance, it is formed from time to time, removing unnecessarily long shoots.

decorative flowering indoor plants

Rose blooms almost the entire year, but veryin an unusual way. First comes the bud. Then a bright flower blooms, but he lives all day. The next day he disappears on his own, and new buds appear in his place.

Hibiscus comes in a wide variety of colors, so you can place several pots at once on one window sill.

Orchid phalaenopsis

This type of decorative blooming indoorplants are loved by many of the fair sex. Orchid very often chosen as a gift, because it combines the beauty of the flower and durability.

In the care of the plant unpretentious, loves slightly shaded places. Perfectly fit the eastern part of the house or apartment.

decorative flowering indoor plants

An unusual detail of orchids is their aerial roots, which are located not only in the pot, but also on top of it. Color flowers may be different.

Saintpaulia (Saintpaulia)

Call her just a violet, and meet suchflower can be in almost any home. This popularity is caused by the simple rules of care and the compact size of the plant, which allows you to place the pot even on a tiny windowsill.

Flowers violet unusual.A very traditional form is complemented by an interesting surface of a large number of villi, due to which it literally becomes fluffy. The color of the flower depends on the variety, but it is always deep and rich.

decorative flowering plants

Do not water the plant directly under the root. Its leaves are prone to the formation of harmful mold, so water is added to the pan, where the pot is, and Saintpaulia itself absorbs moisture.

When the violet is actively flowering, it is watered only twice a month, and the ground in the pot is covered with moss. It turns out something like a fabulous mini-lawn.


Very interesting decorative flowering plant,whose homeland is South Africa. The high humidity of this area allows clivia to grow with us. You can place the pot in any convenient corner of the house.

ornamental flowering plants names

Watering plants can be different, justchecking soil moisture. The main thing is not to create an excess of moisture. Clivia feels completely comfortable even in a small hallway where only artificial lighting is present. It blooms since February. This is a real holiday! Lots of bright orange little flowers, coming together, create a colorful hat.

If a crazy work schedule does not allow you to spend a lot of time on flowers, then clivia is perfect.


Another unusual name is decorative floweringindoor plants. A great option for small window sills or shelves. Primula certainly decorate the room. The plant has rich dark green stems and leaves, and the flowers are bright lemon-colored with an orange heart. Although lately the palette is very rich.

decorative plants

It is better to place the pot in the southern part of the apartment, but to protect from direct sunlight. Excessively dry air in the room does not harm the flower, so you do not need to spray it.

When watering should not be guided by the rule"the bigger, the better". If the moisture is too much, the plant will soon die. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. Primula can bloom all year round and delight with bright colors even on gray days.

Calla ethiopian

Another representative of an unpretentious groupplants. Like spathiphyllum, it will suit lovers of classic and tenderness. Changing the temperature, for example, before the onset of the heating season, will not affect the condition of the flower.

Show all its beauty the plant can already inNovember and will delight eyes until May. Almost all summer calla rests. During this period, it is necessary to water less and not to change the location of the pot, do not disturb him.

ornamental flowering pot plants

From time to time, dead leaves are removed from the flower, in place of which new ones appear.

Decorative flowering plants - salvation from longingand the blues at any time of the year. Rooms need such a vibrant and bright element of the interior. Simple care will not burden the host, and beautiful flowers will cheer up!