/ / When and how to sow petunia correctly?

When and how to sow the petunia correctly?

Petunia - a magnificent beauty flower,attracting gardeners a variety of their varieties. It can be planted not only in the suburban area, but also on its balcony. In order to achieve such an impressive effect, you need to know how to sow petunia. Then bright shades will not only decorate, but also create a great mood.

how to sow petunia

General: when it is better to sow petunia

There are a lot of varieties in petunia.Sow it is necessary not earlier than in the middle of March. It is this time period that is considered the most optimal: the day is longer and the weather is good. It is very important to know when to sow petunia so that your seedlings are healthy.

Helpful Hints:

  • get a special lamp for lighting, so the seedlings will germinate better;
  • if you want to diversify the variety in order to achieve a more vivid result, first of all you need to plant ampel forms, they need a little more time to settle down;
  • the temperature should be at least 20 degrees, then the hybrids will germinate as it should.

when you need to sow petunia
The modern selection of seeds of hybrids is simply huge.You can find even those that are sold in a special shell. They are quite rare, and they are more expensive. Be sure to specify how to sow petunia in pills - there are some features that you may not know about.

Own grades

Petunia is grown much easier than anyanother flower. If you have seeds from several varieties, time and desire, you can try to create your own look, which will take an honorable place in the landscape. Do not forget to use a special lamp to enhance the effect.

Preparing the soil

Как уже упоминалось выше, петуния очень популярна at summer residents due to its bright appearance and simplicity of cultivation. Just need to consider several rules when planting, then everything will necessarily work out.

how to sow petunia

To understand how to properly sow petunia, specialattention should be given to the soil. It should be moisture-absorbing and friable. In order to achieve the desired consistency, mix sand, humus, land from the garden in the same proportions.

Even in the event that suddenly you decide to buy a ready-made land in a specialized store, it is still desirable to improve it a little. For a flower, a poor base is very bad.

Recipe for 5 liters of soil:

  • perlite, about 250 grams;
  • a bank of ash with a volume of 0.5 liters;
  • potassium sulfate - a tablespoon.

After you combine all the ingredients,mix them in a separate container. When you prepare the container, the bottom should always be laid with expanded clay, and then add the soil itself. Seeds of petunia are very small in size, so the land must be prepared in this way. Due to the fact that there will be lumps, the flower will be able to shoot and breathe. When you look at how to sow petunia, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the acid-alkaline soil balance should be average.

how to sow petunia

How to grow seedlings

Grow sprouts are recommended in a container ofplastic height of at least 10 cm. This is the most optimal option for beneficial growth of seeds. When you fill the boxes, leave an empty seat at the edge, about 2 cm. Thus, you can protect the petunia from drafts. And do not forget that at the bottom must necessarily be drainage holes, otherwise the flower will simply start to rot.

If you take the seeds in a special shell, everything will be much easier. They are less damaged and better germinate.

It is very important to know how to properly sow petunia,so that the flowers are bright and healthy. Seedling can get a "black leg", but this can be avoided even at the initial stage. Just treat the soil with an average solution of potassium permanganate.

Subtleties of landing

how to sow petunia in pills

You learned how to sow petunia and are ready to startto work. The first thing you need to start with a container. Be sure to treat it with an antiseptic. It can be a common solution of potassium permanganate, just do not make it too strong.

Very often during the sowing, snow is used, if you do not have such a possibility, then preliminary the seeds will need to be mixed with sand. This will allow you to distribute them evenly.

If you have drained seeds, the best kind of planting for them will be peat tablets. They have their advantages:

  • quickly impregnated with water;
  • Do not mold;
  • Do not hurt the roots of seedlings.

The most convenient thing in tablets is that according to their coloryou can easily understand whether you need to water petunia or not. The ideal condition for germination of seeds is a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Take care that the room is not overheated and not supercooled, otherwise the seedlings will become susceptible to disease.

Petunia watering

how best to sow petunia

It is very important not to water the flower immediately,as you planted it. Petunia directs all efforts to strengthen her root system, and with abundant watering, she can not do this. It is best to sprinkle it lightly for a few days.

Helpful Hints:

  • You can not water the leaves of petunia, the water should fall just under the root;
  • constantly slightly loosen the soil so that a crust does not form on top;
  • if suddenly the crust appeared, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible, otherwise the flower will not get the proper amount of oxygen.


when it is better to sow petunia

For seed germination, it is very important to hitsunlight. When planting seeds, do not allow them to penetrate deep into the ground. Slightly press them down, this will be enough. So the plant will gain for itself the right amount of light, will quickly strengthen the root system, and the seeds will begin to germinate.

Diving sprouts

When seedlings grow up, it is very important to start a gentle pick. The soil needs to be very gently loosened, so as not to damage the flowers, you can use the usual toothpick for this.

when you need to sow petunia

Pinch the stem in the upper part, aboveleaves. However, you need to do this only with those varieties, in which shoots grow rapidly. For example, if your escape is now 6-7 cm, then you need a pinch. Try to do it carefully, so that during growth your bush becomes wider.

After the transplant, look for petunias to have enough land. Pour carefully, make sure that the soil does not settle.

It is very important that the plant spreads wide,but not in height. After plucking and transplanting, this process must be constantly monitored. The best option at this stage will be to move the tank to a cooler place.

About a month later, your petunia will be ready to go to the greenhouse, flowerbed or decorate your balcony.

how to sow petunia


To understand when and how best to sow petunia,be sure to try it once with your own hands. The process is simple, it is simply important to adhere to the main rules. If everything is done clearly according to the established plan, you can enjoy the beauty of this amazing flower by the summer.

Short Plan:

  • We acquire seeds;
  • prepare the soil (preferably follow the recipe);
  • we treat with potassium permanganate soil to avoid flower diseases;
  • prepare the seeds and plant them;
  • Spray the flower (do not water, but spray);
  • dive and loosen the soil;
  • we put it in a cool place;
  • transplanted to the flower bed.

how to sow petunia

And do not forget that you can always allowexperiment yourself and create your own brand. It is interesting and inspiring. There is nothing more pleasant than to look at a petunia flower grown by yourself.