Looking at pictures of European cities and seeingplentifully flowering plants on balconies and in window boxes, light up the idea to embody such beauty in yourself. For this purpose, petunia is ideal. Its flowers, depending on the variety, can be any color: simple and terry, small and large, monochrome and variegated, with smooth edges and fimbriated. The choice for today is simply huge.

Growing petunia on the balcony dramatically reduceschoice, as not all varieties can bloom abundantly for a long time. While the plant is young, it looks attractive, but by July shoots are bare, and new ones are no longer formed.
In order not to feel disappointed and not to rush intolooking for a suitable variety, you need to purchase seeds of cascade petunia, for example, the Typhoon series. Of these seeds, unusually powerful plants grow with a lot of solid long branching stems, not hanging down, but growing lateral shoots. Blossoms such petunia on the balcony until frost.
It is desirable to sow seeds in February or at the beginningMartha. On the disinfected moistened soil, decompose them and do not sprinkle them on top. Cover the container with a bag or glass, put on a light window sill. Periodically aerate and moisturize from the spray gun. When the first sprout appears, package (glass) is removed. When three real leaves are formed, the plants should be planted in separate containers.

2 weeks after the pick-up, the firsttop dressing with complex flower fertilizer. Once the roots have mastered the earth clod (to be visible, it is convenient to use transparent cups), the plants need to be transplanted to a permanent place.
Petunia on the balcony should be as high as possiblesunlight. Irrigation should be alternated with top dressing. In a five-liter container it is not necessary to plant more than 2 plants. That plants do not lose an attractive appearance, faded flowers should be periodically removed. If the seeds and ripen, then they will not grow the same plants, because the cascade series are hybrids.
Petunia on the balcony under the influence of wind canbreak. In this case, two options are possible. First: to root off the breakaway shoot (if it is long, it is worth cutting into pieces) in water, and then planted. Second: do not touch it, because the series "Typhoon" differs from others ability to recover.

Petunia on the balcony, the same as in European photos, is the pride of the florist and delight for the eyes of passers-by.